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Pathology chapter 16 Head and Neck Images*


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What is the normal anatomy of a tooth

Schematic representation of the normal dental anatomy and surrounding supporting tissues.

What is demonstrated here

Fibroma. Smooth, pink, exophytic nodule on the buccal mucosa

What is shown here

Pyogenic granuloma. Erythematous, hemorrhagic, and exophytic mass arising from the gingival mucosa

What is shown here

Aphthous ulcer (Canker). Single ulceration with an erythematous halo surrounding a yellowish fibrinopurulent membrane

What is shown here

Erythroplakia. A, Lesion of the maxillary gingiva. B, Red lesion of the mandibular alveolar ridge. Biopsy of both lesions revealed carcinoma in situ

What is shown here

Leukoplakia. Clinical appearance of leukoplakias is highly variable and can range from A, smooth and thin with well-demarcated borders. B, diffuse and thick. C, irregular with a granular surface. D, diffuse and corrugated
What is the clinical, histologic, and molecular progression of oral cancer

Clinical, histologic, and molecular progression of oral cancer. A, The typical clinical progression of oral cancer. B, The histologic progression of squamous epithelium from normal, to hyperkeratosis, to mild/moderate dysplasia, to severe dysplasia, to cancer. C, The sites of the most common genetic alterations identified as important for cancer development
Where does squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity arise

Schematic representation of the sites of origin of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, in numerical order of frequency

What is shown here

A, Nasal polyps. Low-power magnification showing edematous masses lined by epithelium. B, High-power view showing edema and eosinophil-rich inflammatory infiltrate.

What is shown here

Inverted papilloma, the most important of the Sinonasal Papillomas. The masses of squamous epithelium are growing inward; hence, the term inverted

This specimen came from the upper airway. What does it demonstrate

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphoepithelioma type. The syncytium-like nests of epithelium are surrounded by lymphocytes

What is shown here

A, Laryngeal carcinoma. Note the large, ulcerated, fungating lesion involving the vocal cord and piriform sinus. B, Histologic appearance of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Note the atypical lining epithelium and invasive keratinizing cancer cells in the submucosa

What does this picture demonstrate

Diagrammatic comparison of a benign papilloma and an exophytic carcinoma of the larynx to highlight their quite different appearances

What is shown here

Carotid body tumor (Paraganglioma of the neck). A, Low-power view showing tumor clusters separated by septa (zellballen). B, High-power view of large, eosinophilic, slightly vacuolated tumor cells with elongated sustentacular cells in the septa

What do these pictures demonstrate

Mucocele, the most common lesion of the salivary glands. A, Fluctuant fluid-filled lesion on the lower lip subsequent to trauma. B, Cystlike cavity filled with mucinous material and lined by organizing granulation tissue.

What do these pictures demonstrate

Pleomorphic adenoma, or mixed tumor. A, Slowly enlarging neoplasm in the parotid gland of many years duration. B, The bisected, sharply circumscribed, yellow-white tumor can be seen surrounded by normal salivary gland tissue

What do these pictures represent

Pleomorphic adenoma. A, Low-power view showing a well-demarcated tumor with adjacent normal salivary gland parenchyma. B, High-power view showing epithelial cells as well as myoepithelial cells found within a chondroid matrix material

What do these pictures demonstrate

Warthin tumor. A, Low-power view showing epithelial and lymphoid elements. Note the follicular germinal center beneath the epithelium. B, Cystic spaces separate lobules of neoplastic epithelium consisting of a double layer of eosinophilic epithelial cells based on a reactive lymphoid stroma

What do these pictures demonstrate

A, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma showing islands having squamous cells as well as clear cells containing mucin. B, Mucicarmine stains the mucin reddish-pink

This sample was taken from the salivary glands. What does it represent

Adenoid cystic carcinoma in a salivary gland. A, Low-power view. The tumor cells have created a cribriform pattern enclosing secretions. B, Perineural invasion by tumor cells.

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