EAWS MH-60S specific
undefined, object
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- 101.1 State saftey precautions to be observed while pressure refuling aboard ship while rotors are engagaged
a. secure helo with two chocks and inital 4 point tiedown
b. all personel involved must be indocted on procedures
c.all movementfrom one side of the bird to the other will be via the nose
d.refuling shall stop when a spill is discovered and will not start until cleaned up
e. hose shall be connected and disconnected with hose in an evacuated position - 101.2 Identify danger areas of MH6-60S
a.suction from #1 and #2 engine inlets
b.Heat from #1 and #2 engine exhaust
c.Heat from ECS exhaust on right side of A/C
d.Exhaust from left side of A/C
e.Main rotor and tail rotor arcs - 101.3 Discuss precautions of Beryllium
- A cancer causeing agent never touch, grind,sand or inhaleas a dust or splinter in the skin
- 101.4a Discuss NAVOSH programs (Respritatory protection)
- Used to protect personnel from air contaminats by establishing a respritatory program
- 101.4b Discuss NAVOSH programs (Hearing Protection)
- To prevent occupationalhearing loss and ensure auditory fitness for duty in the military and civilian workforce
- 101.4c Discuss NAVOSH programs (sight conservation)
- To establish a program to limit exposure of eye hazards by identification of hazard areas using PPE and training
- 101.5 State warnings to be observed when applying external power
ensure area aroung and under stab is clear.
WOW circuit breaker closed
All switches off/safe
Make sure power cord is not energized - 101.6 Discuss proper use of handholds, steps and walkways
Steps on both sides of A/C just aft piot and copilot are recessed and tail pylon steps are telescoping
Handholds on both sides of A/C in reach for climbingon tops and all walkways are nonskid - 102.1 Discuss S/R equipment Double rescue hook
Primary rescue device all others only used with double hook. Contains two hooks Lg and Sm and one equpiment ring.
Lg hook 3000lbs
Sm hook 1000lbs
Equipment righ 1500lbs -
102.1 Discuss S/R equipment
Rescue strop - Inherently buoyant device used to lift one person at a time into A/C
102.1 Discuss S/R equipment
MEDEVAC litter - A buoyat foldable litter, used to transport injured personnel Red (head) White (feet)
102.1 Discuss S/R equipment
Rescue equipment bag contents - Hoisting gloves,Chem light,Chem light strap(3), Crewman saftey belts,Cable(Chicago)Grip,Hoist quick splice,
- 102.2State components and purpose of LPU-32 life preservers
- Horse collar type preserver, provides 40lbs buoyancy. Contains whistle,sea-dye marker and Chem light.
102.3 State purpose of rescue swimmer equipment
Rescue harness - the rescue swimmer shall wear the harness. Contains knife ,(4) Chem Lights, Strobe light, Shroud line cutter, and (2) MK 124.
102.3 State purpose of rescue swimmer equipment
LPU-28 Rescur swimmer flotation device - Designed to be used w/ helo aircrew helmets, provide storage and Velcro attachment points for the SDU-5E distress light and AN/PRC-125 radio
102.3 State purpose of rescue swimmer equipment
Wet Suit - Thermal protection
- 102.4 Discuss purpose and characteristics of AN/PRC-90-2
- 2 fixed frequencies, beacon or voice modes, water resistant radio carried in aircrew,s SV-2
- 102.4 Discuss purpose and characteristics of AN/PRC-112
- CSAR radio. 2 programmable frequencies and 2 fixed frequencies. used in overland rescue and used with DALS authenticator
- 102.4 Discuss purpose and characteristics of AN/PRC-149
- rescue swimmer radio
- Define the acronym HABD and its purpose
- Helicaptor Assisted Breathing Device provides 1-3 min of breathable air to aide in egress
- 102.7 Describe aviators night vision imagining system
- A goggle that provides 40 degrees field at 20/40 vision. enhances night vision by amplifing ambient light
- 102.8 Describe purpose of sv-2b survival vest and LPU
a SV-2B containes ann survival gear and up to 5 pounds of optional gear. contains flares, smoke,and various survival equipment
b. LPU-21 is for flotation and is attached to the SV-2B - 102.9 State conditions that require anti-exposure suits
Anything under 50-degree water temp/32 degree outside wind chill/dry suits are required.
