EdExcel Japanese GCSE Vocabulary
undefined, object
copy deck
- ã‚ã„ã•ã¤ aisatsu
- greeting
- アイスクリームaisukuriimu
- ice cream
- é–“ aida
- between
- 会ㆠau
- to meet
- é’ã„ aoi
- blue
- 赤ㄠakai
- red
- 赤ã¡ã‚ƒã‚“ akachan
- baby
- 明るㄠakarui
- light, bright
- 秋 aki
- autumn
- 上ãŒã‚‹ agaru
- to go up, enter
- ã‚ãã€ã‚ã‘ã‚‹ aku, akeru
- to open
- ã‚ã’ã‚‹ ageru
- to give
- æœ asa
- morning
- æœã”飯 asagohan
- breakfast
- ã‚ã•ã£ã¦ asatte
- the day after tomorrow
- ã‚ã— ashi
- foot, leg
- ã‚ã˜ï¼ˆãŒã™ã‚‹ï¼‰ aji (gasuru)
- (to taste)
- アジア ajia
- Asia
- ã‚ã—㟠ashita
- tomorrow
- ã‚ãã“ asoko
- over there
- ã‚ã㶠asobu
- to play, muck about
- ã‚ãŸãŸã‹ã„ atatakai
- warm
- ã‚ãŸã¾ atama
- head
- æ–°ã—ã„ atarashii
- new
- ã‚ã¤ã„ atsui
- hot
- ã‚ã¤ã‚ã‚‹ atsumeru
- to collect
- 後 ato
- after
- ã‚ãªãŸ anata
- you
- ã‚ã« ani
- older brother
- ã‚ã ane
- older sister
- アパート apaato
- flat
- ã‚ã¶ãªã„ abunai
- dangerous
- アフリカ afurika
- Africa
- ã‚ã¾ã„ amai
- sweet
- ã‚ã¾ã‚Š amari
- not so
- 雨 ame
- rain
- アメリカ amerika
- America
- ã‚らㆠarau
- to wash
- ã‚ã‚‹ aru
- to be
- ã‚ã‚‹ã aruku
- to walk
- アルãƒã‚¤ãƒˆ arubaito
- part-time job
- ã‚ã‚Œ are
- that thing over there
- 安心(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰ anshin (suru)
- (to be) relieved
- 安ãœã‚“ anzen
- safe
- ã‚ã‚“ãªã„(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰ annai(suru)
- to guide, show around
- ã‚ã‚“ãªã„ã˜ã‚‡ annaijo
- information bureau
- ã„ã„ ii
- good
- ã„ã„㈠iie
- no
- 家 ie
- house
- 言ㆠiu
- to say, be called
- ã„ã‹ãŒ ikaga
- how
- イギリル igirisu
- the U.K.
- è¡Œã iku
- to go
- ã„ãら ikura
- how much
- 石 ishi
- stone
- ã„ã™ isu
- chair
- ã„ããŒã—ã„ isogashii
- busy
- ã„ãã isogu
- to hurry
- ã„ãŸã„ itai
- pain
- ã„ãŸã ã itadaku
- to receive
- ã„ã¡ã” ichigo
- strawberry
- 一番 ichiban
- number one, most
- ä¸€æ—¥ä¸ ichinichichuu
- all day
- ã„㤠itsu
- when
- ã„ã¤ã‹ itsuka
- some day
- ã„ã¤ã‚‚ itsumo
- always
- ã„ã£ã—ょ(ã«ï¼‰ issho(ni)
- together
- ã„ã£ã—ょã†ã‘ã‚“ã‚ã„ isshoukenmei
- diligently
- ã„ã£ã±ã„ ippai
- full
- ã„ã£ã±ã(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰ ippaku(suru)
- to stay the night
- ã„ã¨ã“ itoko
- cousin
- ã„ãªã‹ inaka
- country(side)
- 犬 inu
- dog
- ã„ã¾ ima
- living room
- 今 ima
- now
- ã„ã¿ imi
- meaning
- ã„ã‚‚ã†ã¨ï¼ˆã•ã‚“) imouto(san)
- younger sister
- ã„や(ãªï¼‰ iya(na)
- terrible, dislike(d)
- ã„らã£ã—ゃる irassharu
- to be, come, go
- å…¥ã‚Šå£ iriguchi
- entrance
- ã„ã‚‹ iru
- to need
