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Reformed Vocab

This list was compiled from catechism material written by Dr. Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Associate professor of systematic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. Used with permission.


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Covenant Promises
God's promises in the covenant of Grace is that he will love his people, help them and protect them
God's acceptance of unacceptable people
Attributes of God
God's characteristics or qualities such as goodness and greatness.
God's Speaking
God's communication to us
What we have when we break God's law and deserve the laws penalty
Original Sin
The corruption and guilt that the human race has inherited from Adam and Eve
Sovereignty of God
The attribute of God which means the he is supreme and in control
the event in which the eternal son of god took on human flesh, which we celebrate as Christmas
being a triple and a unit at the same time
the process by which Jesus Christ put right hat sin put wrong
The Fall
The event in which our first parents disobeyed God and thus brought evil into the world
The sovereign act of God by which he brought into being the whole universe from nothing
Image of God
The likeness of God in human beings
The book that contains the writings and scriptures that Christians recognize as the written word of God
The combinations of sin and misery that we see in the world around us
The pain and suffering that come from sin; the fallout that comes from the fall
The Church's teachings about God and our salvation, based on the Bible
The care that God shows for all his creations
Greatness of God
An attribute of God meaning that God is awesome
Inspiration of Scripture
The Process by which God "breathed" into biblical writers what he wanted them to write.
the removal of the things that drag us down and the opening up to joyful life in God
restoring peace and harmony to estranged parties
Tragedy of the Fall
the fact that the fall happens not to unimportant creatures, but to people made in God's image
Carefully organized written statements of Doctrine
The loss of harmony and a right relation in the universe
God's Word
What God says in his speaking
giving someone what he has coming, so has to "fill up an empty space" in him
Covenant Obligations
the duties God's people owe to God
the bond to Christ from our side
to be reformed is ton confess to the common Christian faith with a special accent.
Common Grace
God's way of partly stopping corruption so that human life can continue
A sense of humiliation or sin
Authority of Scripture
The power of the bible to influence our believing and acting
forgiveness of sins
the subtracting, or putting away, of sins so that they are no longer held against us
the complete turning around of our lives
Law of God
the statement of what God wants from us.
the seeping or flooding power of sin
A disorder in which persons or things that ought to be friends become strangers instead
The kingdom of God
God's reign over his universal realm
to rescue someone by paying a ransom
A solemn agreement or pact
The old testament sign and seal of the covenant of grace
Loving kindness to a person of misery
the lifelong conversation by which Christians become gradually holier-- that is, more like Jesus Christ
Infallibility of Scripture
the quality of the bible that means it will not fail
Goodness of God
Attribute of God meaning that he satisfies the needs of all his creatures

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