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At this age, children can understand rules but can easily break them
2 years old, toddler age
Gender identity is actively being constructed by children beginning as young as 18 months of age, by the age 4-5 most children have acquired this gender concept
Gender consistency
Reasons individuals decide to do this include: the desire to care for and rear children, to be altruistc and to help deprived children
Foster children
Children do the following to learn about this: 1)identify own ethnic group (preschool) 2)learn what is distinctive about own ethnic group (school-age) 3)acqire the concept of ethnic constancy (school-age)
Ethnic identity
Studies have shown that in adolescence, ethnic identiy and this are mutually related-high levels of THIS promote positive ethnic identity
Self esteem
Recent research has shown that children reared in gay or lesbian home are as ____ and ____ as children reared in heterosexual homes
Well adjusted and socially competent
Young adults who experience this even in childhood have lower educational attainment, earn less money are more likely to divorce, to have a child outside of marriage and are more likely to be alienate from one parent
Ethnic group is more likely to have obligatory or detached relationships with family member compared to other ethnic groups
European Americans
Major reason that single parent families experience more difficulty compared to two parent family
Less money
Reason why there are more single parents in the African American community compared to other ethnic groups
Lower marriage rate
School-age children acquire ethnic constancy and exhibit group preference usually around this age
This can be terminated by a court if parents demonstrate that they are unwilling or unable to care for children for an extended period of time
Parental rights
Many studies have shown that children reares in this type of family are at greater risk for developing emotional and academic problems
Single-parent families
This includes: period of numbness, protest and yearning, sadness and despair, reorganization
Bowlby’s 4 stages of grieving
Number and proportions of this type of family have increased in all ethnic groups in the US since 1970s
Single parent families
Working parents maintain a strong loving bond with their children when they do this
Arrange daily rituals that give parents and children special time together
This can teach children valuable negotiating skills
Observing marital conflict
Assigning these types of tasks to children gives them to feeling of independence and competence because they can care for themselves
Giving children a part in planning chores, being generous with praise for what children do around the house, and not taking over for children in doing their chores are all ways to improve this
Cooperation in the family
Working parents who are married, experience less stress at work and have more workplace support from coworkers and supervisors usually experience
Positive spillover of happiness
National institute of child health and development studied children’s development and found they this affects children much more than day care
After death parents should express _____ in front of children so that children know that they have permission to grieve
Appropriate amount of grief
Maltreatment of children occurs in this SES bracket more often compared to other SES brackets
Young children think that thei bad behavior and immoral acts can be punished through ____
Children exposed to this experience many of the same negative symptoms of children who are physically or sexually abused
Community violence
When individual identifies with two cultures
Dr driekers, when siblings fight parents should do this
Punish the children the same
When parents begin talkin to children about sex
Toddler/preschool years
Highest group of people that has the highest riske for STDs (next to homosexual men and prostitutes)
Teen girls
Process of dating in adolescence begins with this activity that occurs during school years?
Forming cooperative, respectful and supportive relationships
Age when self-identification as homosexual or lesbian occurs for most individuals
Late adolescence or early adulthood
2ndary sex characteristics develop in children when they undergo this process
Depression is greatly increasing in this group of adults
Men most often have this type of relationship with their adult children
Social and/or obligatory
Occurs between parents and adult children in about 2/3 of families
Pollack proposed that teen boys are pressure to conform to a code: to be strong and tough, to be aggressive and energetic, to achieve status and power and to avoid tender feelings
Boy law
Bullying and victimization occur most often with this age group
School age
When children are afraid to go to bed, Dr. Ferber advises parents to do this
‘deal with the underlying fears related to daily life’
In adult children, Communivation styles, interaction styles, lifestyle habits and personal choices are examples of what causes_____ between parents and children
When teens engage in this activity, they can gain skills that promote problem-solving, responsibility, and understanding people better
Percentage of teens say that they do not like their siblings
These individuals are twice as likely to die in adolescence compared to girls
Galinksy, parents of early adolescents are in this stage of parenting
School-age children have conceptions of 3 feelings which are similar to adults
Loneliness, guilt and shame
Sex difference in fears-these children have more fears than boys
According to Galinsky, parents with school-age children are in this stage
Interpretive stage
Unexplained injuries/torn clothes frequent trips to the school nurse moodiness/depression, and school avoidance
Type of temper tantrum is used by children to influence parents’ actions
Manipulative temper tantrum
Type of play is associated with social competence and peer popularity in boys but abrasive peer relationships in girls
Interactional or rough-and-tumble
Type of play where a child Is involved in a group with set rules, leaders, and followers
Parents of children ages 2-5 are in the stage (according to Ellen galinksy)
Authority stage

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