undefined, object
copy deck
- sukut
- silence
- qidirmoq
- to search for
- tinch
- peace
- tabiy xizmat
- health care
- sog\'urti
- insurance
- qayti chaqish
- recount
- mahbus
- prison
- shaxs
- personal
- noma\'lum
- unknown
- yunalish
- direction
- ilmiy
- science
- ma\'rifiy
- cultural
- muassasa hisoblanmoq
- to be occupied
- asosiy
- most important
- aylangan
- has become
- xo\'jalik
- agriculture
- yurt
- land, country
- iborat
- consists of
- beshik
- crib
- marosim
- event
- voqea
- event
- -ib bo\'lmoq
- confirmation of occurrence, completeness of action
- -ib qo\'ymoq
- accidently did something, occasionally do it
- -ib o\'tmoq
- stresses an actions occurrence and completeness, often briefly done while doing something else
- -ib ketmoq
- confirmation of action, stressing or exaggerating its occurrence
- -ib qolmoq
- accidental occurrence of action
- -ib olmoq
- confirmation, usually it is you did for yourself and barely finished
- -ib chiqmoq
- finishing action, or finalizing it...most of the time doing it quickly
- -ib turmoq
- continually doing something, sometimes periodically with interruption
- -ib yubormoq
- sudden or unexpected action
- -ib yurmoq
- to keep doing the action
- tamosha qilmoq
- see a show
- tamosha ko\'rsatish
- perform the show
- sayilga chiqmoq
- to hang out
- g\'ayrat
- courage
- tekin
- free of cost
- bekor ketmoq
- wasted
- ko\'ngilga o\'tirish
- to be pleased
- basseynda qutqaruvchi
- lifeguard
- jarima
- monetary fine
- bir gap bo\'lar
- we\'ll see what happens
- qatnashchi
- participant
- yosh qiz-juvonlar
- young brides
- hazilkash
- jokingly
- to\'ladan kelgan
- plump
- hisob-kitob
- accounting books
- ko\'nglini ovlash
- to please
- egalari
- owners
- taqdir
- destiny
- harbiy
- military
- bazm
- party
- turmush qurgan
- build a marriage
- bosiq
- quiet character
- bitim (shartnoma)
- agreement
- bo\'lajak
- future
- urush
- war
- tuz-namek
- salty snacks
- tot
- taste
- qush
- bird
- yetib bormoq
- arrive
- hasharat
- insect
- go\'yo
- as if, like
- dehqon
- farmer
- ellik-boshi
- military officer
- g\'ovur
- noise
- xabar
- ox
- bahslasha-bahslasha
- debate, discussion
- poshsholik
- kingdom
- poshs
- king
- chol-kampir
- elderly couple
- o\'y-hayol
- imagination
- sarixlik
- generousity
- so\'zlamoq
- to speak
- iftor
- feast or celebration ending Ramazan
- vakillar
- representatives
- a\'zollar
- members
- taraqqiyoti
- development
- hissa
- contribution
- turli irqga mansab
- belong to different races
- ko\'p ter to\'kkan
- sweat alot, work until you sweat
- qonunchi
- lawyer
- aloh
- special, especially
- tilga oldi
- mentioned
- muloqot
- communication
- hurmat
- respect
- manfaatlar
- benefits
- aloqalar
- relations
- ma\'lumotalar
- information
- fikr-mulohazarlar
- ideas/opinions
- ilmiy-ma\'rifiy
- science and culture
- iborat bo\'lmoq
- consists of
- natijalari
- results
- go\'yat
- very
- bo\'lim
- part
- mashhur
- popular
- ko\'rgazma
- exhibition
- teglishli
- relevant
- akr ettirish
- reflect, present
- kengaytirmoq
- widen, broaden, expand
- faoliyat
- activities
- foydalanmoq
- to be used
- vazifa
- assignment
- turli
- different
- fan
- subjects
- sayohat
- journey, travel
- ga\'zab
- anger, fury
- ko\'rpa-yostiq
- bedding
- kam-ko\'st
- deficiency
- bahslashmoq
- discuss, debate
- qo\'shni
- neighbor
- qo\'ni-qo\'shni
- friends and neighbors
- to\'da
- piles, bunches
- birdaniga
- suddenly, at once
- keldi-ketdi
- comings and goings
- ostin-ustin
- everywhere
- e\'tibor
- attention
