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Unit 5 Review

Term review for unit 5.


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Thomas Hobbes
From England, and believed that people by nature were evil and that the natural state of life was "nasty, brutish, and short" He also thought absolute monarchy was the best way to keep order.
William Harvey
He showed the functions of the heart and that it was the beginning of the blood's circulation.
A theory that said the Sun was the center of the universe and all the planets revolved around it in ellipses.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Born in 1756 in Austria from a musical family and became a musical prodigy. He traveled around Europe and rebelled against the church rules. He did the classical style and piano concerto.
John Locke
From England, and believed that people by nature weregood and reasonable and should excercise freedom and reason. He said that people have 3 main rights: life, liberty and property abd the government needs to protect those rights.
Charles I
Tried to advocate the divine rights of kings and bring more absolutist policies to England. He was also seen bringing too much catholic influence to the church of England.
Oliver Cromwell
A leader of the military and ruled England as "lord protector" until 1658; was a dictator.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Born in 1685 in Germany from a musical family and studied music all of his life. He traveled and brought new music ideas to the church and challenged tradition. He did the Baroque style: complex, multilayered
Age of Reason
ny period in history, esp. the 18th century in France, England, etc., characterized by a critical approach to religious, social, and philosophical matters that seeks to repudiate beliefs or systems not based on or justifiable by reason.
Charles II
was declared king in 1660 and was aware of the limitations of his position. First political parties developed based on who supported the King or Parliament.
Miguel de Cervantes
Wrote the first novel "Don Quixote." His novel was about a man who wanders the the countryside thinking he's a knight.
From France, he believed that power within the government be divided among branches of government: the legislative, judicial, and executive.
Nicolaus Copernicus
stated his heliocentric theory of the universe and said the planets revolved around the sun.
William and Mary
The heirs to the throne right after James II and became the first constitutional monarchs.
English Civil War
A war that broke out between the parliament supporters (roundheads) and the king's supporters (cavaliers).
Scientific Revolution
A time from 1550-1700 when there was a new emphasis on observation and reason in science, rather than a reliance on traditional knowledge.
Divine right of the kings
A theory that was assumed that God appointed all monarchs to rule on his behalf.
Issac Newton
Defined the laws of motion and gravity by explaining the motion of the universe.
Age of Absolutism
1650-1789, a purposeful attempt by European rulers to attend their royal or dynastic control over all aspects of life in the lands they ruled
Scientific Method
It is way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments.
Land left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season to preserve nutrients in the soil.
Johannes Kepler
He confirmed the heliocentric theory and concluded that the planets revolved around the sun in ellipses.
From France, he believed in free speach and is famour for saying," I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." He also believed religious tolerance should triumph over religious fanaticism and should be seperation of church and state.
Galileo Galilei
Built the first telescope and was first to make regular observations on the planets and creat maps.
Absolute monarchy
A ruler has total control over all aspects of life and land and has complete power.
Glorious Revolution
1688. Bloodless political revolution. James II leaves England; daughter Mary and her husband William are INVITED by Parliament to rule England. They agree to constituional limits; they rule WITH Parliament and agree to a Bill of Rights.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
From France, he believed that human beings are natually good and free and can rely on their instincts. Also believed the government should be a democracy to protect the commong good.
Eugene Delacroix
Borm in 1789 in France and created a romantic: emotion not reason in his art and used a lot of color in his work. Also did historic themes.
Frederick the Great
Was the ruler of Prussia (a German state) and centralized the government and put it under his control. He was also known for being the royla drill sergent and improving his army.
Peter the Great
Became the ruler of Russia and known for westernzing the country in order to be successful. He made Russia come out of their isolation and created the first navy. He soon moved his capital to St. Petersburg, where he expanded the size of Russia.
A theory that suggested that the earth was the center of the universe and all planets revovled around it.
Constitutional monarchy
When parliaments power increased over the monarchs, having their powers restricted by laws.
a movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions
English Bill of Rights
Due to the laws restricting their power, English monarchs starting with William & Mary are considered constitutional monarchs, giving much power to parliament.
Louis XIV
One of the most powerful monarchs of Europe, ruling 72 years. He was famous for his quote,"I am the state." Moved capital to Versailles which became a symbol of power.

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