Chapter2 Careers
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- Genral Apitiude Test Battery
- Interst surveys
- Test used to mesure intersts
- Culture
- the way of life in the society in whitch you live
- Heredity
- The process of transmission physicl or mental characterstics from parent to cild
- Personality
- The relationship that exisrts between all of a person psycolcgical
- Enviorment
Your surroundings
- Intrerest
- Perfences a person has for spicfic topic or activities
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude batliery
- Leisure Time
- time that is free from normal occupatinal responcability
- Craracter
- The sene of morality and the ethnical code by whitch a personal lives.
- Aptitude
- A person potential for succuss inferfoming a certain activity
- Avocation
- A construtive leiure time activity taht provides personal satisfaction
- Life experience
- Experience that couse you to be confident or fearful as you perpare for a career
- Ability
- How well you perform specific work task