Government Midterm
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- The constitution sets up a _____________ form of government.
- Unitary
- The primary principal states...
- What is learned first is learned best
- Governemnt money awarded for broad, general purposes is called a __________ grant.
- Block
- Politics requires
- Some unity among people, some conflict among people and a ruling authority
- Decisions with the Supreme Court with regard to the powers of national government typically...
- Tend to support expansion of national authority, but recently have been placing limits on that authority
- The Second Face of power is being exercised when...
- X is able to control the agenda or determine the choices
- The Constitution established this but the Articles of Confederation did not
- The authority to regulate interstate commerce
- According to a study of public opinion Americans are...
- Less informed than those in most other comparable countries
- Definition of Politics
- The process that determines the authorative allocation of values
Normative or Descriptive?
49% of eligible US voters voted in 1996 - Descriptive
Normative or Descriptive?
Because most people have little information about the American Political System, major policy decisions shouldbe left to elected officals - Normative
Normative or Descriptive?
It should be the responsibility of the US government to ensure that all Americans have access to health insurance - Normative
Normative or Descriptive?
One-Third of Americans cannot name the Vice President - Descriptive
- Two agents of political socialization important in early life
- School and Parent
- Two agents of political socialization important in later life
- Peers and Co-workers
- Two important clauses of the Constitution that have been important in the development of federalism
- Commerce and Supremacy
- Seperation of Powers is defined as
- Each branch of government judicial, executive and legislative is seperate from the other
- Madison worried about the dangers of ______________ in Federalist Paper No. 10.
- Majority Factions
- The majoritarian model of government says
- The majority rules
- The elite model of government says
- The elect rules
- Authority is different from power in that power is that ability to rule but authority is
- The right to rule
- One argument for the Constitution made by the Federalists
- System of checks and balances
- Federalism is defined as
- Sharing of power among multiple governments
- ________________ federalism is when the federal government makes money the basis of its relationship between state and local governments.
- Fiscal
- Mass Media
- Method by which large groups of people are communicated with
- Types of Mass Media
- Broadcast (TV, radio) and Print (Newspaper, Magazines)
- Yellow Journalism
- Sensational Journalism
- Muckracking
- Digging up dirt, investigative reporting
- Liberal biases come from...
- Reporters (Democratic/Liberals), Editors and Owners(Republicans/Conservatives)
- Content analysis is typically...
- More negative than positive in comments, more critial of front runners than underdogs, not continually partisen biased
- Two sources of biases
- Ownership (in the private media) and Journalistic Norms (unwritten rules of what is news worthy)
- Characteristics of Private Ownership
1) Need for audience appeal
2) Sensationalism
3) Conflict
4) Good visuals/pictures
5) Pressure to be the first in reporting breaking news - Journalistic Norms
1) Unusual/different
2) Conflict
3) Failure
4) Timeliness in news stories
5) Objectivity - Minimal impacts of the media altering ones beliefs...
- Americans pay selective attention to the media, they have selective perception and their level of education matters
- In the early canidate selection media can have an impact on...
1) Primaries
2) Perceptions of viability
3) The momentum of the campaign (money contributions) - Personalities vs. Institutions
- Personalities get coverage over institutions and processes
- There is a lower trust in the government and a rising level of __________________.
- Cynicism
- Priming
- The impact of how one evaluates political leaders
- Framing
- How the media presents the issue
- Agenda Setting influences...
- What you think about and how important it is
- Why participate?
- It is good and legitimate
- Why does anyone participate to begin with?
- Individual costs and benefits
- Does it matter whether your group votes?
- Politicians respond to groups that participate
- Unconventional varieties of participation
- Protest, Terrorism, Petitions, Bribert, Picketting
- Conventional Varieties of Participation
- Voting, contacting a member of office, puplic opinion polling, campaigning, running for office, campaign contribution, joining a group, litigation/civit lawsuit
- US voting rates are lower...
1) No holiday, lose work time
2) Registration is up to the individual
3) No mandatory voting
4) Counting differences
5) More frequent and numerous elections - Puzzle of low voting rates
- Despite higher education and easing registration laws voting has gone down
- Solutions to the puzzle
1) Less mobilizaion
2) Younger electorate
3) Poorer evaluation of canidates and parties
4) Less social involvement
5) Lover feelings of political efficacy - Definition of Political Efficacy
- Sense that one can understand politics and their participation makes a difference
- Psychological factors influencing participation
- Political efficacy, sense of duty, interest in politics
- Sociological factors influencing participation
- Education, Race, Age, Sex
- Two preliminary basics of elections
- Primaries/Caucus and General election
- Primaries/Caucus chooses...
- Party nominees
- General Election chooses...
- Office holder
- Difference between two primaries
- Closed- must be a registered party member to participate, Open- one chooses which primary to participate in (democratic or republican)
- Blanket Primaries
- Now illegal, one person is choosen per office
- Consequences of increasing use of primaries
1) Reduced power of the party
2) Democratized process
3) Campaigining becmes more media intensive
4) Expensive
5) Longer process
6) Front loaded process (importance of early wins) - Campaigning Strategies
- Issues, Framing, Mobilization
- In appealing to issues the person running for office adapts to...
- The voters sentiment
- Mobilization of Democratic Base
- less well off economically, unions, minorities, immigrants, Catholic, Jews, southerners
- Mobilization of Republican Base
- More well off economically, businesses, white, Protestant, higher educated
- Definition of Checks and Balances
- No branch can exercise power without interference from another
- Central Argument of the Declaration of Independence
- The people have a right to revolt if government is denying legitimate rights
- The Great Compromise provided for a...
- Two chamber legislature with representation equal for all states in the one chamber and according to population in the other.
- A power not specifically mentioned in the Constitution
- Assigned Power
- Two major developments in federalism
1) Increase in authority of national government and power
2) Seperate spheres federalism to cooperative federalism - Causes of changes in federalism
- Violence (Civil War), Constitutional Amendments and Judicial Interpretation
- Pluralist movel of government says that ___________ rule.
- Group, diverse interests