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History Midterm Ch. 4

Chapter 4 Vocabulary-History


undefined, object
copy deck
1st Continental Congress
quickly taken action by committees of correspondance
Molly Pitcher
Mary Ludwig Hays McCauly-carried pitchers of water to the soldiers and took the place of husband at cannon after he died
2nd Continental Congress
the loyalties that divided colonists, sparked endless debates
"Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne
British general-pursued a complex scheme with allowance from the London high command-lead the army down a route of lakes from Canada to Albany, where he would meet Howe's troops as they arrived in NYC
"these are the times that try men's souls"
brothers against brothers in American Revolution
Thomas Paine
colonist who wrote "Common Sense" which attacked King George
Patrick Henry
VA's lower house adopted several resolutions of his ("Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!")
General Nathanial Greene
ordered by Washington to attack Cornwallis
quartering of troops
authorized British commanders to house soldiers in vacant private homes and other buildings
civilian soldiers
Green Mountain Boys
soldiers from Vermont organized by Ethan Allen
"shot heard 'round the world"
Lexington and Concord, started war
Benedict Arnold
popular Patriot soldier and leader-traitor
supporters of Independence
Battle of Princeton
rallied Americans by this astonishing victory
Battle of Yorktown
17,000 American and French troops surrounded British-Cornwallis finally surrendered
Boston Tea Party
Colonists threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor to protest high taxes
Stamp Act
required colonists to but special stamped paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, "special duties, and almanacs
Declaration of Independence
Jefferson drew on concepts of English philosopher John Locke-signed July 4th, 1776
General Thomas Gage
British-put army on strict rations to Concord
Common Sense
anonymous 50 page pamphlet attacking King George III
Bunker/Breed's Hill
battle-450 colonists/1,000 British ("Don't fire 'till you see the whites of their eyes")
Boston Massacre
British attack on defenseless citizens
Sam Adams
powerful and influential political activist
selling scarce goods for a profit
martial law
rule imposed by military forces
Committees of Correspondence
assemblies of MA and VA set these up to communicate with other colonies about threats to American liberties
Marquis de Lafayette
young, brave, French leader-assisted Washington
Valley Forge, PA
harsh winter-2,000 died
Margaret Corbit
replaced a gunner who was shot and then was shot herself, 1783-West Pt
Battle of Trenton
Christmas night, George Washington, Trenton, NJ-surprised British with ambush
Townshed Acts
Charles Townshed's proposed revenue laws, Parliament passed, taxed colonies extremeley
unalienable rights
only be inherited according to fixed rule
Declaratory Acts
act that said we can make laws
a belief in the equality of all people
General Horatio Gates
commanded Northern part of Continental army
Crispus Attucks
!st to die in American Revolution, Boston Massacre
Thomas Jefferson
known for broad knowledge and skillful crafted prose, wrote Declaration of Independence in 2 weeks
John Locke
maintained that people enjoy "natural rights" to life, liberty, and property
social contract theory
based arounf European philosophers who reasoned most effective way to create best gov't was to understand human nature in a state prior to gov't
Intolerable Acts (1774)
series of measures in response to Boston Tea Party-Parliament
those who opposed independence and remained loyal to the crown
Tea Act (1773)
British put tax on tea, angered colonists
spinning bees
wealthy women who spun cloth instead of purchasing British goods
"Not worth a Continental"
continental-term for paper money not worth anything
Ethan Allen
leader of the Green Mountain Boys
Fredrick Von Steuben
Persian captain and talented drill master, volunteered his services to General Washington and went to work "to make regular soldiers out of country bumpkins."
German soldiers who fought solely for $
Sons of Liberty
secret resistance group, harassing customs workers, stamp agents, and sometimes royal governors
Battle of Saratoge
Burgoyne surrendered battered army to Gates-turning point of war
Treaty of Paris
ended the Revolutionary War and confirmed U.S. independence and set boundaries of the new nation
General Charles Cornwallis
replaced Howe-greatest victory
Olive Branch Petition
sent to King George urging a return of "the farmer harmony" between Britain and the colonies-King George refused
Novus Ordo Seclorum
a "New order if the ages"-1782-Charles Thomson (on seal of U.S. and $1 bill)

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