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Japans 28


undefined, object
copy deck
botan o kakeru (ボタンをかける)
to button
botan'ana (ボタン穴)
a buttonhole
boroishōbai (ぼろい商売)
a very profitable business
tana kara botamochi (棚から牡丹餅)
a godsend, a windfall
bonbori (雪洞)
a (hand) lamp
boshitechō (母子手帳)
a maternity passbook
boppatsu (勃発)
an outbreak, an outburst
borantiahoken (ボランティア保険)
volunteer insurance
boshūjin'in (募集人員)
the number of persons to be accepted
bonsai (盆栽)
a dwarf tree/pine, a potted plant
botan (ボタン)
a button, cuff links
borantiashinkōhō (ボランティア振興法)
the National and Community Service Act of 1990
bōringu o suru (ボーリングをする)
to bowl
botan (牡丹)
a tree peony
botchan (坊ちゃん)a boy
a son, your son; [Infml.] a greenhorn
bosei (母性)
bon'yari kangaekomu (ぼんやり考え込む)
to be lost in thought
bonjin (凡人)
an ordinary man
bosatsu (菩薩)
a Buddhist saint
boro no (襤褸の)
boppatsu suru (勃発する)
to break out, to burst out
bonchi (盆地)
a basin, a valley
bon'yōna (凡庸な)
ordinary, common
bosen (母船)
a mother ship
bon'odori (盆踊り)
the Bon festival dance
bon'yari shita (ぼんやりした)
dim, vague, faint; absent-minded, blank; stupid, dull, careless
botchan de aru (坊ちゃんである)
to know nothing of the world
bosshūhin (没収品)
a confiscation
boshū (募集)
collection, subscription; invitation; flotation
bōru (ボール)
a ball; a bowl
bon'yō (凡庸)
bonda suru (凡打する)
to hit an easy fly, to hit an easy grounder
bonbon (ぼんぼん)
your son; ding-dong
sanshabontai (三者凡退)
The three went out in quick order
boseiai (母性愛)
mother's love
bōringu (ボーリング)
bowling; boring
borantia (ボランティア)
a volunteer
bossuru (没する)
to sink, [日/月が] to set, to go down; to disappear; to die
borantiakyūkaseido (ボランティア休暇制度)
a volunteer holiday system
botsu ni suru (没にする)
to reject [a person's manuscripts]
bōringujō (ボーリング場)
a bowling alley
botamochi (牡丹餅)
a rice cake covered with bean jam
bontai suru (凡退する)
to be easily put out
botsukosei (没個性)
unoriginal, faceless
boshisōgosayō (母子相互作用)
mother-infant interaction
bonyū de sodateru (母乳で育てる)
to feed [a baby] on mother's milk
bonnō (煩悩)
(worldly) desires, passions
boribori kajiru (ぼりぼり齧る)
to crunch
boshū suru (募集する)
to collect, to invite, to receive, [債券を] to float, [基金を] to raise, [兵士を] to recruit
seitoboshū (生徒募集)
New Students Invited
bonbe (ボンベ)
a gas cylinder, a refill
botan o hazusu (ボタンを外す)
to unbutton
botai (母体)
the mother, the mother's body; the body, the nucleus
boshiryō (母子寮)
a home for fatherless families
boseki (墓石)
a gravestone
borantiakatsudō (ボランティア活動)
volunteer activities
bosabosa no (ぼさぼさの)
uncombed, unkempt
bōrunage o suru (ボール投げをする)
to play catch
bon'yari to (ぼんやりと)
dimly, vaguely, faintly; absent-mindedly, blankly
boro o dasu (襤褸を出す)
to expose one's defect, to betray one's ignorance
bōrubako (ボール箱)
a carton
boroboro ni naru (ぼろぼろになる)
to be torn to shreds, to be worn to rags; to crumble, to be broken to pieces
boshi (母子)
a mother and child
bōrugami (ボール紙)
cardboard, pasteboard
bonyū (母乳)
mother's milk
boro (襤褸)
rags; a defect, a fault
boshoku (暮色)
the dusk, the dark
boseihonnō (母性本能)
maternal instinct
bonnetto (ボンネット)
a bonnet; [自動車の] a hood, a bonnet
botsubotsu (ぼつぼつ)
spots, pimples; little by little, gradually, slowly
bosoboso hanasu (ぼそぼそ話す)
to talk in a low voice/tone, to whisper
boshikatei (母子家庭)
a fatherless family
boribori kaku (ぼりぼり掻く)
to scratch
boromōke suru (ぼろ儲けする)
to make easy money
bōrupen (ボール・ペン)
a ball-point (pen)
bosan suru (墓参する)
to visit a grave
boru (ぼる)
to charge high
boroboro no (ぼろぼろの)
ragged; loose
bosshū suru (没収する)
to confiscate

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