- chidasa bo\'ladi
- its hard, but I can handle it
- hayot-mamot
- life or death
- tanqisligi
- lacking
- vazifat
- condition
- sodir bo\'lgan
- disaster
- tashvish bildirgan
- showed concern
- inqiroz
- crisis
- to\'g\'onlar
- dams
- gidroelekrtrostansiya
- hydroelectricity
- gurilgan
- build
- chora
- solution
- quvvat
- energy
- hid
- smell
- hushbo\'y
- pleasant smell
- cho\'tir
- scarred
- holat
- condition
- yapalaq
- flat
- tekis
- flat
- yassi
- flat
- dumaloq
- round
- hajm
- volume
- shakl
- shape
- o\'lchov
- measurement
- maza-ta\'m
- taste
- sassiq (hid)
- bad smell
- badbo\'y (hid)
- bad smell
- muattar (hid)
- very pleasant smell
- hayhon hidi
- smell of basil
- atirgul hidi
- smell of roses
- moliyaviy
- financial
- Katta Yigirmalik
- G20
- tashqi
- foreign
- doimiy
- permanent
- past
- short, low
- erkin
- free
- qonunchilik
- law and order
- yalpi
- widespread
- chet el
- foreign
- keskin
- clear, certain
- iqtisodiy
- economic
- deyarli teng
- almost equal
- yetarli
- sufficient
- ayrim
- distinct
- taxt
- throne
- avlodi
- generation
- hukmdor
- ruler
- egalladi
- conquered
- yurish qilmoq
- conquer
- ortiq
- extra
- saltanat
- empire
- asos
- kingdom
- solmoq
- puwi
- vafot etkan
- seemed to die
- vasiyat
- will, testiment
- sulolas
- dynasty
- shoir
- poet
- lirik
- poet
- merosi
- his legacy
- jamlangan
- have been collected
- to\'liq
- full
- tuzgan
- form
- devon
- collection of poems
- she\'rlar
- poems
- umumiy
- universal
- hajmi
- capacity
- ortadi
- increase
- yaratgan
- created
- mavzu
- topic, theme
- jihat
- aspect
- ta\'lim
- education
- ta\'limiy
- educational
- ajratish
- seperate, divide
- izhori
- display
- samimy
- heartfelt
- ravon
- elequent
- adabiyat
- literature
- ulug\'
- great
- yaqin
- close
- bayon etilgan
- described in writing
- qo\'lyozma
- manuscript
- nusxalar
- copies
- nashr etgan
- published
- xonim
- lady
- dastlab
- at first
- jildli
- volumes
- parchalar
- excerpts
- e\'lon qilmoq
- announce, proclaim
- tuzatilgan
- corrected, proofed
- to\'ldirilgan
- filled
- oshirildi
- raised
- kashf qildi
- discovered
- o\'girilgan
- turned around
- ko\'chirtirdi
- copied
- soliq
- tax
- sharhlar
- explanation
- taraqqiyot
- development
- ko\'rinish
- appearances
- kuch
- power, force
- mintaqa
- region
- jangarilar
- belligerent
- qarshi
- counter
- bartaraf
- end
- o\'ldrilgan
- killed (don\'t know by who)
- sharhlovchilar
- commentators
- yetaklamoq
- reach
- omil
- cause
- baholaydi
- judge
- yuborgan
- sent
- ma\'lumki
- as you know
- masala
- problem
- sari
- more and more
- kechinlash
- increasing, becoming severe
- mustamlaka
- colony
- umummillat
- general society
- mustamlakachi
- colonizer
- bajarmoq
- carry out
- aylantirish
- changed
- qaramay
- not withstanding
- mavqei
- position, situation
- saqlab kelmoq
- being kept
- biror
- some
- qator
- group, set
- lozim
- must, should
- yashovchi
- inhabitants
- manzur
- acceptable
- xudud
- territory
- nisbatan
- compared
- tarqilmoq
- to scatter
- leksik
- vocabulary
- namuna
- example
- uyushtirish
- promote
- maqsad
- aim
- ommaviy
- common
- axborot
- news/info
- vostalar
- channels
- kengroq
- wider
- foydalamoq
- to put
- bir necha
- few
- davr
- period
- yetkazish
- pass
- mushkul
- difficult
- g\'arbiy
- western
- qiyinchiliklar
- difficulties
- tug\'dirmoq
- gives birth to
- zina
- stairs
- yiqilmoq
- fall down
- kontrol ish
- work on assignment, quiz
- tok urgan
- electric shock(ed)
- doklad
- report
- nahotki
- really?
