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History True/False Chapter 8 Part 10


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On August 22, George and Rochambeau started marching to York town while Grasse set sail from West Indies
Then he returned to his home and Martha and her grandchildren for Christmas
Throughout the states the people thought the surrender meant the end of the long war
In April Cornwallis left for Virginia where Benedict Arnold was, they joined in Petersburg
On July 7, they entered Yorktown where he wanted to gather people to lead on a conquest of the southern states, but another general far away would not join him and Cornwallis had only 7,000 men
Two days later Cornwallis surrendered the entire army to Washington
Washington chose to lead the Americans against Cornwallis was because of Major General Nathaniel Grene, who was an expert strategist and his men loved him
Greene was always the one to retreat against Cornwallis, but Cornwallis lost more men
It took two years for the British to formally acknowledge the independence, and on September 25, 1784 all of the soldiers evacuated New York City and he led troops there
In Autumn of 1781 Greene was able to push British forces in South Carolina into Charleston and made Cornwallis, with only 1,400 troops into Wilmington, North Carolina
In Summer of 1782 Washington received news King Louis of France had sent 20 ships to Americans and they had sailed fist to West Indies picked up 3,000 men and 4 more ships and then sent a messenger to Washington to discuss weather to attack Clinton's army or Cornwallis' army and agreed on Cornwallis and would not let Clinton know it
Clinton sent no men to Yorktown because of false reports
Cornwallis was in a dangerous position with no way to escape and was in a siege for two weeks and on October 17, 1781 Cornwallis surrendered
The colonists only stayed in army for George Washington and freedom
The Congress had learned a lesson and let George Washington now pick the generals because he really understood war
At a farewell meal with his officers he lifted his wineglass in a toast. "With a heart full love and gratitude I now take my leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your later days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable."
On September 5, the French met 16 ships on Cape Charles which they defeated and Yorktown no longer had a navy to protect it

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