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Experiential Family Therapy


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Family Sculpture
Each family member arranges the others in a meaningful tableau.

This portrays each person's perceptions of the family in terms of space, attitude, and posture.

Can be used to depict past scenes which would depict family life.
Family Art Therapy
Each family draws pictures of themselves as a family.

This uncovers rules and roles in family.
Family Puppet Interviews
A family member uses puppets to make-up a story.

This is a vehicle for expression and for highlighting conflicts and alliances.

Mostly used w/ children.
Role Playing
Based on the premise that experience, to be real, must be felt and exposed in the present.
Gestalt Therapy Techniques
Empty-chair work done to intensify emotional experiencing by bringing memories into focus and by acting-out suppressed reactions.

Intervention done when a significant family member is not present in the session.
Satir attempted to help families become aware of
...unwritten rules that retard growth and maturity.
The experiential family therapist believes that change resides in
...non-rational therapeutic experience.
The goal of experiential family therapy is to...
...encourage individuation and personal integrity for family members and at the same time help the members evolve a greater sense of famly belonging.
Styles of communication under stress (according to Satir)...
Satir tries to help the family member:
1. Speak for himself
2. Accept differing opinions
3. Say what they see, think, and feel in order to bring disagreements into the open.
Experiential family therapists goal:
...helps to catalyze the family's drive towards growth and the fulfillment of the individual members potential.
Experiential family therapists goal... to maintain, simultaneously a sense of togetherness and healthy separation and autonomy.
Assessment Procedures
Unstructured; search for suppressed fellings and impulses that block growth and fulfillment
Key Methods of Intervention
1. Confrontation to provoke self-discovery
2. Self-disclosure by therapist models desired behavior.
3. Exercises (e.g., family sculpting, family reconstruction) to uncover previously unexpressed inner conflicts.
Satir contended that the way the family communicates reflects...
the feelings of self-worth of its members.
Satir believed human beings have within them...
...all the resources they need to flourish.
A difference between Whitaker and Satir:
Whitaker's approach reflected his psychoanalytic beginnings, while Satir's revealed her debt to Carl Rogers and the humanistic movement's striving for fulfillment and self-actualization.
Satir's approach and Whitaker's approach.
Satirs approach: Build self-esteem and self-worth. She viewed her task as helping people gain access to their nourishing potentials and to use them effectively.

Whitaker's approach:
To bring enlightenment. He sought a growth-producing experience.

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