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ABeka History 11 - Chapter 9 - People and Places


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Thomas Jefferson
first President to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.; asked Congress to approve the Louisiana Purchase and set out expeditions to explore it.
Albert Gallatin
secretary of the treasury under Jefferson; one of America's best financiers
West Point
located on the west bank of the Hudson River in New York; where Congress established the Congressional Library and the military academy
John Marshall
chief justice of the Supreme Court; set precedent of judiciary review and other important precedents for the federal judicial system
James Madison
President from 1809 to 1817; led the nation through the War of 1812
William Marbury
one of the Adam's appointees who appealed to the Supreme Court for a legal writ ordering the new secretary of state, James Madison, to deliver his commission
Robert Livingston
the American minister to France who negotiated the Louisiana Purchase for President Jefferson
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
explored the northern half of the Louisiana territory between 1804 and 1806 for President Jefferson
a Shoshoni squaw who served as an interpreter and guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition
Zebulon Pike
explored the southern half of the Louisiana Purchase for President Jefferson between 1806 and 1808
Aaron Burr
Vice President during President Jefferson's first term; killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel; involved in a conspiracy to create an empire in the American Southwest
Stephen Decatur
Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy; the best-known hero of the Tripolitan War
Lord Nelson
British Admiral who in 1805 defeated the French navy at the Battle of Trafalgar
Henry Clay
a young delegate of Kentucky elected to Congress in 1810
John C. Calhoun
a young delegate of South Carolina elected to Congress in 1810
the Prophet
a Shawnee medicine man who encouraged the Indians to remove all white influence from their culture
a Shawnee chief who traveled from present-day Wisconsin to West Florida convincing tribes to join in a confederacy to drive the white settlers from their land.
Fort Dearborn
located on the present site of Chicago; Indians captured it and massacred the inhabitants
William Henry Harrison
the governor of the Indiana Territory who led U.S. troops to victory over the Indians at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Oliver Hazard Perry
commander over a group of Americans who built their own fleet out of wood hewn from a nearby forest and attacked a superior British squadron on Lake Erie
Dolly Madison
wife of James Madison; served as the White House hostess for 16 years (for both Jefferson and her husband)
Francis Scott Key
a prominent Washington lawyer who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner," our national anthem, while watching the siege of Fort McHenry.
Andrew Jackson
a tough frontiersman who commanded an army of volunteers during the War of 1812; defeated the Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (Mississippi) in 1814 and defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815
Jean Laffite
a famous Frenchman who led a band of pirates that fought for the Americans during the War of 1812; joined Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans

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