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European History Chapter 10, Section 5


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an uprising in 1825 led by a group of army officers who wanted a new constitution
Decembrist Revolt
ruler who came to power during the Crimean War; pressured by all sides to make reforms when he came to power, so he emancipated the serfs
Alexander II
a program launched by Alexander III to suppress non-Russian peoples within the empire
A peaceful demonstration on January 22, 1905 that turned into a massacre of civilians by soldiers
Bloody Sunday
A document that brought sweeping reforms to Russia after lots of revolts forced the czar to give in
October Manifesto
Prime minister of Russia who tried repression and reform, but was eventually assassinated
Peter Stolypin
another name for giant
freedom from slavery or serfdom
elected assemblies in the local govt
violent mob attacks on Jews
elected national legislature
What conditions in Russia posed challenges during the early 1800s?
- they were so huge, they had tons of different nationalities of people in their empire
- the country needed to modernize, but czars didn't want to give up their absolute power
- they had a rigid social structure
How did Russian czars often react to change?
many of them responded to change by violently repressing their subjects with military force
What were the causes of the revolution of 1905? How did Nicholas II respond?
- humiliation in the war against Japan
- Bloody Sunday
- revolts all across Russia
Nicholas responded with sweeping reforms of the govt.
Alexander II declared that it is "better to abolish serfdorm from above than to wait until it will be abolished by a movement from below." Explain his statement.
If the govt abolishes it, the change will be controlled and planned, keeping the country stable. If it's abolished from below, the change will be violent and will likely have disastrous immediate effects for the country.
What does Bloody Sunday suggest about the relationship between the czar and the Russian people?
The czar may have had absolute power over his subjects, but he was so afraid of losing it that he was willing to make changes if it meant keeping his place.

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