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Skin Integrity

April 11, 2008


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when charting about drainagefrom wound chart:
amt color odor and consistency
when a wound busts open AND organs come out! eww
Risk for _____ is greatest in the first 48 hours post op.
thicker than serous and contains pus!
unintentional wounds occur
Causes of Hemorrhage:
dislodged clot, slipped suture, or erosion of blood vessel
you can clean wounds with gentle ______?
Treatment of Stage 2
Saline and occlusive dressing
Treatment of stage 3
damp to damp dressing and surgical intervention (keep it clean and moist)
Nurse can press down on potential pressure ulcer...if it stays red (doesnt turn white for a moment)...
You know you have a Stage 1 pressure ulcer.
inflammatory phase lasts...
3-6 days
Shearing is rubbing how many ways?
2 ways
Poor skin turgur is manifested by
Five layers to be aware of when considering pressure ulcers
Epidermis, Dermis, Sub Q, Muscle tissue, and bone
The three phases of wound healing
inflammation, proliferation, and maturation
Maturation phase
day 21- to up to 2 years...collagen is remodeled, would becomes stronger and more like surrounding tissue, and scar formation
Stage 4 pressure ulcer details
tissue necrosis with damage to muscle, bone,, tendons, or joint capsules, full thinkness skin loss, cover with non-adherent dressing
consists primarily of serum
Another name for drainage
Friction is rubbing how many ways?
1 way
Proliferative phase
day 3- day 21, fibroblasts synthesize collagen, capillaries grow across wound, granulation tissue forms
What score is high risk for Braden Scale?
less than 18 is high risk
Skin _____ usually occurs 2-7 days after injury.
after pressure ulcer developement...if redness disappears...?
no damage is done.
Fatty tissue has small amount of _______.
Most common sights for pressure ulcers
sacrum, coccys, calcaneous (heals)
bleeding stops! during inflammatory stage
after pressure ulcer developement...if redness remains...?
damage has been done.
Treatment for Stage 4 PU
Change dressing every 8-12 hours AND may require skin grafts
Skin should be
warm and dry
during the inflammatory phase...what is deposited?
clear and blood tinged drainage
presence of abnormal pathways includes:
sinus tract, tunneling, or undermining (caves)
dehiscence is
when a wound busts open but nothing (organs) come out
People at risk for dehiscence and evisceration
obese, malnourished, infected wounds, excessive coughing, vomitting, straining
Stage 2 P.U. details
Affects epidermis and dermis, partial thickness skin loss, abrasion blister and shallow crater
Skin assessment includes
color, texture, temp, turgur, moisture, sensation, vascularity, presence of lesions...
Good score for braden scale
23 or higher
4 ways that wounds are classified according to how they are acquired...
Clean, clean-contaminated, Contaminated, or dirty or infected..
Reactive hyperemia
is when skin becomes bright red.
fluid and cells that has escaped from the blood vessels during inflammatory process
Way to measure skin risk
Braden Scale
two types of wounds
intentional and unintentional
Pressure ulcers are
the most common type of skin disruption and most preventable
Stage 3 p.u. details
tissue necrosis of Sub Q layer, full thickness skin loss, deep crater
Debribement can include using...
Sharps or enzymes (chemicals)
Other names for pressure ulcers...
decubitous ulcer, pressure sores, or bedsores
This is due to localized ischemia (cut off of blood supply)
cause of pressure ulcers
consists of large amts of RBCs
Types of drains:
penrose, t-tube, jackson-pratt, hemovac, and Wound Vac
Intentional wounds
wound occurs during therapy
Charactoristics of Stage 1 P.U.
affects the epidermis, and non blanchable skin

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