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Odyssey Terms

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Disgusting animal-like bachelors who raid the house of Telemachus like a "Wolf Pack". Ask for Penelope's hand in marriage.
In medias res
A term meaning "in the middle of", stories would often be told this way
Was in the underworld and informed Odysseus of his prophecy, he was blind and proved that knowledge can be attained without sight.
Descendants of Poseidon, Ideal Homeric Society, they are "practically perfect in every way"(Mary Poppins) But not fully perfect, cockiness, challenge Odysseus to a game, Very proud peoples
Alkinoos' wife, questions Odysseus' clothing, Honorable
Goddess holding Odysseus captive on her island, lets him go once she is informed of Odysseus' fate
Son of Agamemnon and Klytemnestra, killed his mother to avenge his father, is a parallel to Telemachus.
Symbolic, beds in The Odyssey, were seen throughout the epic, Flawless bed, bed of leaves, Royal bed
Wrote The Odyssey, he is blind
Lex Talionis
Law of retribution "an eye for an eye"
Homeric Society
An Ideal society, a flourishing civilization, all help and aid each other.
Wise king of Pylos, tied the Iliad and the Odyssey together to emphasize the differences. Did not know much about Odysseus' wherabouts
Books 5-8
Odysseus' travels to the Phaiakians, from Kalypso's stronghold. Shows fate, Odysseus was meant to leave the island
Killed his brother and escaped imprisonment by going to Ithaka with Telemachus. Says the house of Odysseus will prevail.
Odysseus' only son, began as a pathetic coward but through time and help from Athena, was given confidence and grew to become more like his father.
Married to Helen, regrets his decision of leaving Agamemnon and not praying. Extremely wealthy and kind, like Nestor, shows Hospitality.
Excessive pride or self-confidence that leads one to disregard a divine warning or to violate an important moral law or fate.
Left behind to take care of Odysseus' house. (n.) a guide, tutor, one who helps another.
Teaches a Lesson
Nestors son, told to accompany Telemachus on his journey.
Slave of Telemachus, had a very close bond with him like a grandmother, nursed Telemachus when he was young.
Ithaka's ruler, battled bravely in Troy and is revered by all. Gods adore him saying he is always giving.
Or hospitality, one of the most important Greek customs. To aid and serve one before even knowing that one's identity. Said to be practiced by the Gods.
King of the Phaiakians, model ruler for Odysseus, perfect parallel relation ship of father and child.
Show music and the arts as arts of the divine, arts were considered God-like, muse-music
Stands up to the un-appealing image of Odysseus and offers him hospitality. Falls in love with him but Odysseus remains loyal. She is like Artemis, he had stood out like she did.
Has a grudge with Odysseus because of Polyphemus. Knows of fate of Odysseus but wants to make his journey difficult. Acts "human" rather than "godly".
Long Narrative Poem
Had rhythm so they were easily memorized
At first was Odysseus' most trusted shipmate, but later he doubted Odysseus' asking to join Kirke
Homeric Simile
An extremely long simile involving phrases such as "the butterfly gleamed so much, as if it were a diamond freshly cut and brought into the bright sun."
Books 13-24
Odysseus' coming home and defeat of the suitors
Odysseus' wife, cunning, loyal, said to be deceitful to the suitors because she said she would marry whomever gave her the best gift but did not choose a suitor.
Represents one of the ideal Homeric Societies. Another foil to Ithaka, becomes a part of Telemachus' education of civilization/
An epic poem that extols war, war is considered excellent
The Odyssey
Epic poem, extols values of civilization, means "an adventure"
Books 1-4
Telemakhos'/Telemachus' introduction, talks to Athena, growing into a man from shy, weak, and pathetic boy
Absolutely beautiful, felt guilty for the trouble she caused in Troy; married to Menelaos
Odysseus' kind, noble, and loyal swineherd, offered hospitality even though he was poor
(Aias) yelled at the Gods engaging hubris, Poseidon kills him
Temptation of Immortality
Temptation of immortality or choice to live like a God as a Human. Odysseus is offered this choice but refuses it from Kalypso.
Books 9-12
Odysseus' stories of his long journey and hardships

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