Holocaust Terms
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- anti-semitism
- prejudice against jews
- holocaust
- the genocide of european jews and others by the nazis during WWII; death by fire
- extermination
- to get rid of by destroying completely
- third reich
- during hitlers reign(1933-1945)
- dachau
- set up in 1933; concentration camp in germany; more of a labor camp; a "model" camp
- genocide
- mass killing of people; trying to get rid of; systematic and planned extermination of an entire group of people
- pogrom
- orginized attacks on a minority group
- deportation
- expulsion of an undesirable alien from a country
- kapos
- jewish trustee inmates who supervised other prisoners
- blitzkreig
- lightning wars; swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and land forces
- nazism
- belief in aryan supeirority, anti-semitism, followed the national socialist party led by hitler
- gestapo
- german international security police of the nazi regime which employed terroist tactics
- SS
- quasi-military unit of the nazi parrty; served as hitlers personal guard
- allies
- soviet uniion, great britan, france, and the USA; allied against germany and its allies during WWII
- concentration camp
- camp where civilians, enemies, and prisioners of war were detained, usually under harsh conditions
- judaism
- the monotheistic religion of the hews, having its foundation in the old testament; teachings in the talmud
- swastika
- emblem of the nazi party and german state under adolph hitler
- eugenics
- study of heredity with the goal of improving the human race by controlled and selective breeding
- liberation
- the act of freeing people from concentration camps
- crematorium
- a furnace for the incineration of corpses
- the white rose
- non-violent resistance group in nazi consisting of a number of students from the university of munich and their philosophy started leaflet campaign against hitler from 1942-1943
- warsaw ghettos
- extablished in 1940 to restrict the rights of jews; also the place of one of the first uprisings against nazi control
- persecution
- discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs
- labor camp
- prison camps where forced labor was performed
- underground
- secret orginization fostering or planning hostile activities against the government
- star of david
- six pointed star that represents the jewish people
- aushwitz
- largest concentration camp; located in poland; work camp, administrative center, an extermination camp
- final solution
- the nazi plan to exterminate the jewish people
- kristallnacht
- night of broken glass; november 9,1938; nazis coordinated a pogrom on the jewish people and their property in germnay and the german controlled lands
- gas chamber
- instrument of exucution of a sealed chamber into which a poison gas (zyklolub gas) is introduced
- nuremburg laws
- excluded german jews from reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with germans
- aryan race
- non-jewish caucasian, especially one of the nordic type, supossed to be part of a master race