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When was the Temple destroyed?
587 B.C.
The Early World
The Return
Importance of hospitality in the Israelites' life
It provided protection from the weather/elements, other people, and for preserving the race. They had a history of relying on hospitality, it held the idea of "entertaining angels," and it was considered a SACRED DUTY
the first of the patriarchs and the father of biblical faith
people who gathered grain or other produce left by the reapers
Isaac's sons and who becomes the next patriarch
Esau and Jacob, Jacob is the next patriarch
a foreshadowing or pre-figurement
a Jewish family that led a revolt against the Greeks
1ST promise of the Messiah
GOOD NEWS: Gen. 3:15
Promises Made to Abraham in Covenant
He was promised a GREAT NATION (descendants), LAND, and WORLDWIDE BLESSING (his name)
Divided Kingdom
Judas Maccabeus
hero for Israelites
selection of Bible
# of years Israelites enslaved in Egypt
400 years
Uses of Psalms
community worship (sung)
sign of Abraham's Covenant with God
the belief that there is one God
How was David a "man after God's own heart"
He followed God, wrote the Psalms and was virtuous
grandson of Obed and father of David
Abraham's sons and who became the next patriarch
Ishmael and Isaac, Isaac is the next patriarch
Divisions of Old Testement
Penteteuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Books, and Prophetic Books
commemorates the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles; fifty days after Easter
Abraham's first son, Hagar's son
# of years traveling in the desert
40 years
Dual Purpose of sexuality
unitive and procreative
the change in relationship after the Fall with Man & Woman
Before they were equal and after Adam blamed Eve for giving him the apple
Major Prophets of SK
Jeremiah, Isaiah and Micah
Ark of the Covenant
a sacred object housing the tablets of the commandments, was where the Israelites experienced God, and it went first into battle
Where do you find info on the Bible?
CCC, and Concordance
successor of Moses
Hebrew word for serpents; some interpret it as the serpent in the Garden of Eden
How does jacob experience the phrase "what goes around comes around"?
When Jacob thinks he's marrying Rachel, Laban tricks him into marrying Leah (Rachel's older sister)
Israelites want a king
They wanted to be like their "neighbors" and the wanted unity b/c of the threat of the Philistines
Cyrus of Persia
permits the return of the Israelites from Babylon, King of Persia
God doesn't want a king
King will...enslave you (military service), take your land, and tax you
a solemn love agreement between two people or groups of people
sign of Sinai Covenant
10 Commandments (Decalogue)
What did God see as "not good"?
man(Adam) being alone
Theology of the Body (TOB)
STATES:body is good, sexuality is good; WRITTEN BY:Pope John Paul II
positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will
Progression of De-creation
the Fall (God and two people); Cain & Abel (brothers); Noah's Ark (one society); the Tower of Babel (multiple societies)
Marriage (CCC def.)
A covenant where a man and woman establish, between themselves, a partnership for life
Matthew 1
geneology of Jesus
term used for Judaism
cycle of sin with the Judges
1. SIN-Israelites fall into worshipping idols and abandoning God 2. DISASTER- taken over by another country 3. REPENTANCE- They repent and cry for help from God 4. DELIVERENCE- God sends Judge to free them from suffering 5. FAITHFULNESS & PEACE
Joseph as a type for Jesus
He's betrayed by loved ones. In the long run, he is "resurrected" and saves his family. He forgives the people who caused his suffering. He's sold for silver. And, he's the beloved son.
the definitive list of books (in the bible); in Greek ("karon") - a straight rod or measuring stick
How does Rebekah interfere with the choice of the heir of Isaac?
She thinks that it's God's will to have Jacob be the heir to Isaac, even though he's the younger of the twins, so she disguises Jacob in hair to resemble Esau and sends him to Isaac. Isaac blesses Jacob, who he thinks is Esau.
Egypt and the Exodus
Major Prophets
Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel (JIDE)
the time after creation where sin enters the world
time of preperation and testing
the Role of Adam
protector of the garden of Eden
Division of the Bible
Old Testement and New Testement
Last judge and also a prophet
The Sin of Adam
his inability to trust God, particularly in the face of suffering
Role Melchizedek
high priest who blesses Abraham with wine & bread
Role of Judges
to lead the Israelites back to God and out of suffering
Ishmael's mother, and the concubine that Sarah gives to Abraham in order for him to produce an heir to his possesions
wisdom literature of the Royal Kingdom period
Line of Kings (1st, 2nd, & 3rd)
(1st) Saul, (2nd) David, (3rd) and Solomon
Moses' challenge as leader
getting Egypt out of the Israelites
Major Prophets of NK
Amos, Elijah and Hosea
Levels of Relationships
1.intellectual 2.emotional 3.spiritual 4.physical
The Patriarchs
prophet; voice of God
cordial, generous and welcoming of guests
Capital City of Southern K.
The Royal Kingdom
an 8-day period of observances beginning with a festival day
Conquest and the Judges
Ezra and Nehemiah
Found the Law and read it to the people; in Historical Books, great encouragers of rebuilding
When were the Scriptures written primarily?
6th century B.C. or Babylonian Exile
The Role of the Prophets
to speak God's word to the people; they were a spokesperson for God
Moses' preparation for leadership
1. 0-3 he's with his (Israelite) family 2. 4-21 Pharaoh's court 3. Desert- shepherd; presenced by God (burning bush)
Conquerers after Persians
Ruth's reward
She receives wealth and prosperity when she marries Boaz
I am, who am
father; fathers of the faith
the Jewish Bible (Pentateuch)
The Maccabean Revolt
Apocryphal books
the extra books in the Catholic canon
Progression of creation
simple to more complex
Types of Psalms
psalms of lament, psalms of thanks and psalms of praise
Capital City of Northern K.
Who had the Temple built?
King Solomon
Who conquers the Southern Kingdom?
Maccabean Revolt
Israelites were experiencing influence from Greeks; tells stories of courage; tells origin of Hanukkah
Desert Wanderings
Who conquers the Northern Kingdom?
moral character of humans (flawed intellect and will); we need help from God to do good
Jeremiah's council
How does one learn from suffering? Have hope for the future (during exile).
the change in relationship after the Fall with God & Adam
At first they walked side by side in the garden, then after the Fall Adam hid from God
the bible
Ruth's sacrifice
starting a new life with a new husband after her husband dies
How does Simeon experience the phrase "what goes around comes around"?
When Joseph is young, Simeon tries to kill Joseph, but later on when the brothers go to Egypt to ask for food, Joseph puts Simeon in jail as a deposit

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