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Helsinki Accords
1975. DETENTE at work. wrote an end to WWII by legitimizing the Soviet-dictated boundaries of Poland and other E. European countries. Soviets signed agreenments guaranteeing more liberal exchanges of people and info between west and east and protesting certain basic human rights
Gerald Ford
1973- VP. Spiro Agnew resigned for taking bribes. 1974 - P. after Nixon resigned for Watergate. Pardoned Nixon
Rachel Carson
"mother of modern conservation movement". 1962 - "silent Spring" - exposed the poisonous effects of pesticides
Gideon v. Wainwright
1963. all defendants in serious criminal cases are entitled to legal counsil
1972. forbade all discrimination on the basis of gender
War Powers ACt
1973. Reaction to Vietnam. required the P. to consult with congress before committing troops, or send an explanation of his actions within 2 days
Jimmy Carter
1977 - President. Camp DAVid accord, Panama canal treaties and SALT II. less american reliance on foreing oil
Camp David Agreements
Carter + Israeli + Egypt presidents 2 Camp David for peace talks. signed a treadty ending their conflicts. both presidents received Nobel prizes but the treaty was soon undermined
John Dean
cooperated with the prosecutors. Nixon fired him. testified that Nixon was involved in covering up Watergate
1972-1974. Dealed with the bugging of democrat offices by the Republican Committee for the Re-election of the President, CREEP. Would eventually expose Nixon's dirty tricks. led to resignation of Nixon
Henry Kissinger
Nixon's National security Advsisor. Helped with detente
Richard Nixon
President - 1968. Republican. "silent majority"
Nixon Doctrine
Detente. Beat the Kremlin through negotiations.
George Mcgovern
1972 - Democratic Presidential candidate. supported activist groups.
Pentagon Papers
1971. Detailed blunders and deceptions of Kennedy and Johnson presidencies
Arab Oil Embargo
1973. Due to the fact that Am. had supported Israel against Syrian and Egypt. caused a business recession - inlation
Engel v. Vitale
1962. prohibited prayers and bible reading in public schools by invoking the 1st amendment - separation of church and state
Title IX
1972. prohibited sex discrimination in any federally assisted educational program or activity

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