- 入れる ireru
- to put in
- 色 iro
- colour
- ã„ã‚ã„ã‚(ãªï¼‰ iroiro(na)
- various
- ウイスã‚ー uisukii
- whisky
- 上 ue
- up, above
- ウエートレス uētoresu
- waitress
- ã†ãˆã‚‹ ueru
- to plant
- ã†ã‘ã¤ã‘ uketsuke
- reception
- ã†ã‘ã‚‹ ukeru
- to sit exams, receive
- ã†ã•ãŽ usagi
- rabbit
- 牛 usi
- cow
- 後゠ushiro
- behind
- ã†ãŸ uta
- song
- ã†ãŸã† utau
- to sing
- ã†ã¤ utsu
- to hit, bang
- ã†ã¤ãã—ã„ utsukushii
- beautiful
- ã†ã§ ude
- arm
- ã†ã©ã‚“ udon
- noodles
- 馬 uma
- horse
- 生ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ umareru
- to be born
- 海 umi
- sea
- 売る uru
- to sell
- ã†ã‚‹ã•ã„ urusai
- noisy
- ã†ã‚Œã—ã„ ureshii
- happy, glad
- ã†ã‚“ã§ã‚“(ã™ã‚‹ï¼‰ unden(suru)
- to drive
- ã†ã‚“ã¦ã‚“ã—ã‚… undenshu
- driver
- ã†ã‚“ã©ã† undou
- sports
- ã†ã‚“ã©ã†ã‹ã„ undoukai
- sports meeting
- ㈠e
- picture
- エアコン eakon
- air conditioning
- ãˆãˆ ee
- yes
- æ˜ ç”» eiga
- film (cinema)
- 英語 eigo
- English (language)
- 英国 eikoku
- England (UK)
- 駅 eki
- station
- ãˆã• esa
- animal food
- エスカレーター esukarÄ“tÄ
- escalator
- ãˆã¯ãŒã ehagaki
- postcard
- ãˆã‚‰ã¶ erabu
- to choose
- エレベーター erebÄ“tÄ
- elevator
- ãˆã‚“ã´ã¤ enpitsu
- pencil
- ãŠã„ã—ã„ oishii
- delicious
- ãŠã†ãµã oufuku
- return ticket
- 多ㄠooi
- many, numerous
- 大ãã„ ookii
- big, large
- オーストラリア ousutoraria
- Australia
- オートベイ outobei
- motor bike
- ãŠæ¯ã•ã‚“ okaasan
- mother
- ãŠã‹ã— okashi
- cake
- ãŠã‹ã—ã„ okashii
- funny, strange
- ãŠé‡‘ okane
- money
- ãŠãゃãã•ã‚“ okyakusan
- visitor, customer
- ãŠãã‚‹ okiru
- get up
- ãŠã oku
- to put
- ãŠãã•ã‚“ okusan
- wife (of another)
- ãŠãã‚‹ okuru
- to send
- ãŠãれる okreru
- to be late
- ãŠã“ã‚ okome
- rice
- ãŠã“ã‚‹ okoru
- to get angry
- ãŠã•ã‘ osake
- rice wine
- ãŠã•ã‚‰ osara
- dish, plate
- æ•™ãˆã‚‹ oshieru
- to teach
- ãŠã˜ oji
- my uncle
- ãŠã˜ã„ã•ã‚“ ojiisan
- grandfather/old man
- ãŠã˜ã•ã‚“ ojisan
- uncle/middle-aged man
- ãŠã—ょã†ãŒã¤ oshougatsu
- New Year
- ãŠã—ã‚‹ oshiru
- castle
- ãŠãã„ osoi
- late, slow
- ãŠãã° osoba
- noodles
- ãŠã¡ã‚ƒ ocha
- tea
- ãŠã¡ã‚‹ ochiru
- to fall, fail
- ãŠã¤ã‚Š otsuri
- change
- ãŠã¦ã‚らㄠotearai
- toilet
- ãŠå¯º otera
- temple
- 音 oto
- sound, noise
- ãŠçˆ¶ã•ã‚“ otousan
- father
- ãŠã¨ã†ã¨ï¼ˆã•ã‚“) otoutou (san)
- younger brother
- 男(ã®å) otoko (no ko)
- man (boy)
- ãŠã¨ã—より otoshiyori
- old person
- ãŠã¨ã¨ã„ ototoi
- day before yesterday
- 大人 otona
- adult
- ãŠã¨ãªã—ã„ otonashii
- quiet, well-behaved
- ãŠãªã‹ onaka
- stomach
- åŒã˜ onaji
- the same