b used to protect aircrew in extreme cold weather - 103.1 explain the reason why electrical power is required for folding the tail
- power is for indexing the tail rotor blades to keepthe blades from catching wind and spinning
- 103.2State the restrictions for folding the main and tail rotor pylon
- Do not fold if winds over 45 Knots
- 103.3State the position of the Stabilizer during tow/park of a helo
- Slewed to 0 degrees to maximize view
- 103.4State tiedown fittings on the MH-60S
One on each main landing gear hub
One high point above the strut on each side
Two more fittings on the aft transition section above the tail wheel on each side - 103.5State ground receptacle locations and proper procedures for grounding
Main locations are on the port side of transition section.
Procedures Ground to bird - 103.6State procedures and cautions for A/C jacking
Engage tail wheel lock pin
ensure wheels not being used are chocked
Ensure overhead is clear
Ensure jack is positioned under jack pad
Minimum of one person per jack - 103.7Explain why tiedown deflection of blade tips should be 6-12" from static
- To prevent damage from excessive tightening of tiedownor wind flapping
- 103.8 Identify the personnel required for an A/C move
2 wing walkers
1 tow tractor driver
1 Saftey observer
1 director
1 Brake rider - 103.9 State importance of a whistle during a move
- To increase reaction time to stop the move
- 104.1 State the purpose of a Hydraulic Patch Test
- To ensure the cleanliness and purity in the hydraulic system
- 104.2 State the purpose of the Blade Inspection Method (BIM)
- To provide means for inspecting the nitrogen pressure in the spar
- 104.3 State the purpose of conducting Flight Control system rigging
- To bring flight control perimeters into straight level flight, as set by the factory
- 104.4 State the purpose of a tactical paint scheme
- to reduce visual detection by matching reflection of operational surroundings
- 104.5State two methods of locking and unlocking tail wheel lock pin
- Manually and Electrically
- 104.6State the factors that affect helicopter flight
Lift: Counter acts the force of weight causing the helo to rise
Weight: Force of gravity pulling helo downward
Drag: Friction of air pushing on the helo
Thrust: Counteracts the force of drag causing helo to go foward - 104.7State the factors that affect rotor blade lift
- Increasing the pitch of the blades creating a high-pressure area on the lower side of the blade and a low-pressure area on the upper side creats lift.
- 104.8State the location and purpose of the main rotor head dampners
Between each spindle and hub
Purpose to reduce the lead and lag of the main rotor blades and absorb main rotor head start load - 104.9 Explain how flight controls affect flight
A Collective stick: Change pitch of main rotor blade, increase or decrease lift
B Cyclic stick : changes the angle of the rtor disk,controls foward aft and lateral movement - 104.10What must be done for effective helo corrosion prevention
- A/C must be washed every 7 days at sea and every 14 on shore
- 104.11State two areas which require attention during corrosion inspection
- Gear boxes, Avionics
- 104.12State approved cleaning materials and methods
A/C cleaning compound Mil-C-85570 Type I or II
Heavy Dirt 1 to 1
Light Dirt 1soap to 9 water
Clean from bottom to top - 104.13State purpose for emergency reclamation procedures
- To salvage components and to remove by priority
- 105.1 State type and model of engine used in MH-60s
- T700-GE-401C front driven modular turbo shaft engine
105.2 Defing Acronyms
Ng -
Digital electronic control
Electronic sequencing unit
Hydro mechanical unit
Load cycle fatigue
Load demand spindle
Gas generator speed -
105.2 Defing Acronyms
Power turbine speed
rotor speed
compressor discharg pressure
Power available spindle
compressor inlet temp
turbine gas temp - 105.3 State three diffrnet air sources for engine start
Outside air ( Huffer)
Engine cross bleed - 105.4 State the purpose of the Inlet Partical Seperator(IPS)
- To prevent foregin particles from entering the compressor. Provides clean air to the engine
- 15.6 State five main componete of the H-60 power Train
Main transmission modules
Drive shafts
Olier coller
Intermediate gearbox
Tail Gearbox - 105.5State the purpose of the Hover Infrared Suppression Syster(HIRSS)
- Reduce gas exhaust radiation and line of sght hot surfaces
- 105.7State primary and secondary function of the main transmission system
Drives and supports main rotor;drives tail rotor
Drives electrical and hydraulic units - 105.8 State purpose of chip detectors used
Detect metal chips in the gearbox and send a signal to the cockpit to indicate such
the chip is fuzz burn of, for the fine shavings that get attached - 105.9 State purpose of APU
Provides air for engine start
Provides air to the ECS
Provides power for emergencies and backup pump - 105.10 State purpose of APU acumulator and two methods of charging
The accumulator is serviced with fluid and nitrogen, when APU start is slected hydrualically fluid is sent to the APU starter for APU start.
