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Sociology 1-7


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attribute one's achievements and failures to their personal qualities
Individualistic Explanations
systematic study of human societies, thoughts, interactions
Ability to see the impact of massive cultural and historical processes on our private lives
Sociological Imagination
People living in the same geographic area who share a culture and whoe members follow the same political authority
Named social position in society
Set of duties associated with a particular status
People who interact and are conscious of their identity as a unit
Network of positions for a specific purpose
Language, beliefs, and behaviors that shape a society
Social position acquired through efforts
Achieved Status
Social position given at birth
Ascribed Status
Mothers jobs get in the way of her job
Role Clashing
Individuals who are together for a long period and have emotional attachment to eachother
Primary Group
Impersonal group who are put together to perform a specific task
Secondary Group
Set of roles that provides a foundation for behavior (family, religion)
Social Institutions
Views society as unequal; benefits some groups at the expense of other groups
Conflict Perspective
Artifacts of society; represent adaptations to social environment
Material Culture
Knowledge, beliefs, customs that are shared throughout society and separate a society from other ones
Nonmaterial Culture
Behaviors and customs that separate it from a larger culture
Behavior within a social institution that is widely accepted in society
Institutionalized Norm
Norm that brings severe punishment when violated (murder)
Norm that is mildly punished when violated (cutting in line)
Social response that punishes violations to a social norm (we learn norms when we violate them)
People's beliefs and activities should be based on their own culture
Cultural Relativism
Sexual differentiation is incomplete or ambiguous
One learns how to act according to rules of a culture
People acquire the values found in statuses they will likely enter in the future
Anticipatory Socialization
Learning new values and norms when an adult leaves old role and enters a new one
Unique set of traits that separates one person from another
Behavior that is triggered by something else
Reflexive Behavior
Our perception of how people see us; interpret actions of others towards us as mirrors in which we see ourselves We Realize: -we are distinct from one another - we can know what other people think of us
Cooley's Looking Glass Self
Having a sense of oneself and what other people think of you
Generalized Other
Ability to see oneself from perspective of others and using that to form one's own behavior
Child develops ability to take role from perspective of ONE person
Play Stage
Child acquires ability to take role of a group and conform their behavior to societal expectations
Game Stage
Individuals are cut off from society for a long period (military)
Total Institution
Most powerful institutional agent of socialization
Biological maleness or femaleness
Psychological and social aspects of maleness and femaleness
Presenting a favorable public image of oneself to form positive judgments from others (cosmetic surgery)
Impression Management
Study of social life as a theatre Roles - Audience - Script - Props -
Dramaturgy - image being projected - people who observe behaviors - communication with others - objects used to present image
Social interaction where people perform to maintain appropriate impressions of themselves
Front Stage
Social interaction away from view of audience
Back Stage
Action taken to restore a damaged identity
Aligning Action
Assertion made to change negative reactions to a behavior that is about to occur
Discredited characteristic that is viewed as an obstacle to trustworthy behavior
Statement made to explain unacceptable behavior after the behavior has occurred
Marriage to one spouse
More than one spouse
Married couple sets up residence separate from either spouse's family
Live near either spouse's family and share things
Marrying outside of social group
Marrying within one's social group
Family consisting of parent-child nuclear family and other relatives (grandparents, aunts, uncles)
Extended Family
Two or more persons who are related by birth or marriage who live together in a household
Living arrangement of one or more people who occupy it
Consists of at least one parent and one child
Nuclear Family

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