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Exam 2 PSY Set 2

Chapter 7, 8


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Thurstone's primary mental abilities
not based on one factor, use of IQ tests to develop theories, use of factor analysis, supported by correlational findings, limitations due to restricted sample
brain reading disorder
neurological problems - teratogens, asymmetrical probs (right asymmetry), activation differences
development of reading
pre-reading skills, basic reading concepts, word identification, comprehension
reflect what we know about what we are reading
Thurstone's primary mental abilities listed
verbal meaning, word fluency, numbering, rote memory, perceptual speed, reasoning, spatial visualization
object substitution
form of pretense in which an object is used as something other than itself
etiology of reading disorders
brain, genetics, psychosocial influences (family size, mother-infant interaction, teacher expectations and class size)
difficulty with phonological processing
difficulty differentiating words accurately; awareness, decoding, encoding
Age 5 TOM
unlinking of perception, understanding in perceptions, understanding differences in thoughts, ability to deceive (25%- 3 yrs) (75%-5 yrs), variability in individual differences
joint attention in infancy
want to share experience with someone else
crystallized intelligence
factual knowledge skills, things we gain from environment and experience, increases steadily with age
how adults can help
point out perceptual differences, explain causal relations
active effect
engage in environment but prefer a certain environment which will shape the kids (different extracurricular activities)
intentionality in infancy
important for infants to know humans are intention beings
common errors
reversals, transpositions, inversions, omissions
environment etiology probs ADHD
allergy, diet, lead, sugar (95% did not affect, 5% food allergies impairs and deregulates behavior)
type A ADHD
six or more symptoms for at least 6 months that is maladaptive and inconsistent at developmental level
characteristics of reading disorder
difficulty with phonological processing, rely on rote memory, common errors
sociodramatic play
kids into theme plays, becomes more complex and rule governed, engage in this to understand why ppl do what they do, explore different sides of situations
practical intelligence
not necessarily book smart, person's ability to cultivate or shape the environment to better themselves
reading disorder criteria
reading achievement is below that expected at age, IQ and education level. The disturbance interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living that requires reading
analytic intelligence
solve problems, what makes ppl successful in higher education or IQ tests
how are concepts helpful
help us make sense of the world, help us integrate and process new information
what is learned, relates to specific content areas, relative to performance
understand what you're reading, encoding, automatization, metacognition, content knowledge
ADHD statistics
3-5%, boys more likely to be referred, girls more likely to have ADHD inattentive type (not disruptive type), more prevalent in low SES groups, cultural different prevalence rates
false belief problems
tasks that test a child's understanding that other ppl will act in accord in with their own beliefs even when the child knows that those beliefs are incorrect
by 36 months
infants categorize based on association of actions with objects
development of TOM
significant growth from 3-5 yrs
Sternberg cons
not supported consistently by research, practical intelligence may not be distinct, difficult to measure
prereading skills
phonemic awareness, basic sounds of a language, ability to differentiate sounds
brain & neurotransmitter etiology probs ADHD
prob w/ executive functioning (inattentiveness), cerebral volume and cerebellum (controls movement, hyperactivity), hormones (dopamine, genes responsible for regulation of dopamine)
naive psychology
developing a psychological understanding about people, a common sense level of understanding of other ppl and oneself
Multimodal treatment study
medication alone and combined treatment were superior to behavior treatment alone or community treatment
Horn-Cattell Theory
intelligence is made of 2 factors: crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence; developmental course, correlational findings, investment theory, limitations due to correlational findings, endorses "g"
gender differences
differences disappear except girls do better in verbal expression and boys do better with spatial/ visual tasks
by 24 months
infants categorize based on shape and function, type of computer and on phone
50% of IQ is heredity
basic reading concepts
read from left to right, top to bottom, words are divided by small spaces
Gardener's Theory
de-emphasized IQ tests, developed a multiple entity theory of intelligence by studying people of different cultures and abilities
perceptual categorization
grouping together of objects that have similar appearances, infants use this
Gardener Pros
1st person to break from IQ tests, intelligence independent of traditional schooling
family, poverty, race and ethnicity, school
can't hear different sounds
Theory of mind
an understanding of how the mind works and how it influences behavior
category hierarchy
living thing to cat to limus
involves child's capacity to represent thoughts, beliefs of another person
Correlates of ToM
joint attention, language skills, symbolic and sociodramatic play, having autism, having an imaginary friend
Gold standard of IQ tests
Wechsler series
phonological retraining
see changes in brain with reading disorder, improvements in decoding/ encoding, accuracy in reading, change in brain patterns towards normative left brain, may not be too late to start (improvements for 17 yr olds)
Gardener Cons
based on observation, not enough research, intelligence is immeasurable, intelligence vs talent
type B ADHD
six or more symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with development level
IQ intelligence quotient
based on observable behavior, indicator of individual differences, compared to same age peers, normally distributed, mean of 100, standard deviation of 15, positively correlated with other important factors
IQ tests
standardized, norm referenced, based on performance of many ppl, use similar tasks
ADHD inattentive type
present before age 7, clinically significant impairment in two or more settings
Gardener's proposed 7
linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical, spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist
reading disorder statistic
10-15%, boys diagnosed more frequently (1.5:1 in general pop; 3:1 in sample), cultural differences (difft rates in difft countries), developmental course (IQ, mother's reading ability, inital severity)
empathy in infancy
reflection that you can put yourself in someone else's shoes, baby cries when another cries
Spearman's G
mental test are positively correlated, g= general factor, s=specific factor, utility is one interpretable score, intelligence measured as a factor, statistic based
Triarchic Theory of intelligence
analytic, creative, practical; by Sternberg
ADHD combined type
type A + B, boys will be boys
evocative effect
how child engages environment, Piaget like, differences in IQ between similarly genetic kids based on how the kid evokes the environment
content knowledge
what you know about the world
category hierarchy three levels
superordinate level (toys), basic level (balls), subordinate level (basketball)
developmental course of ADHD
present at birth, sleep problems as infant, kindergarten and beyond- attention difficulties and probs are more apparent, early elementary- social difficulties
general ideas that can be used to categorize things in a similar way
Sternberg pros
closer to what we think intelligence is
2-5 years Pretend play (18 months), sociodramatic play (3-4 yrs)
broad categories
inanimate objects, people, living things, the way infants categorize
genetics (70-80% heritability), biology - prenatal, birth, postnatal complications, brain & neurotransmitters, environment
increased speed, decreased effort, use as few cognitive resources
18 months
infants categorize based on focus on specific parts, living things = legs, car = 4 wheels
fluid intelligence
ability to think on the spot, innovativity, creativity, best reflected biologically, peaks then declines after that
word identification
characterized by increase in speed and decrease in effort, 1. phonological recoding- sounding out words, 2. visual based retrieval- know words by sight, kids choose between strategies using strategy choice process, large role of experience
use of phonemic awareness to breakdown words
breakdown of words, spelling problem
creative intelligence
ability to take past experiences to solve new problems
rely on rote memory
dont have proper phonemic analysis so memorize wrongs words; so words are wrong; letters and order of letters become meaningless
Scarr hypothesis
gene-environment interaction: passive effects, evocative effects, active effects

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