Psychology 2
undefined, object
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- neurotic disorder
- usually distressing but allows one to think rationally and function socially
- generalized anxiety disorder
- continually tense, apprehensive, and in a stae of autonomic nervous sytem arousal
- delusions
- false beliefs that may accompany psychotic disorders
- dissociative disorders
- conscious awareness becomes separated from memories, thoughts and feelings
- oedipus complex
- sexual desire for mother and hatred for father. boys feel lurking fear of punishment perhaps by castration from their father, penis envy
- personal control
- our sense of controlling our environment rather than feeling helpless
- reciprocal determinism
- the interacting influences between personality and environmental factors
- psychotic disorder
- one loses contact with reality, experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions
- phobia
- persistent irrational fear and avoidance of a specific situation
- thematic apperception test (tat)
- a test to get people to express their inner feelings
- anal stage
18-36 months
sphincter muscle and bladder, toilet training - repression
- banishes arousing thoughts from consciousness
- learned helplessness
- hoplessness a human learns when unable to avoid repeated events
- projective test
- personality test designed to trigger projection of inner dynamics
- sublimination
- people channel their unacceptable impulses into social activities
- latency stage
6-11 years
little boys and girls think eachother are icky - oral stage
0-18 months
infants sexula pleasure focuses on sucking, biting and chewing - super ego
- ideal of how to behave
- regression
- a defense mechanism where a person faced with anxiety retreats to an infantile stage
- james lange theory
- we are sad because we cry, behavior comes first and then we cry
- fixation
- at any point in the oral, anal or phallic stage, strong conflict can lock the person's pleasure seeking energies in that stage
- individualism
- defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications
- collectivism
- priority to the goals of one's group and defining one's identity accordingly
- personality
- behavior patterns that distinguish us from one another.
- self-serving bias
- a readiness to perciever onesself favorably
- non-verbal communications
- communication is through the body's silent language
- genital stage
- happens during puberty, boys and girls feel sexual feelings for eachother
- dissociative identity disorder
- rare disorder in which a person has two or more personalities. a.k.a. multiple personality disorder
- body language
- hand guestures differ across cultures and facial expressions stay the same
- reaction formula
- the ego unconsciously switches unacceptible impulses into their opposites.
- a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders
- minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)
- most used of all personality tests. originally developed to identify emotional disorders.
- unconditional positive regard
- an attitude of total acceptance toward another person
- culture and emotional expression
- facial expressions like happiness and fear are worldwide
- self-concept
- all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves in answer to the question "who am i?"
- subjective well-being
- self-perceived satisfaction in life used along with measures of objective well-being
- rorschach inkblot test
- seeks to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots
- free association
- frued told patients to relax and say whatever comes to mind, he learns from the response something from the unconscious mind
- self-actualization
- the motivation to fullfill one's potential
- trait
- a characteristic pattern of behavior to feel and act by self and peer reports
- arousal and performance
- performance peaks at lower levels of arousal for diff. tasks, higher levels for easy or well learned tasks
- anxiety disorder
- distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety
- schizophrenia
- delusional thinking and inappropriate emotions and actions
- emotional arousal
- elated excitement and panicky fear involve similar physiological arousal
- identification
- process by which according to freud, children incorporate their parents values into their developing personalities
- electra complex
3-6 years
little girls seek sexual gratification from their fathers - rationalization
- offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real threatening reasons for one's actions
- cannon bard
- arousal and emotional experience occur together
- positive psychology
- discover and promote conditions that enable individuals and communities to thrive
- manifest content
- part of a dream you remember
- right side of brain
- negative, disgust
- mood disorders
- emotional extremes
- displacement
- shifts sexual and agressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
- schactor's factor
- experience of emotion grows from our awareness of our body's arousal
- effects of facials
- expressions amplify the felt emotion and signal the body to react accordingly
- empirically derived test
- a test eveloped by testing a pool of items and then electing those that discriminate between groups
- ID
- operates on the pleasure principle, if not constrained by reality it seeks immediate gratification
- catharsis
- emotional release, build up anger and explode then feel better but only temporarily
- manic episode
- hyperactive, wild optimistic state
- parasympathetic division
- calming
- bio-pyscho social perspective
- assuming biological, psychological and sociocultural factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders
- anti-social personality disorder
- person exhibits a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends and family. may be clever or a ruthless con-artist
- defense mechanisms
- help deal with conflict that comes with anxiety
- phallic stage
3-6 years
pleasure zone is genitals, boys seek sexual gratification from their mothers - bipolar disorder
- mood disorder where a person alternates between depression and mania
- personality inventory
- a questionnaire in which people respond to items designed to guage a wide range of feelings and behaviors; used to assess selected personality traits.
- major depressive disorder
- for no apparent reason a person experiences two or more weeks of depressed moods in most activities
- anally retentive
- excessivly neat
- emotions
- a mix of psychological activation, expressive behaviors and conscious experience
- feel good do good phenomenon
- when you feel happy you are more likely to help others
- collective unconscious
- carl jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species history
- sympathetic division
- arousing, your body mobilizes for action
- panic disorder
- intense dread experiencing terror,chest pain, or choking.
- personality disorders
- inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning