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barrons wordlist M


undefined, object
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minor crime; misdeed; wrongdoing
extremely small; CF. minutes: official record of the proceedings at a meeting
evident; visible; obvious; V: show plainly
appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity
s soar
rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
n motley
multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester); mixed; heterogeneous; CF. jester: one who jests (as a paid fool at medieval courts)
evildoer; criminal
one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause; great sufferer; Ex. martyr to his rheumatism
s suckle
give or take milk at the breast or udder
state of being numerous or multiple; large number; Ex. multiplicity of details; ADJ. multiple: of more than one element
pertaining to money
n Machiavellian
crafty; double-dealing; of the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing political power
n mundane
worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday; of the ordinary; Ex. mundane existence; CF. world
government under a single ruler
n morose
ill-humored; sullen; sullenly melancholy
n mordant
biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive; cutting; Ex. mordant pen/wit
n macerate
soften by soaking in liquid; waste away; Ex. macerate powdered wood to make paper
n missive
letter; written statement; CF. sent
n moratorium
legal delay of payment or action; Ex. declare moratorium on the building of new houses
s cremate
incinerate (a corpse); N. crematory, crematorium
n mincing
affectedly dainty(delicate); V. mince: cut (esp. meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short steps; Ex. The actor minced across the stage; CF. mincemeat; CF. mincer
scanty; inadequate
having many languages; fluent in several languages
n marshal
put in order; guide ceremoniously to the correct place; Ex. marshal the children into the museum; N: military officer; official
s dainty
delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious; not easy to please; Ex. dainty movement/dress
n minatory
menacing; threatening
n modicum
limited quantity; small amount; Ex. He does not have a modicum of sense; CF. moderate
small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. microcosm of English society
n malleable
(of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating); pliable; (of someone) impressionable(easily influenced); easily controlled; tractable
interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge
n meek
submissive; patient and long-suffering
hatred of marriage
s vertebrate
having a backbone or spinal column; N: group of animals having a segmented spinal column
n masticate
n magnate
person of prominence or influence; powerful or influential person (in business or industry); Ex. oil magnate
ordinary; commonplace; neither good nor bad
gloomy; morose; blue; N. ADJ. melancholic; CF. melancholia
n mortify
humiliate by embarassing excessively; shame; punish the flesh; discipline (one's body) by self-denial; Ex. mortified by her blunder; Ex. mortify the flesh; CF. cause to die
s undertaker
funeral director; one whose business is to arrange burials
n maudlin
effusively sentimental
n mock
ridicule; deride; imitate often in derision
n martinet
strict disciplinarian; person who demands total obedience to rules and orders; CF. Jean Martinet
n malapropism
comic misuse of a word; CF. Mrs. Malaprop
quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus; moving force
s suitor
man who is courting a woman
n motility
ability to move spontaneously; ADJ. motile: moving spontaneously
s maleficient
doing evil; N. maleficience
n manipulate
operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative
n morbid
given to unwholesome or unhealthy thought; moody; characteristic of disease; Ex. morbid curiosity; N. morbidity; CF. disease
n militate
work against; Ex. militate against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier
stingy; mean
n myopic
nearsighted; lacking foresight; N. myopia
prevailing style; current fashion; manner; way of doing something; Ex. in the latest mode; Ex. simple mode of life
s miscellaneous
made up of a variety of parts
n mogul
powerful person; Ex. oil moguls; CF. Mogol, Moghul; CF. Mongolian
n mawkish
mushy(sentimental) and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; excessively and objectionably sentimental
n muster
gather; assemble (troops); Ex. muster up one's strength for the ordeal; N.
s sentimental
swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments
n mayhem
injury to body; crime of willfully maiming or crippling a person; violent disorder; Ex. mayhem in the zoo; CF. maim
n musky
having the odor of musk; N. musk: odorous substance secreted by an Asian deer
s memorial
something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a person or event; ADJ: commemorative
n misnomer
wrong or improper name; incorrect designation
n maverick
rebel; nonconformist (in a group)
s mange
skin disease (esp. of domestic animals) marked by loss of hair
n mortician
undertaker; CF. death
s wretch
miserable person; bad or despicable person; ADJ. wretched: miserable; bad; contemptible; vile
n manifestation
outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation of his pronounced musical bent
belief in one God
preoccupation with physical comforts and things; excessive regard for worldly concerns (rather than spiritual matters)
n mercurial
capricious; quick and changing; fickle; containing the element mercury; Ex. mercurial temper; CF. mood
wishing evil; exhibiting ill will; N. malevolence
s mangle
tear or cut to pieces; mutilate or disfigure; Ex. badly mangled bodies
n machinations
evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to achieve an evil end; V. machinate
motherly; N. maternity: motherhood
s peddle
travel about selling (wares); CF. foot
person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs; discontented person; ADJ: discontented
motivated solely by money or gain; N.
n muse
ponder at length; N: source of inspiration (esp. of a poet)
changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. migrant birds/workers; N: one that migrates
n minuscule(miniscule)
extremely small
public declaration of principles; statement of policy
the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance
very important; N. moment; CF. momentary
gigantic; enormous
s mime
pantomime(act without dialogue); mimicry; mimer; V: mimic; pantomime
picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles; ADJ.
excessively careful (with great attention to detail); painstaking; scrupulous
s intermediary
intermediate; acting as a mediator; N: mediator; go-between
n meander
wind or turn in its course; follow a winding or turning course; move aimlessly and idly
n memento
token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex. memento of your visit
n murky
dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague; Ex. murky night/fog; N. murk: partial or complete darkness; gloom
clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling
s enlist
(cause to) join the armed forces; obtain (help, sympathy, or support)
n maim
mutilate; injure lastingly; disable; cripple; Ex. maimed for life
n moribund
dying; at the point of death; CF. death
speak evil of; bad-mouth(criticize spitefully); defame; ADJ: harmful; Ex. malign influence
raging mad; insane; N. maniac: insane person; CF. mania: disorder of the mind; intense enthusiasm
tending to cause death; highly injurious; aggressively malevolent; Ex. malignant tumor
n mountebank
charlatan; boastful pretender
n mendacious
lying; habitually dishonest; N. mendacity
n mutilate
maim; injure lastingly; deprive of a limb or an essential part
n muddle
confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion
s alms
money or goods given to the poor
n manifold
many in number or kind; numerous; varied
having many forms
s quicksilver
n macabre
gruesome; grisly; ghastly; CF. of death
s vile
despicable; unpleasant; disgusting; Ex. vile slander
n mischance
ill luck
movable; not fixed; N. mobility
s cadet
student at a military school
n malaise
uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health (without any particular pain or appearance of disease)
n megalomania
mania for doing grandiose things; mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance
s malapropos
inappropriate; ADV.
n myriad
very large number; ADJ. CF. ten thousand
n miscreant
wretch; wrongdoer; villain; Ex. kindness to the miscreant; CF. believe
mixture of writings on various subjects; collection of various items
generosity; ADJ. magnanimous: generous
thousand-year period (as in the New Testament); hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity
s morgue
mortuary; place where bodies are kept before burial or cremation
s monochrome
painting in only one color; ADJ.
n mannered
affected; not natural; Ex. mannered way of speech
n molten
melted; Ex. molten lava
n mores
conventions; moral standards; moral customs
n meddlesome
interfering; V. meddle: interfere
silent; muffled; toned down; Ex. muted traffic noise
large city
s militia
army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers
restrain; handcuff; N.
n menagerie
collection of wild animals on exhibition; zoo
s mute
silent; without speech; not pronounced; unable to speak; N: one who is incapable of speech; V: soften the sound, color, shade of
wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another
n mote
small speck (esp. of dust)
n maelstrom
violent whirlpool; violent or tublent situation; CF. stream
element that is a creature's natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated; appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise; middle position between extremes; intervening substance through which something else is transmitted
n mercantile
concerning trade or merchants
related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns
n moodiness
fits of depression or gloom; ADJ. moody: given to changeable moods; subject to periods of depression; gloomy CF. mood: state of mind or emotion
pertaining to speculative philosophy; of metaphysics; N. metaphysics: branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality
person who enjoys his own pain; CF. masochism
n mural
wall painting
n matriculate
enroll (in college or graduate school); CF. matrix
n mandate
order; charge; authoritative command; power to govern another country; power to given to a government; region under administration; V: give a mandate to; place under a mandate; Ex. mandated territory
n mulct
defraud a person of something; swindle; Ex. mulct the boy of his legacy
hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice: desire to harm others; spite
change of form; Ex. metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly; V. metamorphose: change by metamorphosis
n mishap
unfortunate accident
n misadventure
mischance; ill luck; Ex. death by misadventure
n mutinous
unruly; rebellious; Ex. mutinous teenagers; N. mutiny: open rebellion; CF. mutineer
n mauve
pale purple
error; misunderstanding; V. misapprehend
ability to change in form; fickleness; ADJ. mutable: able to change; fickle; CF. mutate; CF. mutant
s misconduct
immoral behavior; bad management; V.
