Neuroanatomy Hypothalamus & Pituitary - Oklahoma (OUHSC) Fall 2006
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- The pineal gland is a part of what structure?
- epithalamus
- Is the pineal gland located on the anterior or posterior aspect of the 3rd ventricle?
- posterior
- What type of cells does the pineal gland consist of?
- Pinealocytes
- Through what structure does the retina project to the pineal gland?
- hypothalamus
- In post-pubertal humans, what is thought to be the primary fuction of the pineal gland?
- production of melatonin for sleep
- If you have a hyperactive pineal gland the onset of puberty will be delayed or accelerated?
- delayed
- What is the thin strip of tissue that connects the two walls of the 3rd ventricle?
- Masa intermedius
- As you age, you get calcium deposits in the pineal gland and choroid plexus, these are called: ____ and it were used to diagnose:
- brain sand, brain injuries like subdural hematoma
- From anterior to posterior, name the three sections of the hypothalamus:
- supraoptic(suprachiasmatic), tuberal, and mammillary
- Name the 4 major inputs to the hypothalamus:
- Septal region, thalamus, fornix, and group 4 (vagal sensory, taste from solitary nucleus, somatic from genitalia/nipples, retinal afferents)
- list the steps from the amigdala to the cingulate gyrus
- Amigdala>hippicampus> fornix>mamillary nucleus of hypothalamus > anterior nucleus of thalamus > cingulate gyrus
- Which three afferents to the hypothalamus are related w/ the limbic system:
- Septal region, thalamus, fornix
- If stalk of Rathke’s pouch doesn’t disappear during development, then what condition can result?
- you can have a duct that drains anterior pituitary hormones into oral cavity
- Which hormones are related to the neurohypophysis
- vasopressin (ADH) & oxytocin
- Diabetes insipidus results in what condition and is caused by lack of what?
- incessant urination & vasopressin
- Excessive vasopressin reduces urination and is called:
- Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH
- Prolactin Inhibiting hormone (PIH) was discovered to be what?
- dopamine
- What is the condition that results in spontaneous lactation called?
- galactorrhea
- If a patient presents with galactorrhea and bilateral vision loss, they most likely have _______
- prolactinoma, (causing compression of optic chiasm)
- beta-lipotropin is a precursor of
- beta endorphins
- which receptors in the hyopthalamus control the release of ADH?
- osmoreceptors
- When light stimulates your sleeping eye, the retinosuprachiasmatic pathway activates what cascade of hormone release that assists in waking?
- release of CRH (corticotropin RH) increasing ACTH, that increases cortisol level from adrenal cortex, which causes increase of epinepherine from adrenal medulla