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emt human body


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SAMPLE history
signs and symptoms allergies medications pertinent past history last oral intake events leading to the injury or illness
baseline vitals
skin temp and condition capillary refill pupullary reaction level of consciousness
OPRST getting patient history
on set: what caused it? provocation or palliation: does anything make it feel better or worse? region/radiation: where does it hurt? is it moving? severity: scale of 1-10 timing: is the pain constant or does it come and go?
gallbladder liver
lliac crest cecum appendix
stomach costal arch spleen
colon lnguinal ligament small intestine
Spinal column
cervical 7 thoracic spine 12 lumbar 5 sacrum 5 coccyx 4
voluntary muscles vs. voluntary muscles
ribbed vs. smooth
Respiratory system
nose, mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
left and right lungs
left side has 3 pockets right side has only two
respiration rates adults childern infants
adults : 12-20 breaths/min children: 15-30 breaths/min infants: 25-50 breaths/min
normal heart rates adult children infants
adults 60-100 beats/min children 70-150 beats/min infants 100-160 beats/min
heart rate of an older person
80-100 beats/min
Lateral/ Medial
toward the outside/ toward the inside
superior/ inferior
closer to the head/ farther from the head
Proximal/ Distal
closer to midline/ farther from the midline
dorsal/ ventral
toward the spine/ toward the superficial abdomen
referring to a line drawn through nose and umbilicus
referring to the middle of the clavicle, parallel to the midline
referring to the middle of the armpit, parallel to the midline
taking pulses
older than 1: radial pulse unresponsive older than one: carotid pulse infants: brachial pulse
abnormal pulses:
greater than 100 beats/min - tachycardia less than 60 beats/min - bradycardia
abnormal blood pressure
bp lower than normal is hypotension bp higher than normal is hypertension
noral blood pressures
adults 90-140 systolic children: 80-110 infants 50-95
AVPU level on consciousness
a:awake and alert V: responsive to verbal stimuli P: responsive to pain U: unresponsive
PEARRL for assessing pupils
Pupils equal and round regular in size react to light
how often you look at vital signs
every 15 min for stable patient every 5 min in an unstable patient

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