greatness (in size or extent); extent
n munificent
very generous in giving; Ex. munificent benefactor; N. munificience
n mausoleum
monumental tomb; large stately tomb; CF. Mausolos
n magisterial
authoritative; imperious; commanding; of a magistrate; Ex. magisterial study of Roman law; Ex. magisterial manner
n modish
fashionable; conforming to the current fashion
hater of woman; CF. misogyny
n mollycoddle
pamper; coddle; baby; indulge excessively
n mealymouthed
indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said); hypocritical; evasive
n maritime
bordering on(adjacent to) the sea; nautical; of the ships or the sea; Ex. Maritime Provinces
like a meteor; swift; momentarily brilliant; Ex. meteoric rise to fame; N. meteor
n mesmerize
hypnotize; N. mesmerism; CF. Franz Mesmer
object to be thrown or projected
n mangy
shabby; wretched; suffering from mange; of bad appearance
s magistrate
official with power to administer the law
s motto
brief statement used to express a principle
n mete
measure; distribute; administer; Ex. mete out justice/punishment
proverb; truth pithily stated
n meretricious
flashy; tawdry; attractive on the surface but of no real value; Ex. metericious argument/jewel; CF. prostitute
n mendicant
beggar; ADJ: living as a beggar
s monograph
scholarly article
n musty
stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist
n menial
suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone who does menial work (esp. servant in a house)
n mollify
soothe an angry person
s monogram
design composed of one or more initials of a name; V.
n milieu
social environment; means of expression; Ex. feel out of one's milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.
s miniature
small model; small painting; ADJ: small
n marred
damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
n miasma
swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence
n misgivings
n mentor
counselor; teacher
n minion
servile dependent; obsequious follower
s compost
mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost
n metallurgical
pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores; N. metallurgy: science that deals with extracting metals from ores
s choice
delicate; of very fine quality
n muggy
(of weather) warm and damp
n mnemonic
pertaining to memory; assisting the memory; N: device, such as as formula or rhyme, used as a mnemonic aid
s swamp
wetland; marsh; V: flood; overwhelm; drench in with liquid
s mannerism
distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles)
sameness leading to boredom; monotonousness; ADJ. monotonous; CF. monotone
systematic; N. method: systematic method of procedure
reflection; thought; V. meditate
s exquisite
delicate; very finely made; extremely beautiful; Ex. exquisite piece of jewelry
pertaining to marriage
n maculated
spotted; stained; CF. immaculate
n marsupial
one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch(pocket of skin or leather); CF. kangaroo, opossum, wombat
boastful; pompous
implied comparison; CF. simile
n medley
n madrigal
pastoral song; song for several singers without instruments
n manumit
emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
n malfeasance
wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official)
one who hates mankind; misanthropist
n multifarious
varied; greatly diversified; Ex. multifarious activities
warlike; of war; Ex. martial art/law
s blemish
mar; spoil the beauty or perfection of; N: flaw or defect (that spoils perfection); Ex. blemishes in the crystal; CF. unblemished
s vulgar
of the common people; deficient in refinement; not refined; coarse; Ex. vulgar display of wealth; N. vulgarism: vulgarity; crudely indecent word; CF. vulgarian: vulgar person; boor; lout
n mirth
merriment; laughter
n mite
very small object or insect-like creature; small coin
n mellifluous
(of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune
having only one color
n mettle
courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties); spirit; ADJ. mettlesome
s nurse
suckle; take care of (as a nurse); bear in mind; Ex. nursing mother; Ex. nurse a hope/grudge against someone
vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
n monumental
massive; impressively large; built as a monument
n monolithic
solidly uniform; unchangeable; unyielding; N. monolith: large block of stone
settle a dispute through the services of an outsider; act as an intermediary; produce by mediating; Ex. mediate a cease-fire
woman who rules a family or larger social group
noticeable; targeted for vengeance or attack; Ex. marked improvement/man
s pronounced
distinct; very noticeable; Ex. pronounced limp
s blue
gloomy; depressed
n molt(moult)
periodically shed or cast off hairs or feathers (for replacement by a new growth)
n modulate
tone down in intensity; change the intensity or tone of; regulate; change from one musical key to another; Ex. modulate from E to G
n mace
ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority; clublike medieval weapon
s speck
small piece or mark; Ex. speck of dust in the eye
n mottled
blotched in coloring; spotted; Ex. mottled face; V. mottle: mark with blotches of different colors
unreal reflection; optical illusion
n minutiae
petty or trivial details; CF. minutia
n matrix
point of origin; array of numbers or algebraic symbols; mold or die; Ex. the matrix of Western civilization
n merger
combination (of two business corporations); act of merging
n motif
theme; recurrent thematic element in a musical or literary work; single or repeated pattern; figure
n maul
handle roughly; batter; injure by beating; Ex. mauled by his overexcited fans; N: heavy long-handled hammer
one who feigns illness to escape duty; V. malinger: feign illness to avoid work
n mire
entangle; stick in swampy ground; stick or sink in mire; N: bog; deep mud; Ex. sucked deeper into the mire
obligatory; compulsory; of a mandate
combative; bellicose; N.
s blotch
spot; blot; CF. blot+botch

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