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determines cases which will read a verdict in inferior courts.
Queens Council
a sebior Barrister in Victoria.
a lawyer who has been called to the bar.
the Government attorny, charging and trying a care against a person accused of a crime.
a write used by a court of justica requiring a person to appear before the court at a specific time.
an order of a judge requiring a specific action by the person who the writ is directed.
Mandatory Sentencing
minimal length of imprisonment for a specfifc crime.
a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to evidence presented in a court of law.
judgement by a jury that a defendant is not guilty of a crime.
person associated with one or more persons in commiting an offence
appointed public official with authority to hear and decide cases in the hnigher courts.
High Court
highest court in Australia. Exercises both original and appeclate juristicion.
Original Juristiction
cases which originate in the High Court.
Appelate Jusistiction
appeals made to the high court from other courts.
the person or party being sued or charged.
the party who initiates a lawsuit before the court.
a proposed piece of legislation which is debated in Parliment.
Standard Proof
the level of proof required to win a case, beyong all resonable doubt.
Indictable Offence
a serious criminal offence heard and decided by a judge.
Royal Assent
after the Bill is passed through both houses, it's sent to the Govenor General for their assent.
a judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing a certain activity.
Burden Of Proof
the side which must prove the case.
Statute Law
laws which are passed by Parliment.
Bicameral Parliment
a parliment consisting of 2 houses, upper and lower.
Director Of Public Prosectuions (DPP)
an independant office of police and government, bringing pooceedong against an accused.
Summary Offences
an offecne heard and decided upon in a local court by a magistrate with not jury.
Habeus Corpus
brings the body before court. People can nto be jailed indefiently and must appear in court to hear charges agianst them.
in the course of a trial, a matter under judicail consideration.
Prima Facie
a situation where the evidence suggests that a jury could convict the deffendant.
Legal Studies
the study of law & legal institutions and how they affect different members of society.
a temporary state without customs, rules or laws.
traditional ways of behaving that are accepted and expected in society.
tells us what is allowed and prohibited through signs and rule books.
rules made by a soverign power applying to everyone in the area they control, enforced by police and courts.
all people are entilted to the same rights and oppourtunites.
achieving equal outcomes for people
everyone having acces to courst, law being enforced, having oppourtunity to appeal to a decision and whether anyone has been discriminated agiants by a law.
Common Law
judge made and devised in courts.
Local Law
laws accorging to local government affecting a certain area.
International Law
the boyd of law that governs the relationship between nations.
Criminal Law
an act of wrong against the community.
Civil Law
regulates relationshops between citizens. Main roles ensure rights of individuals are maintained.
UN orginated?
In Sanfranciso, 25th April 1945.
UN set of rules?
United Nations Charter.
What is the UN?
The UN was established as an organisation to facilitate co-opertaions in international law, security, economic development and human rights.
3 non-members of the Un?
Taiwan Kosova and Vatican City.

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