Geology 101 USC
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- methods of correlation
a.) same type of rocks
b.) same types of fossils - Geologic Time Scale
1. Eons 2. eras-consist of three
3.periods-eras are subdivided into periods, 4.epochs-divided into smaller units from periods - def of halflife
- half of the nuclei in a sample to decay
- most commonly used isotopes for dating
C14-N14 - precambrian
- Theoried of orgin of life-something that is able to reproduce itself
- def of marine sediments
- it has the nutrients for life and thres continual circulation of liquids: early fossils found in marine rocks
- Early paleozoic era
- cambrian, ordovician, silurian periods
- cambrian paleograhphy
- extensive flooding of the cont. (transcontinental Arch)
- Cambrian Biota
A.) Algal (carbonate) deposits
B.) Cambrian Biota - Ordovician Period
- Earliest Fish, Corals, crinoids, blastoids, starfish, trilobites, "age of Graptolites" cephalopods
- Silurian Period
- Algae, coral, crinoids, trilobites, brachiods, pelecypods, gastropods (snails) cephalopods, euryterids, first primitive land plants
- Devonian Period
- 1st good land plants, sea 1st primitive amphibians, wingless insects "age of fish"
- Mississippian Period
- "Age of Crinoids"- become index fossils, sea
- Pennsylvanian Period
- "Age of Insects" abundant plants in coal swamps amphibians very diversified, numerous fresh water fish
- def of unconformable
- there is an interruption in deposition, where you have a gap in time or an interruption
- def of disconformity
- the type of unconformity is parallel to the other rocks. You don't know how much time is missing.
- def of angular unconformity
- the rocks are lifted angularly
- def of nonconformity
- igneous and metamorphic rocks on top of sedimentary rocks
- what does conformable mean?
- no interruption of deposition
- def of correlation
- matching rocks of similar age from places that are separated
- def of mesas
- table-looking quite large
- def of relative dating
- placement of rocks in a relative order from which they formed
- def of weathering
- mechanical weathering is dominant
- def of yardands
- elongated ridge produced by wind blowing on surface
- greatest amt. of erosion:
- during storms
- reminants from erosion
- buttes, mesas, and yardangs
- what produces tides?
- gravity (attraction b/t the Earth, sun and the moon)
- why extinction?
- a meteorite hit the Earth, changed climate drastically, dust, dirt in the air.
- wind deposits:
- loess and dunes
- Stream Transport Mechanisms
- Solution Transport, Suspension Transport
- All types of Orithschian
- Iguanodon, Corythosaurus, Stegosaurus, Protoceratops, and Oviraptor
- All types of Saurichia:
- Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Scolosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus Rex
- 5 types of dunes:
- Barchans, Transverse dunes, Longitudinal dunes, parabolic dunes, and star dunes
- Anatomy of a wave
- crests, troughs, wave height, wave length, and wave period
- Characteristics of Floodplain Deposits
- Natural leaves, back swamps, vazoo tributaries, alluvial fans, deitas, and placer deposits
- Characteristics of Infiltration Capacity
- Intensity, and length of rainfalll, Prior wetness of soil, slope of land, and Vegetation cover
- Cretaceous Period
- Flowering plants, many new mammals, dinosaurs abundant, most modern types of marine invertabrates now evolved. many types of plants and animals become extinct. All of Dinosaurs become extinct
- Definition of Laminar Flow
- How the water flows within the channel. When the water flows in smooth paths.
- Definition of Longitudinal Profile
- starts with the head waters and ends with the mouth. Increases discharge.
- Def of Infiltration Capicity
- The amount of water that runs off the sheet flow. How much sinks in.
- Defintion of Alluvium
- any stream deposit
- Defintion of Erosion
pick up things from bottom and carry it.
Velocity is very important - Dinosaurs
- Battle of the bones, evol. of dinosaurs, Ornithischia, and Saurichia
- Factors effecting the edges of shorelines:
- Waves, Tides, Ocean Level Rise of Falll, Rock Types and Distribution, Geomorphic Features Already there before becoming a shoreline
- Friction:
- at the bottom, faster ones in the back catch up with the ones in the front
- Jurassisc period
- Jurassisc paleography, Jurrasic biota, first mammals, reptiles now adapted to land sea, and air. flying reptiles, ancestors of birds. Archeopterix, Proavis
- Mesozoic Era
- Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous Periods
- Methods of wave erosion
- Impact, Hydraulic pressure, Abrasion, and Solution
- Running Water: Characteristics
- Travel, Irrigation, Energy, and Flood Plains
- Stream Erosion Mechanisms
- Lifting, Abrasion, pottholes will result
- Definition of Sheet Flow
- When rain comes down it runs down hill
- Things that control velocity
- Gradient, Shape size and toughness of channel, Discharge, and Changes in downstream
- Triassic Period
- Triassic Biota, many conifers, amphibians, rule of reptiles, first dinosaurs, marine reptiles
- Turbulent Flow
- In an erratic way
- Types of Alluvium Deposits
- Channel Deposits
- Water deposits
- Alluvial fans, Bahadas, Playas
- Water erosion cause:
pediment:low angle erosional surface in front of mountain front
Inselbergs: like icebergs erosional reminant of mountain range - Wave motion
- The "wave form" moves, not the wave itself
- Waves get taller:
- they break and start moving forward
- What are the characteristics of the Hydrolic Cycle?
- Evaporation, condensation, Transportation, Precipitationo, Ground water, Transpiration, and Runoffs
- What is the definition of Evapotranspiration?
- Combination between evaporation and transpiration from plants.
- What is the definition of Infiltration?
- When the water runs off into the ground. (forming rivers)
- What is the definition of a stream?
- any channelized flow or any size.
- What is the definition of the hydrolic cycle?
- Unending circulation by the Earth's water supply powered by the energy of the sun.
- Whats are Rills?
- Tiny channels
- def if deserts and winds
- an area of low precipitation occupied by little vegetation
- def of Braided Channels
- a lot more sediment that the stream coud pick up and carry
- def of Floodplain Deposits
- where the stream will flood into
- def of Meandering Channels
- Stream deposits that are on the inside of bends.
- def of Urbanization:
- Paving, Building roads cities, etc. As you keep urbanizing, the greator the flood. The paving and building cut off the infiltration.
- def of a Wave
- Undulation of the water's surface
- def of a shoreline
- contacts between continents and oceans.
- def of absolute dating
- precise measurment of age
- def of buttes
- produced by winds blowing on rocks, weathering occurs
- def of dunes
- pile of sand, produced by wind blowing
- def of loess
- blanket of silt deposited from suspended load after thousands of years
- 5 principles of relative dating
- original horizontality, superposition, cross-cutting, inclusions and fossil succession