Sci Term
undefined, object
copy deck
- Aden, adenos
- gland
- aer
- air, gas
- agogos
- leading, promoting the flow, expelling
- agra
- a taking, catching, painful seizure
- aisthesis
- feeling, sensation, perception
- aitia
- cause
- ake, akme
- point, tip; highest point of
- akousein
- to hear
- akros
- at the end, summit, extremities
- aktis, aktinos
- ray, light rays for chemical effects
- algos, algeos
- pain
- allos
- other, different, external, foreign
- amblys
- dulled, blunt
- amnion
- the innermost membrane enclosing the fetus
- Amoibe
- change
- amygdale
- almond, tonsil
- amylon
- starch
- aner, andros
- a man, male ; stamen of the flower
- Angeion
- vessel, a case
- Anthein
- to blossom, to break out, erupt
- anthropos
- man, a human being
- antron
- cave, cavity, sinus
- arachaios
- ancient
- arche
- the beginning, orgin, primitive
- argyros
- silver
- arteria
- "windpipe", vessel, artery
- arthron
- joint, juncture of bones, sound in speech
- askos
- a leather bag, bladder
- aster, astron
- star
- -aster
- pertaining to structure or origin
- astragalos
- anklebone, ball of ankle joint
- atlas, atlantos
- the first neck vertebra
- autos
- self, by itself
- auxein
- to increase
- axanein
- to grow
- ba- (be-)
- to go , walk
- basis
- a walking, that on which one steps or stands, foundation, base
- bakterion
- a little staff, rod, bacteria
- ballein
- to throw, toss, put
- bole, bolos
- a throw
- metabole
- change
- baros, bareos
- weight, pressure
- barys
- heavy
- bathys
- deep, inner
- bios
- life
- biosis
- a living, way of living
- blastos
- bud, shoot, sprout, embryonic cell
- blepein
- to see
- blepharon
- eyelid
- boule
- will, wish
- brachion
- arm, upper arm
- brachys
- short
- bradys
- slow
- branchia
- gills
- bronchos
- windpipe
- bryein
- to be full, swell
- chaite
- hair
- chasma, chasmatos
- cleft, opening
- chasis
- seperation, division
- cheilos
- lip
- cheir, cheiros
- hand
- chiasma, chiastos
- crossed, decussation
- chloros
- green, yellow
- chole
- bile, gall
- chondros
- granule, cartilage
- chorde
- gut-string, sinew, cord
- choreia
- dancing
- chorion
- skin
- chroa, chroma, chromatos
- surface of the body, skin; colour of the skin; colour
- chronos
- time
- chrysos
- gold; yellow
- chy-; cheein
- to pour
- chymos; chylos
- something poured, fluid
- choane
- funnel
- dakryon
- tear
- daktylos
- finger, toe
- deein
- to tie
- desmos
- band, bond, ligament
- delta
- a greek letter, of triangular shape
- demos
- country, land; people of a country
- dendron
- tree, branced structure
- derma, dermatos
- that stripped off; skin, hide
- diaita
- life, way of living
- didymos
- twofold, twin
- -didymus
- twin
- diktyon
- net
- dipsa
- thirt
- diskos
- disc
- dolichos
- long
- dosis
- a giving, dose
- doteos
- to be given
- dromos
- a running, course
- dynamis
- power, active force
- echein (Sch-, Isch-)
- to have, hold; hold fast, keep back, suppress
- eidos, eideos (ID- to see)
- that seen, form, shape
- -iod
- like, in shape of
- idea
- appearance, mental impression, thought
- elektron
- amber, electricity
- elytron
- cover, sheath, the vagina
- emeein
- to vomit
- emetos
- vomiting
- enteron
- the within, the intestine
- Ergon, ergasia
- work, functioning
- Eros, erotos
- love, lust
- eyrthros
- red
- ethmos
- sieve, strainer
- ethnos, ethneos
- race, nation
- eurys
- wide, broad
- gala, galaktos
- milk
- gamos
