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Disorders, Childhood, Death


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8. Situational Type Phobia
(airplanes, elevators, ...)
teens think "it can't happen to me"; don't think about seriousness of consequences
6. Natural Environment Typer Phobia
(heights, water, ...)
12. Post-tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
more than 1 month-nightmares...; "Shell Shock"-veterans
2. encopresis
lack of bowel control
10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
a. Obsessions-persistant thoughts
b. Compulsions-overt bx-physically doing
personal distress
psychological discomfort (anxiety, depression)
maladaptive behavior
you or someone else does not like your bx (prostitution)
#7 killer in N. Amer.; #1 killer at college; 1% attempt; women 3X more likely to attempt; men 3X more likely to succeed; Mon. & New Year's Day; 20-24 yrs. old
Kubler-Ross (thanatologist-studies death)
found typical reactions of people pending death
4. Panic Disorder
panic attacks
Psychotic Disorders
1. delusions
2. hallucination
3. disturbed emotions
4. disturbed communication
7. Blood Injection Type Phobia
fear of needles
1. Dissociative Amnesia
forget identity
5. Animal Type Phobia
scared of animals
Disturbed Communication
disorganized speech
11. Acute Stress Disorder
nightmares/flashbacks for less than 1 month
1. anti-social
psychopaths or sociopaths-do not have guilt-poorly socialized-popular in prisons
2. Agoraphobia
fear something embarassing will happen if you leave home
Delusional Disorders
deeply held false belief; non bizzare; halucinations
3. Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia
sudden panic attack w/ fear they will occur in public
1. Denial & Isolation
go to many different doctors
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
anxiety for 6 mo.; "Free-floating Anxiety"-everything you do makes you anxious
1. Erotomanic
believe famous person is in love w/ you
6. Cyclothymia
from slightly depressed to slightly manic; women are rapid cyclers
5. Acceptance
feel at peace-do not need to talk about it
9. Social Phobia
scared of social situations (public speaking, eating,...)
3. Jealous
suspect significant other is cheating
Anxiety Disorders
fear & anxiety; maladaptive bx which serves to reduce anxiety & discomfort
Dissociative Disorders
identity problems
4. Persecutory
scared other people will persecute you
anorexia nervose
nervous, loss of apetite; targets adolescent females
5. Somatic
think body is defective
2. somatozation disorder
history of nmultiple bague complaints-4pain symptoms-2gastro intestinal-1 sexual-1 psychoneurological
Disturbed emotions
hyper emotional & flat affect=show no emotion but secretly have some
personality disorders
unhealthy personality patterns
bizarre; halucinations; split b/w thoughts/emotions (heavy smoker)
Speech disturbances
"social stigma"
once labeled, you're most likely to experience prejudice & discrimination
shaken baby syndrome
causes brain damage
fall on outskirts of normal curve; not the norm
learning dissorders
study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders
4. resolution
fals belief
13% moms; 10% dads-serious
Criteria for abnormal behavior
1. deviance
2. maladaptive bx
3. personal distress
2. pangs of grief
want dead person back
Diagnostic & Statistical Manual "DSM-IV-TR"
used to diagnose mental disorders; follows medical model-acts like each disorder is a disease
3. conversion
emotional conflicts are converted into symptoms; neurological impairment
"pseudopatients" - claimed to be schitzophrenic; once labeled, bx is thought to be symptoms
glove anesthesia
hand becomes paralyzed b/c of fear, guilt, anxiety
imaginary sensation (most common - auditory)
3. dissociative identity disorder
have 2 or more separate identities-try to fuse intergrate personalities
2. Grandiose
believe you have special ability
toilet training
2 1/2 years
4. Bipolar II
have atleast one episode of HYPOMANIA (4 days slightly elevated mood; no social impairment)
3. apathy/dejection/depression
don't care about small matters
1b. Manic Episode
feel everything is perfect for 1 wk.
people's greatest fear
2. MRI
magnetic field
85% of ideal body weight
2. Dysthmic
mild depression for 2 yrs.; depressed mood becomes normal; won't seek help
1. Hypochondriasis
think they have a terrible disease
3. PET Scan
inject radioactive sugar to cause brain to light up
4. echolalia
repeat things
5. SAD
sad in winter time; Melatonin causes sleepiness
maternity blues
mild depression 80% moms
Stress Vulnerability Model
48% chance identical twins w/ both have schiz.; stress factors increase risk
2. Anger
"Why me?"; angry at world and God
Mood Disorders
1. MDD (Major Depressive Disorder)
2. Dysthymic
3. Bipolar I & II
4. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
5. Cyclothymia
girls 9-12; boys 11-14
1. MDD
2 wks. of depression; 12% women; 8-10% men
benefits of early development (girls)
more acceptance by adults, better peer evaluation, comfortable appearance
1a. Major Depressive Episode
the 2 wks. causes disorder
Sibling rivalry
more affectionate and supportive dad reduces sibling rivalry; prevent favoritism
1. CT Scan
X-ray image
Child abuse
3-14% pop.;1/3 of kids is seriousley injured; abusive moms think kid is purposly trying to annoy them;
3. Bipolar I
have atleast one manic episode
2. dissociative fugue
becomes confused about identity-sudden travel away from home
Causes of schizophrenia
environmental, sexual abuse, violence, heredity, brain chemistry -> too much dopamine
3. Bargaining
begin to pray for their life
Ways to look at brain
1. CT Scan (Commuted Tomography)
2. MRI (Magnetic Resinance Imaging)
3. PET Scan (Positron Emmission Tomography)
1. enuresis
continue to urinate in pants after trained
1. Disorganized
w/ speech, bx; "Hebephrenic"
3. Autism
extreme proccupationw/ own thought,
2. Catatonic
freeze in certain positions; "Waxy Flexibility"-mold them & they will remain there
2. Attention Defficite Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
6% population-difficulty concentrating; more common in boys; prescribe Ritelan>stimulant w/ withdrawal symptoms
4. Undifferentiated
"other" category
1. lamaze method
tell mothers what to expect; train fathers on emotional support
3. Paranoid
most common - delusions of grandeur & persecutory thoughts
due to speech timing mechanism in brain; more common in males
sadness felt from bereavement
4. Depression
scared to lose family & let go of life
physical symptoms but no identifiable cause.
craving or eating non-nurtitive substances
imaginary audience
teens feel they are on stage & everyone is looking at them
loss of a loved one
drawbacks of early development (girls)
have sex sooner, more trouble
1. dyslexia
inability to read and understand; normal intelligence; 15% of school kids
1. shock
feel numb

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