Japans 141
undefined, object
copy deck
- hanpirei suru (反比例する)
- to be inversely proportional to
- hiroba (広場)
- an open space, a square, a plaza
- hiroiatsumeru (拾い集める)
- to gather, to collect
- hirate (平手)
- the palm, the open hand
- hirakido (開き戸)
- a (hinged) door
- hiromeru (広める)
- to make known, to spread, to diffuse, to advertise
- hirogeru (広げる)
- to extend, to enlarge, [たたんだ物を] to unfold, to spread
- hirashain (平社員)
- a mere clerk, the rank and file
- hiroimono (拾物)
- a thing found, a find, a piece of luck, a bargain
- hiritsu (比率)
- a ratio, a percentage
- hirarito (ひらりと)
- quickly, nimbly
- hiraki (開き)
- an opening, a closet; difference, distance, a gap
- hirai suru (飛来する)
- to come flying (by air)
- hippaku (逼迫)
- pressure
- hiraoyogisenshu (平泳ぎ選手)
- a breaststroker
- hirobiro toshita (広々とした)
- large, open, wide
- hippataku (引っぱたく)
- to beat, to strike, to slap
- kokoro no hiroi (心の広い)
- broad-minded
- hirazokobune (平底船)
- a flatboat, a punt
- ni hirei shite (に比例して)
- in proportion to
- hipparu (引っ張る)
- to stretch; to pull; to take [a person] to, to bring [a person] to, to solicit; to delay [payment]
- hiragana (平仮名)
- hiragana
- hiraoyogi o suru (平泳ぎをする)
- to swim on one's chest
- hiromaru (広まる)
- to spread, to circulate, to come into fashion
- seihirei (正比例)
- direct proportion
- hirameku (閃く)
- [光が] to flash, to gleam, to wave; [考えが] to flash across one's mind, to occur to one
- hirame (平目)
- a flatfish
- hiraku (開く)
- to open, to uncover, [包みを] to undo, to untie; to open, to start, to found; to develop, to cultivate, [道を] to open; to hold, to have, to give; to bloom
- ashi o hirogete (足を広げて)
- with legs apart
- hireidaihyōsei (比例代表制)
- the proportional representation system
- hira no (平の)
- ordinary, simple, mere
- hiroiyomi suru (拾い読みする)
- to skim
- hiroiageru (拾い上げる)
- to pick up
- hirameki (閃き)
- a flash, a gleam
- hire (鰭)
- [魚の] a fin
- hirei suru (比例する)
- to be in proportion to
- hirakinaoru (開き直る)
- to turn, to take a defiant attitude toward
- hirakeru (開ける)
- to develop, to be developed, to be civilized, to be modernized; to (begin to) favour, to (begin to) smile on; to spread, to open
- hinyōkika (泌尿器科)
- urology
- hirogari (広がり)
- an extension, a stretch, an expanse
- hirate de utsu (平手で打つ)
- to slap
- hirazoko (平底)
- a flat bottom
- hirogaru (広がる)
- to extend, to expand, to spread, [幅が] to widen, to mushroom
- hiroma (広間)
- a hall, a salloon
- hiroku (広く)
- widely, extensively, generally
- seihirei suru (正比例する)
- to be directly proportional to
- no hiritsu de (の比率で)
- at the ratio of
- hinyōki (泌尿器)
- the urinary organs
- hiraayamari (平謝り)
- a humble apology
- hirei (非礼)
- impoliteness, rudeness
- hanpirei (反比例)
- inverse proportion
- hirataku suru (平たくする)
- to level, to make flat
- hipparidako de aru (引っ張り凧である)
- to be very popular, to be in great demand
- hiroinushi (拾い主)
- a finder
- hiretsuna (卑劣な)
- mean, base
- hireishiki (比例式)
- a proportion
- hirefusu (平伏す)
- to prostrate oneself
- hiraya (平屋)
- a one-storied house
- hirataku ieba (平たく言えば)
- in plain words
- hiraketa (開けた)
- developed, civilized, modernized; sensible; open
- hiroimono o suru (拾物をする)
- to have a piece of luck, to pick up a bargain
- hirahira suru (ひらひらする)
- to flutter
- hirei (比例)
- proportion
- hippaku suru (逼迫する)
- to be pressed
- hireidaihyō (比例代表)
- proportional representation
- hiraoyogi (平泳ぎ)
- the breast stroke
- hiren (悲恋)
- tragic love
- hiratai (平たい)
- flat, level
- hirihiri suru (ひりひりする)
- [傷が] to smart, to burn; to be hot, to be pungent
- hiraishin (避雷針)
- a lightning rod
- hiroi (広い)
- wide, large, extensive
- kin'yū ga hippaku shiteiru (金融が逼迫している)
- The money market is tight