- ãŠã«ã„ã•ã‚“ oniisan
- elder brother
- ãŠããˆã•ã‚“ oneesan
- elder sister
- ãŠã° oba
- aunt
- ãŠã°ã‚ã•ã‚“ obaasan
- grandmother/old lady
- ãŠã°ï¼ˆã•ã‚“) oba(san)
- aunt/middle-aged lady
- ãŠã¯ã— ohashi
- chopsticks
- ãŠè©±ã—ä¸ ohanashichuu
- busy (phone)
- (ãŠï¼‰ã¹ã‚“ã¨ã† (o)bentou
- (packed) lunch
- ãŠã¼ãˆã‚‹ oboeru
- to remember, memorise
- ãŠã¼ã‚“ obon
- “Bon†festival
- ãŠãµã‚(ã«å…¥ã‚‹ï¼‰ ofuro(ni hairu)
- (to get in) bath
- ãŠã¾ã¤ã‚Š omatsuri
- festival
- ãŠã¾ã‚ã‚Šã•ã‚“ omawarisan
- policeman
- ãŠã¿ã‚„ã’ omiyage
- souvenir
- ãŠã‚ã§ã¨ã† omedetou
- congratulations
- ãŠã‚‚ã„ omoi
- heavy
- æ€ã„出る omoideru
- to recall
- ãŠã‚‚ã—ã‚ã„ omoshiroi
- interesting
- æ€ã† omou
- to think
- オランダ oranda
- Holland
- ãŠã‚Šã‚‹ oriru
- to get off
- オレンジ orenji
- orange
- ãŠã‚„㤠oyatsu
- snack
- ãŠã‚† oyu
- hot water
- ãŠã‚ˆã oyogu
- to swim
- ãŠã‚ã‚Š owari
- end, finish
- ãŠã‚ã‚‹ owaru
- to en, to finish
- 音楽 ongaku
- music
- ãŠã‚“ã›ã‚“ onsen
- hot spring
- 女(ã®å) onna(no ko)
- woman (girl)
- カード kÄdo
- card
- 会館 kaikan
- meeting hall
- ã‹ã„ãŒã‚“ kaidan
- coast
- ã‹ã„㎠kaigi
- meeting
- 外国 gaikoku
- foreign country
- 外国語 gaikokugo
- foreign language
- 外国人 gaikokujin
- foreigner
- 会社 kaisha
- company
- ä¼šå ´ kaijou
- meeting place
- 階段 kaidan
- staircase
- 会長 kaichou
- chair person
- ガイド gaido
- guide
- 買物 kaimono
- shopping
- 会話 kaiwa
- conversation
- ã‹ã† kau
- to keep animals
- ã‹ãˆã™ kaesu
- to return, give back
- 帰る kaeru
- to return, go home
- ã‹ãŠ kao
- face
- ã‹ã‹ã‚‹ kakaru
- to take (time)
- åŒ–å¦ kagaku
- chemistry
- ã‹ã kaki
- persimmon
- ã‹ãŽ kagi
- key
- 書ã kaku
- to write
- ã‹ã kaku
- to draw
- å¦ç”Ÿ gakusei
- student
- ã‹ã“ã‚€ kakomu
- to surround
- ã‹ã• kasa
- umbrella
- 火山 kazan
- volcano
- 家事 kaji
- housework
- ç«äº‹ kaji
- fire
- ã‹ã™ kasu
- to lend
- ガス gasu
- gas
- カセット kasetto
- cassette tape
- 風 kaze
- wind
- ã‹ãœï¼ˆã‚’ã²ã) kaze (ohiku)
- (to catch) cold
- ガソリン(スタンド) gasorin (sutando)
- petrol (station)
- ã‹ãžãˆã‚‹ kazoeru
- to count
- å®¶æ— kazoku
- family
- æ–¹ kata
- person, direction
- ã‹ãŸã¥ã‘ã‚‹ katadukeru
- to tidy, clean up
- ã‹ãŸã¿ã¡ katamichi
- one way (ticket)
- ã‹ã¡ kachi
- a win
- 学き gakki
- school term
- 学校 gakkou
- school
- 家庭 katei
- household
- ã‹ã© kado
- corner
- 家内 kanai
- (my) wife
- ã‹ãªã—ã„ kanashii
- sad, sorrowful
- ã‹ãªã‚‰ãš kanarazu
- without fail
- ã‹ãªã‚Š kanari
- fairly, somewhat
- 金æŒã¡ kanemochi
- rich (person)
- ã‹ã°ã‚“ kaban
- bag