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Personal Health Management Vocab Chapters 1-3


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Sum of behavior, emotional, and cognitive tendencies
Social phobia
Excessive fear of performing in public
Allostatic load
Long-term negative impact of the stress response on the body
Independence; the sense of being self-directed
Locus of control
Figurative "place" a person designates as the source of responsibility for the events in his or her life
Psychological characteristics attributed to the majority of a people in a population at a given time
Intrinsic reward
reward that comes from within the individual rather than externally
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about all kinds of things and anxiety in many situations
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Pattern of stress responses consisting of 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
Target behavior
Isolated behavior selected as the object of a behavior change plan
Autonomic nervous system
Branch of nervous system that controls basic body processes
Highest level of growth in Maslow's hierarchy
Stress response
Physical and emotional changes associated with stress
Simple (specific) anxiety
Persistent and excessive fear of a specific object, activity, or situation
Mood disorder characterized by loss of interest, sadness, hopelessness, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, and other physical symptoms
Reinforcing factors
Presence or absence of support, encouragement or discouragement from those around you
Stress resulting from an unpleasant stressor
Optimal health and vitality, encompassing physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal and social, and environmental well-being
Something that holds a person back from achieving his or her goal
Guided in behavior by the values and expectations of others
Defense mechanism
A mental mechanism for coping with conflict or anxiety
A state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
Extrinsic reward
Reward, such as food, that is tangible and visible to others
Relaxation response
A physiological response characterized by a feeling of warmth and quiet mental alertness
A mental process and a wide variety of procedures used in therapy to encourage changes in attitudes, behavior, or physiological reactions
Parasympathetic division
Division of the autonomic nervous system that moderates the excitatory effect of the sympathetic division, slowing metabolism and restoring energy supplies
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Mood disorder characterized by seasonal depression, usually occurring in winter, when there is less daylight
Physical or psychological event or condition that produces stress
Mood disorder characterized by excessive elation, irritability, talkativeness, inflated self-esteem, and expansiveness
Visualization response
Technique for promoting relaxation or improving performance that involves creating or recreating mental pictures of a place or experience
A state of stability and consistency in an individual's physiological functioning
Expression that is forceful but not hostile
A recurrent, irrational, unwanted thought or impulse
Neurotransmitter released by sympathetic nervous system onto target tissues to increase their function in the face of increased activity
An irrational, repetitive, forced action, usually associated with an obsession
Psychological disorder that involves a disturbance in thinking and in perceiving reality
Fight or flight reaction
Defense reaction that prepares an individual for conflict by triggering hormonal, cardiovascular, metabolic, and other changes
Anxiety disorder characterized by fear of being alone away from help and avoidance of many different places and situations
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
Study of the interactions among the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems
Enabling factors
Skills and abilities; resources available; can be positive or negative
Sympathetic division
Division of autonomic nervous system that reacts to danger or other challenges by almost instantly accelerating body processes
Chronic disease
Disease that develops and continues over a long period of time
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety disorder characterized by reliving traumatic events through dreams, flashbacks, and hallucinations
Feeling of fear that is not directed toward any definite threat
Predisposing factors
Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes based on life experiences as well as gender, age, race, and socioeconomic backgrounds
Roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, recurring thoughts and the performing of senseless rituals
Stress resulting from a pleasant stressor
Bipolar disorder
A mental illness characterized by altering periods of depression and mania
Somatic nervous system
Branch of nervous system that governs motor function and sensory information
Satisfaction and confidence in oneself; the valuing of oneself as a person
Cognitive distortion
Pattern of thinking that makes evens seem worse than they are
Belief in one's ability to take action and perform a specific behavior
Biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women
Infectious disease
Disease that is easily passed from one person to another
Basic unit of heredity; a section of genetic material containing chemical instructions for making a particular protein
Unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic
Collective physiological and emotional responses to any stimulus that disturbs an individual's homeostasis
Technique for quieting the mind by focusing on a particular word, object, or process
Complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells
Panic disorder
A syndrome of severe anxiety attacks accompanied by physical symptoms
Guided in behavior by an inner set of rules and values
The ideas, feelings, and perceptions one has about oneself; also called "self-image"

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