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Bible Doctrines Exam 5


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refers to the fact that Jesus is God
With us, God
Anointed one
Son of Man
Represenative man or Ideal man
The Lord saves
God-man Theos-God Anthropos-man
The remarkable claims Jesus made about Himself
1. Claimed to be God 2. Claimed equality w/God 3.Claimed to be able to meet the spiritual needs of peopl 4. Claimed to be able to give everlasting life to those who trusted in Him
Five primary facts that are evidence of Jesus’ deity
1. Divine titles used in referance to Him 2. He possess the attributes of God 3. He does things only God can do. 4. His name is coupled w/other members of the trinity 5.He will be worshiped forever
eight divine titles used in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ that are evidence of His deity
1.God 2.Lord 3.Christ 4.Savior 5.Son of God 6.Son of Man 7. Word 8.First and Last
The three most significant witnesses who testify that the Lord Jesus Christ is God
1.God the Father 2.God the Son 3.God the Holy Spirit
Statements made by Jesus that are His claims to be God
1.I Am 2.I and My Father are one 3.I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father accept through me. If you had known me, you should have known My Father alson, henceforth you know Him and have seen Him 4.I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. 5. Thy sins are forgiven.
Lots of attributes of Jesus that are attributes of deity – evidence that Jesus is God
1.eternal 2.Faithful 3.Good 4.Gracious 5.Great 6.Holy 7.immutable 8.incomprehensible 9.Life 10.Light 11.Love 12.Merciful 13.Omnipotent 14.Omnipresent 15.Omniscient 16.Righteous 17.Just 18.Self-existant 19.Self-sufficient 20.Sovereign 21.Spirit 22.True 23.Wise
Six things that Jesus has done or is doing or will do that are things that only God could do – evidence that Jesus is God
1.Created the universe 2.He sustains what He created 3.Raises the dead 4.He saves 5.Forgives sin 6.Performs miracles
The categories of miracles that Jesus performed and at least two examples in each
1. Miracels demonstrating His power over nature -water into wine -Walked on water 2.Miracles demonstrating His power to provide for the temporal needs of people - feeding 5000 - Feeding 4000 3.Miracles demonstrating His power over sickness and affliction -Healed paralyzed man by pool -Healing of 10 lepers 4.Miracles demonstrating His power over death -raising Lazarus -His resurrection 5.Miracles demostrating His power over evil forces -drove an evil spirit out of a blind and mute man -drove evil spirit out of two men into pigs
Specific statements made by Jesus in which He claimed the entire Old Testament points to Him
1.think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets,I came not to destroy, but to fulfil 2.Search the scriptures...they are they which testify of me.
Twelve Old Testament prophecies concerning the earthly life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ
1.His lineage- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the tribe of Judah, and from the throne of David 2.Called Immanuel 3.Taken to Egypt 4.Preceded by a forerunner 5.Holy 6.Righteous 7.Ministry to Gentiles as well as Jews 8.Ministry as a prophet 9.Ministry as a priest 10.Would speak in parables 11.Hated w/o reason 12.Rejected by His own people
Seven additional Old Testament prophecies concerning the death of the Lord Jesus Christ
1.Betrayed by a friend 2.He would be pierced 3.No bones broken 4.Gambling for His clothing 5.Executed along w/criminals 6.Scorned and mocked 7.Prayed for His enemies
Three additional Old Testament prophecies concerning the resurrection, ascension, and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ
1.Buried w/the rich 2.Would rise again 3.Would ascend
How the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus should strengthen our faith
1.It strengthens out faith in the Bible as the word of God 2.It strenthens our faith in Jesus Christ as our only savior
Four of the purposes of the incarnation of Jesus
1.To reveal to us in a way we could understand 2.To provide an example of how we should live 3.To provide a ransome and sacrifice for sin 4.TO destroy the works of the devil
Evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ’s humanity
1.Referred to Himself as a man and was recognized as one 2.He had a human mother 3.He had the appearance of man 4.He had a human body.
Ten “ordinary” activities that Jesus experienced during His life of earth
1.Grew physically 2.Died 3.Got hungry 4.Got thirsty 5.Grew tired and weary 6.Slept 7.Wept 8.Prayed 9.Loved 10.Bled
The four basic ways in which Jesus grew during His earthly life
1.Physically 2.Mentally 3.Spiritually 4.Socially
Instances where Jesus’ deity and humanity are mentioned side-by-side
1.As a man Jesus needed to sleep, when He woke, as God He calmed the storm 2.As a man Jesus knows all about our human needs, As God He can satisfy those needs
The importance of Jesus possessing two natures: God and man
1.He had to be a man to die, God cannot die 2.Jesus had to be God (Sinless) in order for His death to provide salvation 3.The union of His two natures allows Him to be the mediator between God and man
Seven paradoxes resulting from the union of the two natures in the Lord Jesus Christ
1.Jesus grew, yet He existed for all eternity 2.He grew thirsty, yet He miraculously fed multitudes 3.He grew thirsty, yet He offers living water that quenches spiritual thirst forever 4.He grew weary, yet He offers rest to those who come to Him 5.He prayed, yet He hears all prayers 6.He was the lamb brought to the slaughter, yet He is the good shepherd. 7.He was put to death, yet He raises the dead
Biblical evidence for Jesus’ sinlessness
1.He was declared to be a holy child before He was born 2.He never confessed sin 3.He never offered a single sacrifice at the Temple for sin 4. He claimed sinless perfection 5.Even Demons called Him "THE HOLY ONE"
The results of Jesus being tempted that relate to us personally
1.He understands wha's like to be tempted 2.He provides us with an example of victory temptation 3.He offers us the help and grace we need in times of temptatioin
The three ways in which Jesus fulfilled the ministry of a prophet
1.Preached and taught 2.Perfomed miracles 3.Predicted the future
Prophecies made by Jesus that have been fulfilled
1.Someone close to Him would betray Him 2.His death would be instigated by Jewish leaders 3.He would die by crucifixian 4.He would rise from the dead the destruction of Jerusalem 6.His words will never pass away
Prophecies made by Jesus that are yet to be fulfilled
1.His second coming 2.The depravity of human society 3.Unsettled politics 4.He would take the reins of government
Explain what is unique about the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus is unique because He was fully God and fully man,not half and half. He existed befoer He was born. He was completely sinless. The period that He traveled througout Galilee and Judea had a greater impact on upon civilization than any period in History. He is the central theme of the Bible.
Explain why it is not a valid option to believe that Jesus was just a good man, a prophet, a teacher, or a good example
Jesus made a lot of astounding claims about Himself. "I and the father are one" and "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father accept through me" No teacher, prophet, or simple good man would dare make such outlandish statemets about himself. If we think about it logicall, we can only believe one of three things. 1. He was lying, 2. He was a lunatic 3. He is God.

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