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What percentage of daily intake should be carbohydrates?
What percentage of daily intake should be protein?
What percentage of daily intake should be fats?
How many calories are in one gram of fat?
How many calories are in one gram of carbohydrate?
How many calories are in one gram of protein?
For a person with a 2000 calorie diet, if they eat 350 grams of carbs, what percentage of their calories come from carbs?
what is an example of an essential lipid?
Omega 3 fatty acids
What is a food that provides an essential lipid?
salmon or fish
What is needed for proteins to be synthesized?
essential amino acids
What provides all the essential amino acids?
What makes Vitamin D unique from other vitamins?
it can be synthesized from sun exposure
Ricketts is caused by a deficiency in what?
vitamin D
Nyacin prevents what?
A vitamin C deficiency causes what?
How many mg sodium does the typical American consume daily?
A 75 yr old woman with loss of appetite and who doesn't take in enough vitamins and minerals would likely have increased chances for what?
bone fractures, low HgB levels, night blindness, and fluid imbalances
A woman of Northern European descent would need to do what with her diet?
prevent osteoporosis with dairy products, low-fat milk
What should elderly people be sure to eat?
nutrient rich foods
What is carb-loading?
Athlete increases exercise and decreases carbs for first 3 days, then increases carbs and decreases exercise for next 3 days, then increases carbs and has no exercise for day before
What characteristics describe a Type A personality?
ambitious, driven, impatient
What is stress?
a non-specific response of a human to any demand made of them
What are the 3 stages of stress response?
alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion
What occurs during the fight or flight response?
increased bp, pupils dilate, heart rate increase, elimination increase
What do Life Changing Units, used for the Life Event Stress Test, measure?
significant life changes
A type of vegetarian who only eats plants and plant products is called what?
a vegan

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