To charge use backup pump and manual hand pump - 105.11 State the purpose of the history records/ counter
Engine conditions
Time Temperature Indea
LCF1( Critical Mechanical Stress)
LCF2( High Thermal Stress) - 105.12 State types of fuel the T700 use and their recstrictions
JP-5 Primary fuel (NATO F-44)
JP-8 flashpoint to low for shipboard use (NATO F-34)
JP-4 Restricted fuel (NATO F-40) - 105-13 State conditions that would require an engine compressor cleaning
Low engine power
60 hour inspection - 105.14 State goals of Vib/Analysis
- to increase useful life of componets and structure by maintaining vibration levels within established practical limits
- 106.1 Define Ohm's Law: I=E/R
- The current(I) in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage(E) and inversly proportional to the resistance(R)
- 106.1 Define Thermocouple
- Ajnction of two dissimilar metals that produce voltage when heated
- 106.1 Define Frequency
- Number of cycles of alternating current per second measured in Hz
- 106.2 Describe Alternating Current(A/C) and Direct Current (D/C)
A/C current which constantly changes in amplitude and which reverses direction at regular intervals
D/C Flows only in onedirection and that number of electrons flowing past a point in a circuit in one second determines the amplitude of current - 106.3 State output of A/C Generator
115 Volts a/c
3 phase
400 Hz - 106.4 State purpose and location of A/C battery
under co-pilot seat
24volts-dc ni-cad battery, power source of APU - 106.5 Describe diffrence in Contunity and Voltage test
Contunity- Makes sure there is no breaks/shorts in wire
Voltage- checking for required voltage -
106.6 Discuss purpose of testing equipment:
Digital Multimeter
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) -
Digital Multimeter- measures voltage , amperage, and resistance ohms also diode check
TDR- Identifies how far (in feet) if there is a short/break in wire. - 106.8 State diffrence between barometric and radar altimeter
Barometric reads A/C from sea level
Radar reads from A/C from terrain - 106.9 Explain operating characteristics of Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
Self activated by 5-G force or turned on by switch
Sends out distress signalup to 100 miles with search A/C at 10,000ft -
106.10 Define following acronyms:
Embedded GPS Inertial Navigation System
Ultra High Frequency
Very High Frequency
Multi Function Display
Heads Up Display -
106.10 Define following acronyms:
Communication System Control
Downed Aviator Locator System
Identification Friend or Foe
Automatic Flight Control System - 107.1 Define Pyrotechnics
- Items that produce effect by burning, and are consumed in the process. Also produces a bright light for illumination or colored lights or smoke for signaling
- 107.2 State the purpose and burn time of MK 80 MOD 0 signal Flare
- Downed aircrew use as a distress-signaling device. Upon activation a red star is propelled upward to a height of between 250 and 650 feet and burns for a minimum of 4 1/2 seconds
- 107.2 State purpose and burn time of MK 124 MOD O signal
- Used as a day of night signal by personnel on land or sea. It has two sides one for day (orange Smoke) and one for night (Red Flame)Both last approx 20 seconds
- 107.2 State purpose and burn time of MK 25 MOD 4 Marine location marker.