- ball olmoq
- got grade
- hayol
- thought
- ezadi
- torture
- tanho
- only
- ozor
- dream, wish
- ona shahari
- hometown
- nujum
- astrology
- riyozat
- physics
- kabi
- similar
- o\'tkazmoq
- to carry out
- bag\'ishlangan
- dedicated
- tabiiyot ilmi
- natural science
- kashfiyotlar
- discoveries
- globus
- globe
- sayyoralar
- planets
- faylafuf
- philosopher
- olim
- scientist
- qoraxoniylar
- kingdoms
- bosib olmoq
- conquer
- vayron qilmoq
- destroyed
- iste\'dodli
- talented
- yetakchi
- leader
- mutolaa qilardi
- read/study
- cho\'qqi
- peak
- mustahkamlash
- strengthened
- tinmay
- restless
- erta
- early
- yaqinda
- near
- yillik
- anniversary
- tarz
- form
- yuritmoq
- set in motion
- sifatda
- as
- ro\'yxat
- list, roster
- tashabbu
- initiative
- uyushtirmoq
- to form, to organize
- muhojirlar
- immigrant, refugee
- saqlash
- protect, keep
- xayriya
- charitable
- dasturlar
- programs
- oshirish
- carry out
- qonuniy
- legal
- huquqlar
- rights
- kiritmoq
- gain
- ziyod
- excess
- ko\'playmoq
- breed
- kuchayadi
- increase, strengthen
- birlastirish
- to be united
- avlodlar
- descendants
- raisi
- head
- barcha
- all
- tanitib borish
- introduce
- turmush tarsi
- lifestyle
- ta\'sir
- influence
- esdan chiqarib
- forget
- jarayon
- process
- o\'tkazayotaganidan
- brought about from...
- noliydi
- to complain
- yechim
- solution
- malakali
- qualified, skilled
- mutaxissislar
- experts
- mehr
- fondness, love
- iqtidorli
- capable
- saboq
- lesson
- atigi
- only
- qat\'iy nazar
- no matter what/where
- ehtiyoj
- need
- kirish so\'z
- introduction words
- aytishlaricha
- it is said
- albatta
- of course
- shaksiz
- without doubt
- shubhasiz
- without a doubt
- afsus
- unfortunately
- essiz
- unfortunately
- attang
- didn\'t do something you could have
- baxtga qarshi
- unfortunately
- haqiqatdan ham
- in truth
- ham
- also
- to\'g\'ri
- correctly, it is correct that
- tabiiy
- naturally
- xullas
- in conclusion
- umuman
- in general
- demak
- so...
- birinchidan
- first of all,
- avvalo
- initially
- o\'z o\'zidan
- of course you would know...
- auf eting
- forgive me
- kechirasiz
- excuse me
- maqulmi?
- do you agree
- shikoyat
- complaint
- ahamiyat
- importance
- yuvosh
- quiet
- sho\'x
- loud
- solishtirigani solishtirgan
- you keep comparing!
