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History 23 (Second Semester)


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Thomas Telford and John McAdam
established better drainage systems and the use of layers of crushed rock for roads
Michael Faraday
In 1831, disovered that a magnet moving through a coil of copper wire produced an electric current
Rudolf Diesel
In late 1800's, developed an oil-burning internal-combustion engine that could run factories, ships, and locamotives. This would soon usher in the invention of the motor car.
causes of the industrial revolution
availability of capital, natural resources, liberalism, modern social structure, national banks
Richard Trevithick
devised a steam-powered carriage and a steam-powered locamotive in 1801
Guglielmo Marconi
devised the wireless telegraph in 1895, which was later modified into the radio.
James Watt
designed an efficient steam engine, which helped the industrial revolution greatly
money to invest in labor, machines, and raw materials. It is essential for the growth of an industry
the lowest point in a business cycle
set up industries by bringing together capital, labor, and new inventions
characteristics of industrial capatalism
corporate orginization, the utilization of mass production, and non-interference with ownership by government
Richard Arkwright
a struggling barber with a great interest in machines. He developed the water frame, a huge spinning machine that ran continually on water
state policy allowing businesses to operate without government interference
division of labor
a process in which each worker performed a specialized task on a product as it moved by on a conveyer belt. THe worker then returned the product to the conveyer belt where it continued down the belt to the next worker
domestic system
early industrial labor system in which workers produced goods at home
Robert Fulton
designed the first practical steam boat
enclosure movement
the movement from using open fields to using fenced off private and common lands. Parliament passed laws that allowed them to do this
Samuel Morse
an American inventor who assemble a working model of the telegraph. Using a system of dots and dashes, the telegraph carried information at high speeds. It linked American and European cities
major agricultural improvements
seed drill, selective breeding, crop rotation, chemically enriched soil
business organizations owned by stockholders who buy share in a company. The stockholders vote on major decisions of the business.
factory system
method of production in which goods are made by workers and machines in one location outside thier homes
Edmund Cartwright
developed the power loom in order to anwer the shortage of weavers. He was a British poet and minister
James Hargreaves
invented a more efficient spinning machine that he called the spinning jenny, which enabled people to spin 6-7 threads at a time
Thomas Edison
developed the phonograph, which produced sound.
a business organization involving two or more entrepreneurs who can raise more capital and take on more business than if each had gone into business alone
industrial capatalism
continual expansion of factories and or investing in new businesses
the largest city in Europe in 1750 with 750,000 people
Alexander Graham Bell
credited with the invention of the telephone in 1876
Frederick Taylor
encouraged the process known as division of labor. Encouraged the manufactures to divide tasks into detailed and specific segments of a step-by-step procedure
Eli Whitney
an American inventor who developed the cotton gin. Also contributed to the concept of interchangeable parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged
Henry Ford
American automobile manufacturer who used assembly the assembly line method to mass produce his famous model T car. This mass production lowered the price and allowed all people to afford it.
Henry Bessemer
a British engineer. Developed methods to inexpensively produce steel from iron
Wilbur and Orville Wright
carried out the first successful flight of a motorized airplane.
Thomas Malthus
believed that population growth will outplace food supply, war, disease, or famine could control the population, the poor should have less children, and then the food suply will keep up with the population

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