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chapter 2 history


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military bases
Leif Erikkson
Viking who went to the Labrador Peninsula in present-day Canada
Africans who worked in the colonies in the New World as part of the Europeans trade
a device that enabled navigation to learn their ships location by charting the location of the stars
Francisco Pizarro
conquistador who heard rumors of the Incas cities in the Andes of South America
wrote books
What did Bartolome de las Casas do to help encourage better treatment of the N.Americans?
Printing Press
a machine that produces printed copies using movable type
who did not get involved with the race for the Northwest Passage?
having a natural resistance
triangular sails that allowed ships to sail against the wind
African Diaspora
enslaved African were sent all over the New World
a smaller, faster English fleet defeated the Armada in a huge battle
Why was the Spanish Crown surprised when the Spanish Armada was defeated by the English?
system that gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americas or make them work
their close trading relationships
Why did the French treat the N.Americans with more respect than the other Europeans?
Treaty of Tordesillas
a document that moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles west, this worked in favor of Portuguese
Indian chic who helped Cortez win allies
where France built its first North Americans settlements
soldiers who led military expeditions in the Americas
The Middle Passage
the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure
Henry the Navigator
founded a school of navigation to teach better methods of sailing
The Columbian Exchange
an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa
Line of Demarcation
the imaginary line that divided the Atlantic Ocean, it said that spain got all land west of the line
a Portuguese navigator, set out with a fleet to reach the Philippine Islands and the Indian Ocean
large farms that grew just one kind of crop
in 1501 he led a Spanish fleet to the coast of present-day South America
Bartolome de Las Casas
priest who tried to convert the N.Americans to Christianity
Protestant Reformation
a religious movement against the Catholic Church
To honor King Louis XIV of France what did La Salle name the Mississippi Valley?
to go all the way around the globe
Aztecs capital built on an island in the middle of the lake
Christopher Columbus
sailor from Genoa, Italy was convinced he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean
what the French protestants were called
Jacques Cartier
a French sailor who led France's exploration of North America, he went to Canada twice
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese navigator who set out with a Spanish fleet to sail down down the east coast of South America
reformers who protested some of the Catholic Church's practices
The Spanish Armada
a huge fleet pf Spanish warships meant to end the English plans
a document giving permission to colonize
Hernan Cortez
conquistador who left Cuba to sail to present-day Mexico in 1519
Martin Luther
in 1517 he was a German priest who publicly criticized the Roman Catholic Church
Moctezuma II
ruler of the Aztec empire
sea dogs
the name given to English sailors who raided Spanish treasure ships
The Northwest Passage
a water route through North America that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific
King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth of Spain
the two people Christopher Columbus asked to pay for his expedition across the Atlantic

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