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- Bessie Smith
- highest paid john hammond (producer), social protest blues
- Henderson Chapman
- Father of charlie chartmon.
- Henry sloan
- dockery farm, singer guitarist, style adopted by dockery
- Ma Rainey
- Minstrel>Mother of the blues, mentor to bessie smith. Paramount
- W. C. Handy
- Composer/Musician, father of blues,
- Charlie Patton
- wrote pony blues, spoonfull of blues, competed with urban sounds
- Dockery
- Dockery farms, emplyed blacks, birthplace of blues, met henry sloan
- Mamie Smith
- Crazy blues
- Patton Music characteristic
- voice like instrument, pull/slide on strings, long songs, percussion on instrument
- Polyrhythmic
- 3 against 2
- billie Holiday
- strange fruit, (cafe society, produced by john hammond, columbia,
- Blues lineage
- Patton > Johnson > Son House > Robert Johnson > Muddy Waters
- 1927 flood
- Highwater Everywhere, Blackwater blues