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World History Exam 6th Grade


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??? would be considered more honorable in the Han period.
the Hebrews' religion
Egyptians believed that a person's ??? left the body and became a spirit after death.
develop a writing system
The Shang were the first people in China to do what?
he wanted the city to reflect the glory of the empire
Whay did Darius fill Persia's capital city with gold, silver, and beautiful artwork?
the most famous Daoist teacher
Who was Laozi?
iron weapons and chariots
What technology did the Hittites and Assyrians use in battle?
The city-state of ??? rose to power after the death of Sargon I.
the lords' loyalty to the Zhou king lessened
Which of the following took place first? - the era called the Warring States period began / the lords' loyalty to the Zhou king lessened / The lords began to ignore the commands of the king / the Zhou lost a battle against foreign invaders
Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife
Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?
a Jewish house of worship
Sumerian city centers were dominated by ???.
According to the Zhou kings, what gave them the power to lead?
the Assyrian capital
people who receive messages from God
to protect the nation
Why did Shi Huangdi have the Great Wall of China built?
At what age were Spartan men done serving in the army?
he got sick in Babylon
How did Alexander die?
a volcanic eruption ruined their cities
led to the end of the Minoan civilization
China became unified under Qin rule.
Which of the following best explains how Qin rule affected China? - China had more problems under Qin rule / China became unified under Qin rule / China had more poverty under Qin rule / China became divided under Qin rule
Huang He
The ??? is sometimes called "China's sorrow."
Which of the following was not part of Alexander's empire? - Egypt / Syria / Macedonia / Rome
Branches of the Nile fanned out to form a ???, a triangle-shaped area of soil deposited by a river.
Yu the Great
Which leader founded the Xia Dynasty? - Chou Li / Xia Shang / Huang-He / Yu the Great
Shi Huangdi, Liu Bang, Wudi
What is the correct order of emperors in China?
she was the first woman to rule Kush
What was significant about Queen Shanakhdakheto?
Sargon I
The army of ??? defeated all the city-states of Sumer and conquered northern Mesopotamia.
farmland was fertile and water was nearby
Why did crops grow well in Mesopotamia?
Sargon I
Who was among the first leaders to have a permanent army?
Rosetta Stone
The ??? helped historians understand hieroglyphics.
the Tigris River and the Euphrates River
Which two land features gave Mesopotamia its name?
in geographical terms, the land of Greece is a large ...
people began to grow crops in the rich soil
Flooded rivers in China left silt deposits. What happened as a result of this?
the pharaoh
Who would people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck?
Which of the following groups did not control the Israelites? Romans / Canaanites / Chaldeans / Persians
the Hittites
Who was the first group to rule after Hammurabi?
strong and well organized
Which of the following best decribes the Persian army? - weak and ineffective / powerful but cowardly / brave but disloyal / strong and well organized
he created a strong government with strict laws
What shows that Shi Huangdi was a follower of Legalism
To escape slavery, Moses led the Hebrews out of ...
purchase people's loyalty and support
The Zhou leaders granted land in return for loyalty, military support, and other services. This system was essentially a way to do what?
a government in which only a few people have power
Canals are made by people. Rivers are natural.
What is the difference between canals and rivers?
The Phoenicians
Which people grew more powerful due to trade rather than from winning battles?
moderate and reasonable
Which of the following best summarizes Liu Bang's approach to ruling China? - weak and ineffective / harsh and overly strict / moderate and reasonable / undisciplined and unfair
the Exodus
Which event do Jews remember when celebrating Passover?
became farmers and grew food for the wealthy
In Athens, what did most of the boys from poor families do?
it was divided into three kingdoms
What happened to Alexander's empire after he died?
the Assyrians conquered the Jews
Which event took place before the Babylonian Captivity??
the Greeks did not unite to fight Philip
What allowed Philip of Macedonia to easily conquer the Greeks?
all people should live in harmony with nature.
Which of the following statements best summarizes the philosophy of Daoism? - all people should be allowed to own property / all people should follow the rules of society / all people should live in an ethical manner / all people should live in harmony with nature
Who became king of the Israelites after David?
to symbolize their rule over both Upper and Lower Egypt
The first Pharaoh and rulers after him wear a double crown
the Gobi Desert
Which landform separates China from its neighbors to the north?
some Greeks gave aid to other Greeks who rebelled against Persia
What caused Darius to first become angry with the Greeks?
Which Greek hero has been the subject of dozens of films?
??? wrote and copied religious and literary texts.
What job employed the most people in Egypt
they guide Jews' daily lives
How are Mosaic laws different from the Ten Commandments?
A king known as ??? became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature.
the cataracts helped keep the Kush safe from Egypt
Why might a Kushite king be grateful for the cataracts located on the Nile?
using the human mind to think and understand
Greek philosophers believed that one thing was more important than anything else if life. What was it?
people who could read and write were important.
Scribes had power in Sumerian society. What can you conclude from this?
the Jews there took their own lives
How did the event at Masada end?
the Minoans
built an advanced society on the island of Crete
According to the Zhou, ??? gave power to the leader.
built up Babylon
Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar both did what?
Despite the growth of cities, Mesopotamian society was still based on ???.
royal tombs with four triangle-shaped sides that meet in a point on top
cedar wood
What was the resource that made Phoenicia well-known?
the Hebrews' departure from Egypt
??? between regions increased during Shi Huangdi's rule.
In Mesopotamia, people called the ??? developed the world's first civilization.
Sparta became the most powerful city-state in Greece
What was the result of the Peloponnesian War?
King Tutankhamen
Whose tomb, discovered in 1922, taught us much about Egyptian burial practices and beliefs?
the most sacred text in Judaism
The decline of the Han government ??? the spread of Buddhism.
"rule of the people"
What does democracy mean?
believing in only one god
Which holiday celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple?
series of rulers from the same family
The Shang period influenced ??? in China today.
Philip was Alexander's father
What was the relationship between Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great?
Yom Kippur
according to the Jews it is the most holy day of the year
Israel's new a kingdom under David
be worshiped and pleased
One characteristic that Sumerians believed their gods possessed was a need to be what?
it protected inhabitants of the city-state from attack
What purpose did the wall around a city serve?
??? was not a religious philosophy.
a small city-state

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