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Hematologic Disorders


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a decreased reation to skin sensitivity test
granulochtes that are less mature than a fullly developed neutrophil
consumption coagulopathy
another term for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, a syndrome characterized by abnormal initiation and acceleration of clotting and simultaneous hemorrhage
the destruciotn of red blood cells
the production of red blood cells
burning sensationof the fingers and toes
measures the iron in plasma, which is also a direct reflection of totao iron stores
the process whereby a clot is dissolbed after tissue repair is completed
smooth, sore, beefy red tongue
the series of reaction that lead to the formation of a platelet and clot wher ther is damage or injury to an area
joint bleeding, swelling and damage
having less pigmentation, refers to erythrocytes
abnormal elevation of the white blood cell count
a decrease in the number of white blood cells
small in size; refers to erythrocytes
a ruddy (dark, flushed) color of the face, hands, feet, ears, and mucous memgranes resulting from the engorgement of distention of blood vessels
abnormal, painful, continuous erection of the penis
shift to the left
describes the increase in immature neutrophils resulting from activation of the bone marrow to produce white blood cells in response to infectious processes
decrease in the mumber of platelets
Why vitamin B12 is important for red blood cell formation?
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia causes the production of abnormally large red blood cells. This deficiency causes the red blood cell to be irregular and oval, rather than the biconcave shape of a normal red blood cell. this shape predisposes the cells to a shorter life span
role of hypoxia in red blood ce4ll (RBC)
hypoxia stimulates the release of the hormone erythropoietin from the kidney and increases bone marrow produciton of RBCs.
The destruction of lod red blood cells occurs as senescent cells decrease their ATP content. Describe what happens to the heme molecule during this phase?
it is converted to bilirubin that is conjugated and excreate as bile.
Jaundice is most likely caused by:
lysis of red blood cells causes retention of iron and other substances including bilirukbin to accumulate in slama. the accumulation of bilirubin causes jaundice.
Which laboratory tests would the nurse look to that best reflects bone marrow production of red blood cells:
the reticulocyte (immature RBC) count is an indicator that new red blood cells are being produced by the bone marrow. an increased in the reticulocyte count is an anemic pt indicates that the bone marrow is responding to the decrease in RBCs.
teach pt to take oral iron preparation with:
take the pill with a drink that contains vitamin C
The pt on an oral iron preparation should be taught to:
expect the stools to turn glack because of the excessive iron that is eliminated/ should dilute the liquid iron preparation and use a straw when taking it/can prevent the constipation by increasing the intake of fluids and fiver/ should return to the clinic if pr's stomach upset worsens with this medicaiton
When admimistering an iron preparation intramusculary:
it should be given deep in the muscle. the site should be in the upper outer quadratn of the buttocks utililzing the Z tract technique. No more than 2 mL of the solution should be administered and the length of the needlel should be 2 to 3 inches. the area should not be massaged after the injection
Red blood cells
Non-nucleated, biconcave, disc-shaped cells also known as erythrocytes; they are the most abundant type of blood cell making up 99% of blood cells; the shape serves to increase the surface area for diffusion of O2
The rroduction red blood cells, also called erythropoiesis, is stimulated by :
tissue hypoxia; the kidneys in response to tissue hypoxia release erythropoietin; this stimulates the red bone marrwo to produce erythrocytes
Maturation of red blood cells requires certain vitamins and minerals;
cyanocobalamin or Vitamin B12 is referred to as the maturation factor; lack of theis vitamin causes the erythrocytes to become larger (megaloblasts), oval, and irregular; this morphologic characteristic causes them to have a shorter lifespan; folic acid (pteroyl glutamci acid)is also required for RBC maturation

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