- Launched from A/C to provide day or night refrence points for marking the course of enemy submarine in antisubmarine warfare operations. Smoke and Falme last for a peroid of 10 to 20 min
- 107.2 State purpose and burn time of MK 58 MOD O Marine location marker
- Launched from aircraft to prodive day or night, long burning refrence point marking on the ocean surface for 40 to 60 Min
- 107.3 State the purpose of explosive handling PQS and certification
- To set guidlinesfor weapons certification for all personnel dealing with explosives
- 107.4 Explain purpose of Conventional Ordnance Discrepancy Report (CODR)
- provide a standard system for reporthing malfunctions or induced defects involving live ordance
- 107.4 Explain purpose of Explosive mishap Report (EMR)
- A report that applies to explosive incidents involving conventional ordnance
- 107.5 State the purpose of the Naval Ordnance Maintenance Management Program (NOMMP)
- It issues policies, procedures and responsibilites for activities supporting or preforming airborne weapons maintenance
- 107.6 Explain the condition for A/C grounding during weapons load and unload
- The A/C shall be gounded such that the resistance between the A/C and the ground shall be 10,000 Ohms or less
- 107.7 State the purpose of a stray voltage check.
- Operational check used to determine the possible existance of an undesired voltage.
- 107.8 State the purpose of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Unit.
- Personnel with special training to render ordnance safe.
- 107.9 State the purpose of the hazards of electromagentic radiation to ordnance.
- The functional characteristics of electrically initiated ordnance cause hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance.
- 107.10 State the 3 categories of HERO susceptibility.
1. Hero Safe
2. Hero Susceptible
3. Hero UnSafe -
108.1 Define the following acronyms:
Nap of Earth
Instrument Flight Rules
Visual Flight Rules
Search and Rescue
Combat Search and Rescue
Night Vision Display - 108.2 Discuss the sections of a passenger brief
-Survival Equiptment (proper wearing and use)
-Entry/exit procedures
-Emergency procedures - 108.3 State the capacity of a cargo hook
- 8000lbs
- 108.4 Discuss fast rope method for insertion and extraction of troops
- Method of rapidly inserting troops into areas where helicopters cannot land. Max of two when attached to rescue hook or 6 when attached to fries bar.
- 108.4 Discuss following method of inserting and extracting troops: McGuire
- MEthod used when the helo cannot land Limit two lines deployed and one troop per line
- 108.4 Discuss following method of inserting and extracting troops: Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction
- Method used when helo is unable to land. Limit of eight troops on SPIE rig at a time
- 108.4 Discuss following method of inserting and extracting troops: Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC)
- Method used to insert troops anda Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC/Tethered Duck)into over water areas.
- 108.5 Discuss factors to be considered for rescue swimmer deployment.
number of survivors
location of survivors
visible injuries
flotation devices inflated/ not inflated
parachute entanglement problem
sea state
fuel/debris in water
sea preadators
rescur order - 201.1.2 State function and location of the wire strike protection system
- To protect helo incase of contact with wires. System has seven cutter blades to cut and deflectors to deflect wires.
201.1.3 Discurr location and function of flight controls
Cyclic stick
Collective stick
Rudder pedals -
Cyclic: Change pitch of main rotor blades increasing or decreasing lift Located beside pilot
Collective: provides foward aft and lateral movement of A/C Located center stick
Rudder pedals: Controls helo heading, changes pitch of tail rotor blades to turn A/C Located pilot feet - 201.5.1 What caution should be observed while dealing with the Rescue Hoist
- Has CAD installed do not maintaine with CAD installed
- 201.5.1 What caution should be observed while dealing with the Flight controls
- Activation of the backup pump while personnel is atop A/C might move flight controls causing injury or death
- 201.5.1 What caution should be observed while dealing with the Tail Pylon
- Keep clear of tail pylon wind gusts could blow it out of control
- 201.5.2 State saftey precautions that must be observed when operating the Main Rotor Head, Tail rotor, Stabliators
Enter A/C at the 3 or 9 o'clock position only.
Could dip low enough to cause injury or death
Do Not move stabwith battery, will depleate power. Make sure personnel are clear while moving