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BSC exam 4


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hardy-weinberg law
predicts the proportions of the various genotypes expected within random mating proportions
negitive eugenics
decreasing the frequency of harmful alleles -->illegal for someone to have a severe genetic disease to reproduce
natural selection
genotypes produce at different rates
Genetic counselors
use tables of recurrance and collecting of fetal cells --> amneocentisis, choviorionic villi sampling, fetal cell sorting
artificial improvement of the human gene pool.
positive eugenetics
-increase the frequency of good alleles -example: male medical students donating sperm
quantitative traits
are affected by many genes
quantitative genetics
study of traits that have complex inheritance
typical quantitative trait locus
exibits additivity
monozygotic twins
dizygotic twins
fraternal may or may not be the same sex
twins exhibiting the same phenotype (physical characteristic) -example: if two twins were examined and neither ever had measles
twins displaying different phenotypes (physical characteristics)
genetic drift
random chance fluctuations in allele frequencies (in p and q) -important in small populations -1 of 4 evolutionary forces
phenotypes are composed of...
genotypes and environment
the proportion of the ovserved variation for some trait due to genetic differences among individuals
how do you collect fetal cells from a pregnant woman?
chroronic villus sampling, amniocentesis, fetal cell sorting
recurrance risk
if a couple has a child with a severe genetic disease... its the risk that the second child would have the sme genetic disease
-recurrent mutation (A-->a) -p(r) slowly decreases and q(a) slowly increses -harmfl alleles are still found in the human gene pool -reduce risk & increse risk the frequency
assortive mating
searching for mate with same phenotype
artificial selection
in plant and animal breeding
inbreed mating
mating with someone who has similar genotypes as themselves (a relative) -BAD --> DdxDd results in DD Dd Dd dd -1/4 chance dd=BAD
heterozygoute advantage
AA-0 Aa-1 aa-0 reason for harmful alleles in a population -involves a single eveloutionary fource and the greater fitness associated with the heterozygotes
polygenic trait
affected by many genes
random mating
pandemictic (panmixia) -choose mate with no regard to genotype of phenotype -in regard to ABO blood group, most human populations use this mating (basically saying youre not going to marry someone or not based on their blood type)
changes in allele frequency over time
heritability value
-can never be less then 0% -can never be more then 100% importance of heredity in explaining the variation observation in some trait -used in animal breeding
random mating: AA
evolutionary force
naturally occuring force that is capable of changing the allele frequencies within a population
disassortative mating
mating with someone of a different phenotype
outbreed mating
mating with someone who has a different genotype
when different genotypes migrate to other locations where they previously not located (example in class with island and storm)
sickle cell
ss- sickle cell SS & Ss- normal
germinal choice
selective in eggs and sperm chosen-->IVF
conservation genetics
preserving various plant and animal populations
"genetic bottleneck"
diverse towards beginning and as time goes on becomes less diverse (shaped like a bottle turned sideways)
captive breeding
zoo's & botanical gardens
gene banks
collect seeds, stems and freeze them in a lab --> same with animals

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