- marriage
- gametes, gamate,
- husband, wife
- ganglion
- a mass of nerve cells, a small hard cyst or swellingq
- gaster, gastros
- belly, stomach, the bulging fleshy part of a muscle
- ge
- earth
- Gen
- to become, be produced, be born
- genesis
- being produced, coming to being, origination
- genos, geneos
- breed, race, kind
- genea
- stock, decent
- genys
- jaw, cheek
- geneion
- chin
- geron, gerontos
- old man, old person
- gera, geraos
- old age
- geusis
- taste
- glaukos
- gleaming; sea-green, gray
- glia
- glue
- glossa, glotta
- tongue
- glykys, glykeros
- sweet, sugar
- gnathos
- jaw
- gnonai
- to know, judge
- gnosis
- a knowing, knowledge
- gone
- generations, seman, seed; offspring
- gonia
- corner, angle
- gony, gonatos
- knee, joint
- graphein
- to draw, write, inscribe
- gramma, grammatos
- something drawn or written, mark, record
- gymnos
- naked
- gyne, gynaikos
- woman
- gyros
- cirlce, ring, turn
- haima, haimatos
- blood
- hairein
- to take, grasp
- kathairesis
- destruction
- hals, halos
- salt
- haptein
- to fasten, fasten upon, attach; to grasp, seize, touch
- (H)apsis
- joining juncture
- haphe
- the sense of touch
- hed-; hid- (his-,hiz-)
- to sit, to cause to sit, to place
- hedra
- sitting place, anus, base, side
- helios
- sun
- helix, helikos
- something spiral shaped, a coil, a snail
- helkos
- sore, ulcer
- helmins, helminthos
- worm
- helos
- nail, nailshaped, callus, corn
- hemera
- day
- henai
- to send going, send, let go
- enema, enematos
- a sending in
- paresis
- a letting go; paralysis
- katheter
- the sent or let down; a tube for passage of fluids
- hepar, hepatos
- liver
- herpes, herpetos
- a creeping; spreading blisters
- herpeton
- a creeping animal, especially snake or reptile
- heteros
- other, different form
- hidros, hidrotos
- histos; histion
- tissue, web
- hodos
- road, way, path
- holos
- whole, entire, all
- homalos
- even. level, flat
- homos, homoios
- like, the same as, equal
- hormon, hormonos
- setting in motion, arousing exciting
- hyalos
- glass
- hydor, hydratos
- water, fluid
- hydrops, hydropos
- dropsy
- hygieia
- health, soundness of mind or body
- hygros
- wet, moist, fluid
- hyle
- wood, matter
- hymen, hymenos
- skin, membrane of vagina
- hyoeides
- like the upsilon, U shaped, bone at base of tounge
- hypnos
- sleep
- agrypnos
- sleep;ess. wakeful
- hypsi
- on high, aloft
- hypsos, hypseos
- height
- hystera
- womb, uterus
- Iaesthai
- to heal
- iatros
- one who heals, physician
- iatreia
- healing, treatment
- ichthys
- fish
- idios
- own's own, peculiar
- ikteros
- jaundice
- iris, iridos
- rainbow
- is, inos
- strength, muscle, fiber, tissue
- ischion
- hip-joint
- isos
- equal
- isthmos
- a narrow neck or passage
- kainos
- new
- kainotes
- newness, NOVELTY
- kakos
- bad, disordered, abnormal
- kal(l)os
- beautiful
- kaylx, kalykos
- covering, shell, circle of sepals of a flower
- Kamptos, kampylos
- bent
- kardia
- heart
- karkinos
- crab. cancer
- keras, keratos
- horn, horny tissue, cornea
- kineein
- to move
- kirrhos
- tawny, orange, yellow
- klaein
- to break, destroy
- klados, klasma, klasmatos, klon
- that which is broken off, a piece, branch or twig and sprout
- kleiein
- to sheathe, close
- kleistos
- close
- kleis, kleidos
- a means of closing, a bar, a key the clavicle
- kletoris
- the clitoris
- klinein
- to bend, turn . slope; make recline, lean, lie down