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Phenomenology of Ind. Behavior


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The scientific study of behavior and mental precesses.
The application of the understanding developed through such study to human behavior.
The study of people as they actually behave.
suppositional explanantion w/no truth value, rather utility. Liable to modification.
Statement of invvariable sequence between specified conditions and specified phenomenon. Has truth value
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APsychA)

Allowed for common language and diagnostic criteria.
Publication Manual of Am. Psychological Assn.
serves as recognized source for standardized form for publication.
pattern of observable behaviors that is the expression of a subjectively experienced feeling state. i.e. emotion or feelings
Broad/Normal Affect
normal expression of affect. Congruent with the content of speech, context, facial expression, etc.
(Still covers wide range depending on the person and the culture)
Blunted Affect
A servere restriction in the intensity of affective expression. (from trama experience, such as new med school interns)
Flat Affect
Virtuallly no affective expression. Monotone voice and immobile face.
Inappropriate Affect
emotion that is clearly discordant with the content of the person's speech or ideation.
(smiling when told of someone's death)
Labile Affect
Repeated, rapid, and abrupt shifts in affect, generally without apparent reason.
A pervasive and sustained emotion. Can at extremes influence a person's perception of the world. (depression, elation, anxiety, etc.)
speech that is indirect and delayed in reaching the point because of unnecessary details. Still has a meaningful connection and awareness. (common in OCD)

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