EPPP Industrial-Organizational
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- Compensatory Tasks
- average contributions of all members of the group represents the group product
- Equity Theory
motivation is a function of the comparisons workers make between their own input/output ratio & that of workers doing similar jobs
if receiving more praise & benefits than a coworker doing equal work, an employee might work harder to obtain equilibrium between his input & output - Disjunctive Tasks
- the judgement or solution of only one member of the group (the best member) is taken as the group product
- Conjunctive Tasks
- performance of the worst performing member represents, or limits, the group's product
- Halo Effect
- when a rater's rating of an employee on 1 dimension of job performance affects their ratings of the employee in other areas
- ways to reduce the halo effect:
- training raters, using multiple raters, rating specific behaviors, using forced-choice & paired comparison scales
- Theory Y
assumes people are industrious, creative, & seek responsibility & challenge
assumes punishment is not necessary to bring about good performance
participative leadership style is best - Herzberg's Two Factor Theory
all people have 2 basic needs:
HYGIENE NEEDS - job context, can cause dissatisfaction
MOTIVATOR NEEDS - job content, can cause satisfaction - Job Enlargement
increasing the variety of tasks performed by a worker (does NOT increase responsibility or challenge)
increases satisfaction but does NOT improve performance - Job Enrichment
increasing workers' responsibility & involvement
increases both satisfaction & performance - Japanese Management Philosophy
lifetime commitment to the employee, emphasizes loyalty
slow career development that may involve trying out different positions
termed Theory Z by Ouchi (1981) - Theory X
McGregor, 1960
assumes workers are lazy, dumb, dishonest, must be coerced & directed, are only motivated by $
aka scientific management approach, views workers as extensions of machines - Critical Incidents
descriptions of specific job behaviors that define successful & unsuccessful job performance
could be in a graphic format, like a Likert scale, or in a checklist format - Leaderless Group Discussion
- used alone or in assessment centers to identify or develop a manager's communication, decision-making, & leadership skills
- Forced Choice Technique
a rater must choose between 2 or more behavioral descriptions that are similar in social desirability
difficult to develop
more useful for obtaining an overall rating, not for giving feedback
developed to reduce rater bias - BARS
behaviorally anchored rating scale
graphic rating scales rating an employee's performance in terms of specific job behaviors (critical incidents)
used for providing employees with feedback about their performance
designed to increase rater accuracy but research is NOT favorable - Most effective strategies for reducing conflict
1. locating a common enemy
2. setting up negotiations between powerful subgroups
3. determining a superordinate goal
Reitz, Behavior In Organizations, 1981 - Maslow's Need Hierarchy
motivation results from 5 needs:
individuals strive to fill lowest unmet needs
related to job level: managers value esteem & self-actualization; non-managerial value lower level needs
derived from his observations of clients, college students, & people he thought were highly productive - Encapsulating Conflict
Reitz, 1981
establishing rules to attempt to settle conflict
may temporarily suppress conflict but won't end it - Additive Tasks
- coordinated efforts of several people add together to form the group project
- Fiedler's LPC Scale
"least preferred coworker": a contingency therapy
measures extent to which a leader describes ineffective subordinates in positive terms
(a high LCP leader says nice things about ineffective workers)
low LPC (task-oriented)is best when situational control is low & high; high LPC (person-oriented) best in moderate situational control
situational control is determined by three factors: leader-member relations, task-structure, and leader position power - Theory of Career Anchors
Edgar Schein
a person's self-concept acts as a stabilizing force, determining future occupational decisions
8 categories of anchors: autonomy/independence
technical/functional competence
general managerial competence
service/dedication to cause
pure challenge
lifestyle - Acquired Needs Theory
McClelland, 1965
used TAT to identify needs underlying job motivation
need for achievement (nACH)
need for power
need for affiliation - ERG Theory
modification of Maslow's hierarcy, by Alderferer, 1972
3 needs: existence, relatedness, growth
can be motivated >1 need at a time, needs aren't hierarchical
people may regress when needs are frustrated
more empirical suport than for Maslow's - VIE Theory
expectancy theory, Vroom
employees will work hard when:
they expect effort will lead to success, they believe success will lead to reward, rewards are desirable(+ valence)
sometimes useful for predicting satisfaction, effort, & job choice - FOR Training
frame of reference training; improves accuracy of performance ratings by providing raters with common performance standards
tends to improve inter-rater agreement - Rational Emotive Model
aka, classical decision theory
compiling all relevant information, investigating all possible solutions, & choosing the best
rarely used due to practical limits - Research on flex time
mixed results: may increase morale & productivity
most consistently associated with decreased tardiness & absenteeism - Needs Analysis/Assessment
- conducted in organizations to identify training needs & determine appropriate content for training programs
- Door-in-the-face Technique
- initially requesting something very large & then when refused, making the request smaller
- Goals of Total Quality Management
improve organizational effectiveness by:
1. maximizing customer satisfaction
2. relying employee involvement (teamwork)
3. making continuous changes - Superleader
- one who purposefully & gradually turns over power, responsibility, & control to a self-managing work group
- Transactional Leaders
believe employee behavior is goal oriented, employees will act rationally to meet goals
use rewards & punishments to control employee behavior
believe a boss should have a laissez-faire style
appeal to the self-interest of their followers - Transformational Leaders
believe each employee will function best if viewed as an individual & given personal attention
motivate workers to achieve transcendental goals that go beyond each worker's immediate self-interests - Holland's Theory of Career Choice
6 personality & occupational types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional (RIASEC)
a highly differentiated person scores high on 1 dimension only
personality/occupational match is most accurate for predicting outcomes of highly differentiated people
job satisfaction, performance, etc are directly related to the degree of congruence between personality & work environment
focuses on knowledge of oneself & of the working world - Donald Super's Life space/life span theory
5 stages encompass life span:
growth (0-14), exploratory (15-24), establishment (25-44), maintenance (45-64), disengagement (65+)
each stage involves a set of developmental tasks (web), mastery of tasks = career maturity
emphasizes the role of self-concept in vocational development & choice
career is viewed as a combination of 8 life roles (rainbow) - Organizational Development
broad approach to organizational change
goal: improve problem solving & renewal processes, through more effective, collaborative management; emphasis on teams
primary targets: people & relationships - Goal Setting Theory
acceptance of goals is more important than participating in setting goals
relatively difficult goals + feedback about progress produces greatest productivity - House's Path-Goal Theory
a contingency theory of leadership
best leadership style depends on the task (ambiguity, structure) & on the workers (traits, abilities)
primary task of a leader is to help subordinates find the best path to organizational goals & connect them to individual goals
styles = directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented - Vroom-Yelton-Jago Model
includes a decision tree to choose between 3 leadership styles (autocratic, consultative, group-decision making)
best choice depends on the situation (time constraints, importance of subordinate commitment to the decision, structure of the task) - Tiedeman & O'Hara's theory of Career Development
considers career identity development to be an aspect of ego identity development
2 career processes: differentiation (maintining uniqueness) & integration (becoming part of a system)
2 career phases: anticipation/preoccupation (exploration, vocational choice); implementation/adjustment (achieving a balance between work demands & own needs) - Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making
people choose careers based on what has been learned through modeling & reinforcement
career development is based on social learning, environmental influences, genetics, learning - Job Burnout
depleted energy, lowered resistance to illness, increased dissatisfaction & pessimism, increased absenteeism & inefficiency
5 stages: honeymoon, fuel shortage, chronic, crisis, hitting the wall
results from unmanaged work stress
the more hours worked, the greater the likelihood of burnout - Criterion Contamination
when raters of the criterion measure know subjects' scores on the predictors
results in inflated criterion-related validity coefficients - Best predictor of job choice:
- interest or vocational aspiration
- Quality Control Circles
goal = improve finished product & level of production
method = increasing workers' responsibility for work & participation in decisions
usually affect only part of an organization - Gender differences in leaders
people turn to male bosses for information & female bosses for support
both women & men prefer male bosses
men are more likely to be directive leaders, women leaders tend to be more supportive - Big 5 Personality Trait associated with successful job performance across all occupations
- conscientiousness
- Realistic Job Previews
providing prospective job applicants with accurate information about a job to reduce overly optimistic expectations
most significant benefit is reduction in turnover - Vroom & Yetton's Normative Model
5 styles of leadership on a continuum: autocratic to complete participation
most effective style depends on the situation & the decision - Graen's leader-member exchange theory
formerly known as vertical dyadic linkage theory
focuses on the impact of the leader-subordinate relationship on the leadership process
in-group employees are seen as competent & motivated; out-group employees as incompetent & unmotivated
style is supervisory for out-group; & leadership for in-group (giving responsibility) - Incentive/Reward Theory
- broader than reinforcement theory and emphasizes the features of the job and work environment that maximize worker interest and satisfaction
- Taylor-Russell tables
used to estimate the % of new hires who will be successful employees, given the validity coefficient, selection ratio, & base rate
when the selection ratio is low & the base rate moderate, a predictor with a low validity can improve decision-making accuracy - selection ratio
ratio of job openings to job applicants
low selection rations (many applications for 1 or a few jobs) are preferred because an employer can be more selective (raise the predictor cutoff score) - base rate
% of employees who are performing satisfactorily without use of the proposed predictor
ranges from 0 to 1.0
moderate base rates are associated with greatest incremental validity