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The Great Dpression and the New Deal...


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bonus army
group of WWI vets who go to washington demanding money
national industrial recovery act
restablished the national recovery administration
election of 1932
hoovers declining popularity. the bonus army. Roosevelt (demo.) Hoover (rep)
fair labor standar act
gradual implementation of min. wage 40 hrs no child labor only 4 business in numerous states
national youth administration
youth and college aspcts for working
national labor relations act 1935
this repalces the NRA and reconfirms the act of labor. strengthens the authority of labor
bank holiday
closing of the bank to slow down the flow of money and to provide confidence in the banking system.
going off the gold standard
it ment that nothing was backin up the money
emergency relief appropriation act
direct federal imployment act, state and local act payments increased presidential authority reenstaled the administrationa act
social security
had 2 aspects 1. employers pay taxes that will pay unemploy benefits 2. pay equally by employer and employees ( old age benefits- retirements)
securities and exchage commission
regulates the stock market
the home owners loan corporation
provided money to refinance morgages
federal communications commission
regulates the communications system
was the rep. nominee (lost)
fireside chats
it was a series of radio broadcast by roosevelt when he was in office to share with the people their plan on helping the economy
public works administration
provided jobs and work of buildings, road bridges, public buildings
huey long
new deal opponent, senador form louisiana, he was corrupt
purchase of somehting by later selling it and getting a profit out of it
agriculture adjustment act
prevented fluxuation of farm prices offer direct cash to subcities to farmer. federal money for refinancing farm loans
election of 1936
Roosevelt (dem) London (rep)
national housing act
give low class loans. provide substitutes by loan. provide min. wage gradually implemented.
herbert hoovers response to the collapse of the stock market
1. voluntary action 2. federal aid
national recovery administration
they would look over proposals that people drew up of their own plan of prices. they could agreet to this proposal, but if disagreed, they would make the plan
chief complain against the new deal
it did nothing to hte economy, concentration, recovery than relief for unemployed
gov. contracts act 1936
gov. company : min. wage, 40 hrs. no child labor
sec. of labor 1st women to hold cabnit. appointed slums clearance
farm security administration
loans to tenate farms, sharecrops, and immingrants
tennessee valley administration
the tennesee river valley a series of gov. buildings were building hygroelectric dams to creat flood control and produce electricity
rural electrification administration
gov. provided low interest loans to electric companies to get electricity to rural areas
fedeal deposit inssurance corportation. protected money for people, up to 5000
emrgency bancking relief act of 1933
brought in gold ans silver under the control of the govenment
federal emergency relief act
proviede money to the states for unemployment and relief programs
effort to pack the court
roosevelt tries to bring in more people to the supreme court from 9-15, so that his new deal may not be ruled unconstitutional
civilian conservation corps
employed youngmen in work in park rangers
2 prgrams struck down by the supreme court
national recovery administration and agricilture adjustment act
banking act of 1933
established the fdic inlarged the federal reserve system
economic problems contributing to hte collaps in 1929
1. real estate speculation 2. stock market speculation 3. overproduction 4. high prices low wages 5. agriculture 6. international finance 7. protective tariff
federal housing administration
it inssured the home owners loan. when the bak would make a loan the federal gov. would inssure the loan
works progress administration
public works, imployment program, established by ERpact. builed paks highways, etc..
influence of WWII
brought end to great depression

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