JFBP chp 15
undefined, object
copy deck
- What a lovely vase!
- Kireina kabin desu ne.
- Yes. My friend Mr. Clark gave it to me on my birthday.
- Ee, tanjōbi ni tomodachi no Kurāku-san ni moraimashita.
- It's a nice color, isn't it?
- Ii iro desu ne.
- Yes, it's a favorite color of color of mine.
- Ee, watashi no sukina iro desu.
- Mr. Tanaka received a vase from Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark gave Mr. Tanaka a vase.
- Tanaka-san wa Kurāku-san ni kabin o moraimashita. Kurāku-san wa Tanaka-san ni kabin o agemashita.
- vase
- kabin
- from (particle)
- ni
- received
- moraimashita
- receive
- moraimasu (morau)
- color
- iro
- likable, favorite (-na adj.)
- sukina
- to (particle)
- ni
- gave
- agemashita
- give
- agemasu (ageru)
- Mr. Hayashi gave Mr. Smith a book.
- Hayashi-san wa Sumisu-san ni hon o agemashita.
- Mr. Smith received a book from Mr. Hayashi
- Sumisu-san wa Hayashi-san ni hon o moraimashita.
- dictionary
- jisho
- a given name (female)
- Haruko
- (my) father
- chichi
- (my) elder sister
- ane
- necktie
- nekutai
- history
- rekishi
- What a nice necktie.
- Ii nekutai desu ne.
- Thank you. I received it from my wife yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday
- Dōmo arigatō. Kinō kanai ni moraimashita. Kinō wa watashi no tanjōbi deshita.
- I studied Japanese in America.
- Watashi wa Amerika de Nihon-go no benkyō o shimashita.
- Did you study hiragana, kanji (and so on), too?
- Hiragana ya kanji no benkyō mo shimashita ka.
- (my) wife
- kanai
- hiragana
- hiragana (Japanese script)
- kanji
- kanji (Chinese characters)
- Mr. Tanaka received a pretty vase from Mr. Clark.
- Tanaka-san wa Kurāku-san ni kireina kabin o moraimashita.
- Mr. Hayashi gave Mr. Smith a map of Kyoto.
- Hayashi-san wa Sumisu-san ni Kyōto no chizu o agemashita.
- Did you give that person a business card? Yes, I did (give him one).
- Ano hito ni meishi o agemashita ka. Hai, agemashita.
- Yes, I did. Kanji is fascinating. I often read books in Japanese.
- Hai, shimashita. Kanji wa totemo omoshiroi desu. Watashi wa yoku Nihon-go no hon o yomimasu.
- I was given this book by my Japanese teacher. It's a very entertaining book.
- Nihon-go no sensei ni kono hon o moraimashita. Totemo omoshiroi hon desu.