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That which is separate from; That which is from another spiritual world.
Ordinary things about the world, all of the non-sacred things
Eliade's concept of religion
Religion --> Experience [of sacred space/sacred time]
Tillich's concept of religion
Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern (meaning of life)
Geertz's concept of religion
A system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existance...
Sacred Space
A place that a religious person experiences as being different/separate from the profane world.
Sacred Time
Any time where a previously experiences sacred event is re-experienced.
story/theory of the creation of the world or universe
an appearance of something sacred/God
world view
an important story
Doing the right things
believing the right things
Abraham - Isaac - Jacob
Deut. 6:4 "Hear Oh Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One"

central belief in Judaism highlighting monotheism and the Jews special relationship with God
considered to be the first 5 books of the Bible, instructions
Oral Torah
post-biblical elaboration and interpretation; passed down orally by Moses and eventually written down
dispersion of Jewish people during the Rabbinic Period (70 CE to present); no land, no king, no temple
200 CE - elaborated on law of Torah; records discussions of rabbis on how to best live according to the Torah
500 CE - further elaborations and interpretations of the Torah and the Mishnah
Importance of Genesis and cosmogony
resting on the 7th day (Saturday)is important to Jewish faith (keeping of the Sabbath)
Form of interpretation

Halakha - laws and commandments
Aggada - theology, ethics
12th century Jewish philosopher, also called Rambam

Developed 13 Principles of Faith
13 Principles of Faith
1. God is the sole Creator.
2. God is uniquely One.
3. God is beyond all conception and form.
4. God is the First and Last.
5. God is the true God of prayer.
6. The words of the prophets are true.
7. Moses is the True and First prophet.
8. The whole Torah was given to Moses.
9. There is no new covenant.
10. God is omniscient.
11. God rewards and punishes for obedience of the commandments.
12. In his own time God will yet bring the Messiah.
13. God will resurrect the dead.
Peshat (Jewish Biblical Interpretation)
the plain sense
Derash [Midrash]
(Jewish Biblical Interpretation)
Remez (Jewish Biblical Interpretation)
inner meaning, deeper sense - philosophical
Sod (Jewish Biblical Interpretation)
sympolic and mystical; hidden meaning
Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year; not really important before 5th century CE
Yom Kippur
Day of Atonement - day of reflection and prayer, repentance, and fasting

10 days after Rosh Hashanah, these days are used to make amends and repent
Tabernackles, Booths - families build booths or tents

Meanings- (1) sometimes farmers would sleep in the fields during harvest (2) a reminder of the time of wandering in the wilderness (3) life is frgile; life is temporary
Remembers the rededication of the Temple under the Maccabees; Candles remember the miracle of one day's oil lasting for 8 days
Celebrates another overcoming/salvation story from the book of Esther; tradition of dressing up as the characters/acting out the story
Festival of Weeks/Pentecost - associated with agriculture and the giving of the Torah
Tisha B'Av
a non-biblical celebration that commemorates the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE
Important Jewish holiday that celebrates the establishment of the Jewish community

key themes- remembrance of freedom, formation/salvation of People
Modern traditions of Passover
Ceremony using Haggadah, meal with unlevened bread (reminder of haste, also sin), wine, bitter herbs
script to go through during Passover meal; very ceremonial and complicated
boxes worn on forehead and arm that contain the Shema; worn during times of prayer
Scripture placed on front door to fulfill scripture guidelines
Enlightenment Ideas
focus on individualism, nationalism, humanity; more opportunities of assimilation for Jew because of increased acceptance; increasing pressure for individual Jews to conform and leave community
A subset of orthodox Judaism that places an emphasis on rabbis as the center of community; every part of life is in the Jewish way
Core Features of the early Rabbinic Judaism
- Torah study and interpretation
- Legal piety through fulfillment of the commandments
- Human responsibility before God and God's responsibility to human action and need
- The chosen-ness of Israel among nations
Hermann Cohen
A German professor of philosophy who defended Judaism against charges that it was a religion of foreign nationals, opposed to German and Christian ideals. He developed an explanation of the role of Jews in the world and their relationship to Christianity.
Medieval Judaism
Talmudic Judaism existing in cultures dominated by either Christians or Muslims; time of Jewish oppression
The binding agreement between God and his chosen people. The covenant was repeatedly renewed.
In Judaism, a teacher. After 70 CE, rabbis were ordained interpreters and leaders of Judaism.
Jews who lived in medieval Spain until expelled in 1492. Those who refused to become Christians moved to North Africa, Italy and especially Turkey.
A Yiddish-speaking group of Jews who settled in central and northern Europe.
A movement led by Jews to provide a home country for themselves.
In Judaism, the meat has been properly prepared for eating.
An offering brought to a deity and completely burnt. The term now refers to the Nazi extermination of Jews in occupied countries during World War II.

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