Japans 468
undefined, object
copy deck
- shunkashūtō (春夏秋冬)
- the four seasons, all the year round, at all seasons
- shunin de aru (主任である)
- to be in charge (of a class)
- shukuten (祝典)
- a celebration, a festival
- shukusha (縮写)
- copying on a smaller scale, [写真の] reduction
- shukudai o miteyaru (宿題をみてやる)
- to help a person with his homework
- shukuhaku (宿泊)
- lodging, accommodation
- shukui o hyōshite (祝意を表して)
- in honour of, in celebration of
- shukufuku (祝福)
- a blessing
- shukui o hyōsuru (祝意を表する)
- to express one's congratulations, to congratulate
- jinsei no shukuzu (人生の縮図)
- an epitome of life
- shukun o tateru (殊勲をたてる)
- to render distinguished services
- shukushō suru (縮小する)
- to reduce, to curtail, to cut down
- shunji mo (瞬時も)
- [not] even for a moment
- shukunshō (殊勲賞)
- a distinguished achievement award
- hyakubun no ichi ni shukusha suru (百分の一に縮写する)
- to draw on a scale of one to a hundred
- shumi no mondai (趣味の問題)
- a matter of taste
- shukuhō o hanatsu (祝砲を放つ)
- to fire a salute
- shukusatsuban (縮刷版)
- a smaller-size edition, a reduced-size edition
- shunbun no hi (春分の日)
- Vernal Equinox Day
- shumi (趣味)
- taste, an interest, a hobby
- shukujo (淑女)
- a lady
- shunkan (瞬間)
- in a moment, an instant
- shukusaijitsu (祝祭日)
- a national holiday
- shunjun suru (逡巡する)
- to hesitate, to scruple
- shukuen (祝宴)
- a feast, a banquet
- shukushō (縮小)
- a reduction, a cut, a curtailment
- shukuhakuryō (宿泊料)
- hotel charges, a hotel bill
- shukushaku goman bun no ichi (縮尺五万分の一)
- a scale of 1:50,000
- shukusha (宿舎)
- lodgings, quarters
- shukudai o dasu (宿題を出す)
- to set/give homework
- shukusei (粛清)
- a cleanup, a purge
- shungenna (峻厳な)
- stern, rigid, severe
- shukuden (祝電)
- a congratulatory telegram
- shumi ga warui (趣味が悪い)
- to have bad taste
- shunga (春画)
- an obscene picture, pornography
- shukun (殊勲)
- distinguished services
- shukuga suru (祝賀する)
- to congratulate; to celebrate
- shumi ga nakunaru (趣味がなくなる)
- to lose one's interest
- shukugan (宿願)
- one's long-cherished desire
- shukuhō (祝砲)
- a salute (of guns)
- shukunda (殊勲打)
- a winning hit
- shukuei suru (宿営する)
- to be quartered
- shukusei suru (粛清する)
- to clean up, to purge
- shukuhaku suru (宿泊する)
- to put up at, to stay at, to lodge in, to take up one's lodgings
- shukumeitekina (宿命的な)
- fatal, predestined
- shukugakai (祝賀会)
- a celebration, a congratulatory banquet
- shukufuku suru (祝福する)
- to bless
- shukuen (宿縁)
- a karma, destiny
- shukumeironja (宿命論者)
- a fatalist
- shumi no aru (趣味のある)
- tasteful, interesting
- shunkan saidai fūsoku (瞬間最大風速)
- the maximum instantaneous wind speed
- shunbun (春分)
- the vernal equinox
- shukun (主君)
- one's lord, one's master
- shūmai (焼売)
- a shaomai
- shumi no hito (趣味の人)
- a man of taste
- shukuzu (縮図)
- a reduced drawing, a miniature copy
- shukumeiron (宿命論)
- fatalism
- shun de aru (旬である)
- to be in season
- shukudai ni suru (宿題にする)
- to leave for future solution
- shukushakuzu (縮尺図)
- a map on a reduced scale
- kare o mita shunkan ni (彼を見た瞬間に)
- the moment/instant that I saw him
- shukuhai o ageru (祝杯をあげる)
- to drink a toast, to drink in celebration, to toast
- shukumei (宿命)
- fate, destiny
- shunin (主任)
- a chief (official), the head
- shun de nai (旬でない)
- to be out of season
- shukudai o suru (宿題をする)
- to do one's homework
- shukuhakunin (宿泊人)
- a lodger, a guest, a boarder
- shukueichi (宿営地)
- a billeting area
- shukuga (祝賀)
- a celebration, congratulations
- shukudai (宿題)
- homework, a home task, a home lesson, an assignment, an open question
- shunkanteki (瞬間的)
- momentary, instantaneous
- shukushaku (縮尺)
- a (reduced) scale
- shukugen suru (縮減する)
- to decrease
- shūkurīmu (シュー・クリーム)
- a cream puff
- shumi no nai (趣味のない)
- tasteless, dry
- shun'ei (俊英)
- a gifted person
- shungiku (春菊)
- a garland chrysanthemum, a shungiku
- shukusha suru (縮写する)
- to make a reduced copy of, to draw/copy on a smaller scale
- shuniku (朱肉)
- cinnabar seal ink
- shumi ga yoi (趣味が良い)
- to have good taste
- shukuhakujo (宿泊所)
- one's lodgings, an inn
- shukuji (祝辞)
- a congratulatory address
- shukufuku sareta (祝福された)
- blessed
- shukuen (宿怨)
- a deep-rooted grudge, a long-harboured enmity
- shumoku (種目)
- an item, [競技の] an event
- shukuteki (宿敵)
- an old enemy
- shunkansetchakuzai (瞬間接着剤)
- quick-drying glue
- shumi ni au (趣味に合う)
- to meet one's taste
- shukujitsu (祝日)
- a (public) holiday, a festival