- yana
- more
- ikkilashib
- together, two of us
- birlashib
- as one, together
- o\'nlab
- tens
- yo\'zlab
- hundreds
- minglab
- thousands
- boshmachi
- invader
- yogor
- to lose
- asl
- real
- suniy
- fake
- haql
- value
- sevlimli mashg\'ulot
- hobby
- hovii
- front yard
- salat
- basket
- patir
- special bread
- boshlang\'ich
- elementary
- majburiy
- mandatory
- tilla
- gold
- rioya qilmoq
- follow
- hissiyot
- emotion
- jahli chiqmoq
- to become angry
- hayahonlanmoq
- to become excited
- asabiylashdi
- become worried
- hursand bo\'ladi
- become happy
- jahldor odam
- angry person
- poezd
- train
- xizmatkor
- servant
- bundan buyon
- from now on
- boqlamoq
- raise, feed
- baloning o\'qi
- disaster
- manluq
- monster
- ko\'z olaytirish
- look lustfully
- fe\'li chatoq
- difficult personality
- chalqitmoq
- distracting
- buvi
- grandma (father)
- buva
- grandpa (fathers)
- momo
- grandma (mothers)
- bobo
- grandpa (fathers)
- susayishi
- reduce, decrease
- uchrash
- strength
- ilhom
- influence
- hakim
- traditional medicineman
- tibbiyot
- medicine
- qomusiy olim
- a scientist with many specialties
- qodir
- capable
- mantiq
- logic
- murojaat qilib
- to refer
- jim tur
- be quiet, stay quiet
- tomi ketgan
- retarded
- bohton
- fake rumors
- qo\'yib yubor
- let her go
- qaynoq
- hot, boiling
- muhtojik
- financial
- tengingi top
- crazy
- harqit berma
- don\'t give me a distraction
- qarorga qilmoq
- make decision
- tayin
- another
- ichagi uzilib kulmoq
- laugh so hard your guts fall out
- archa
- pine trees
- mushak otmoq
- fireworks
- saylga chiqmoq
- parade
- taqsimlangan
- to be divided
- tomdan tarasha tushganday
- something flew from the roof
- tepa sochi tikki bo\'ldi
- scare you that your hair stands on end
- tarvuz qo\'ltig\'dan tushdi
- hopes fell
- og\'zi ochilib qoldi
- jaw drops
- stakan
- glass, cup
- o\'rin
- bed
- hohlamoq
- want
- ishq
- love
- malika
- princess
- muhabnatini qozonish
- winning love
- og\'u
- poison
- yor
- lover
- oshiq
- lover
- jilmay
- smile
- uzatmoq
- pass, give to
- tashakkur qilmoq
- give thanks
- minnatordorman
- appreciate it
- shukronalik bayrami
- thanksgiving holiday
- mohiyat
- importance
- cheklashiga garshi
- against limitations
- urg\'u berdi
- stressed, emphasized
- xususan
- especially
- moliya
- financial
- bahramand bo\'lmoq
- have access to, enjoy
- hamorlik qilmoq
- allign, form alliance
- umumbashariy
- fundamental
- yutuqlarga erish
- achieve victory
- e\'tiqod
- faith
- tizim
- structure
- o\'zaro hurmat
- respect among
- borasida
- about
- muhokama
- debate, discussion
- ilk
- initial
- devor
- wall
- iqlim
- climate
- yirik
- large, prominent
- zaror
- essential, necessary
- omillar
- factors
- savdo
- commerce, trade
- bog\'liq
- connected with, to
- vaziyat
- circumstances
- tashqari
- outside
- shiddat bilan
- with enthusiasm
- munosabati bilan
- because of, in honor of
- yeng shimarib
- worked with enthusiasm (rolled up sleeves and got to work)
- kecha-yu kunduz
- day and night
- qo\'y mehnati bilan
- built with hands
- hashur
- voluntary labor