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English exam

The Kayak, Moving Day, The Jade Peony


undefined, object
copy deck
jp -plot- climax
white cat/juggler comes for her
jp- setting- time
last part of 20th century, in his 8th year
jp -MC- dynamic or static
md - conflict- inner conflict
moving - staying
Kayak -setting- place/ features
on the lake, Georgian Bay
jp -MC- physical description
old (83), small
md - Mood
Kayak -conflict- external conflict
fighting the waves
jp -Plot- initial incident
grandmama embarasses family collecting junk
jp- plot- falling action
takes to her bed
Kayak -plot- falling action
he asks her out inspite of her disability
Kayak -symbol(s)-
kayak/independence; wheelchair/handicap; marshmallows/acceptance
md -setting- time
summer holidays, recent
jp -figurative language- metaphor
white cat/death
md - setting- place/ features
Grassy Island, Labrador
jp -symbol(s)-
chimes/traditions, magic; white cat/juggler
jp-point of view
grandson's (Sek Lung) memory
Kayak -setting- time
Kayak -plot- resolution
she accepts his invitation
md -MC- personality traits
selfish, but understanding, open
jp -theme- main idea
ancestral ways
md-point of view
Kayak -mood-
hopeful, but not expectant
Kayak -MC- dynamic or static
md -Atmosphere-
tense, ganging up on mom
jp -MC- personality traits
spiritual, traditional
md -Plot- initial incident
discovers family is moving
Kayak - theme- main idea
never give up hope
jp-conflict- inner conflict
magic vs science
Kayak -MC- personality traits
negative, shy, ashamed, stand-offish
md- plot- falling action
Dad goes to get her
jp - plot- resolution
she dies
md - MC- physical description
(university student)
Kayak -MC- physical description
paraplegic...strong in water/weak on land
Kayak -Atmosphere-
Kayak -Point of View
jp -conflict- external conflict
md - theme- main idea
walking in someone else's shoes
Kayak -plot- climax
realizing she is paralyzed
Kayak -plot - rising action
getting back to shore
md -plot - rising action
getting closer to moving day
jp Mood
md -plot- climax
Mom saying goodbye to the house
md -plot- resolution
(assume they move)
jp- plot - rising action
build windchimes/tells stories of juggler
md -MC- dynamic or static
Kayak -Plot- initial incident
she sees the windsurfer out of control
jp- setting- place/ features
Kayak -conflict- inner conflict
physically weak but wants to be independent

Deck Info

