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- Amos
- What prophet was quoted in the Jerusalem council in chapter 15?
- Ephesus
- Which town did Paul preach in which had a great industry of statue and idol makers?
- Matthias
- How was chosen to replace Judas?
- Agrippa
- What king did Paul meet with before going to meet Caesar?
- Malta
- Where was Paul shipwrecked?
- Bar-jesus or Elymas
- Who was struck blind similar to the way Paul was struck blind?
- Peter and John
- Who was brought before the first council of the high priests?
- Lydia
- Who was the "seller of purple" who was converted
- Saul
- Who else went to Antioch and taught for a year with the original disciple that was sent?
- Caesarea
- In what town was the Holy Spirit poured out on the Gentiles?
- Psalm 2
- What Psalm did the believers note when praying for boldness?Why did the Gentiles rage,\nand the peoples plot in vain?\nThe kings of the earth set themselves,\nand the rulers were gathered together,
- abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, things that have been strangled, from blood.
- What were the four things which the Jerusalem Council said the Gentiles needed to keep?
- Antioch
- Where does Paul's discourse with the Jews about their history happen?
- Philip
- Which disciple is first mentioned in preaching the word in Samaria?
- Ananias
- Who did God call to go meet Saul after he had struck him down?
- Ephesus
- Where is Apollos first seen speaking?
- Lystra
- Where was Paul first stoned?
- Philippi
- The conversion of Lydia takes place in what city?
- Ananias and Sapphira
- What couple dropped dead in the sight of the apostles?
- 13
- In what chapter did Saul become known as Paul?
- Amos
- What prophet did Stephen quote in his discourse against his captors?
- Paul's healing of a crippled man.
- What sparked a town wanting to sacrifice oxen to Paul and Barnabas?
- 5
- In what chapter were the apostles first freed from prison by an angel?
- Felix
- What governor kept Paul in prison until he was succeeded?
- A dispute on taking John Mark with them on their journey
- Why did Barnabas and Paul separate?
- No
- Were the disciples punished inthe first council?
- Damascus
- Where was Saul on his way to when he was struck down by the Lord?
- Sceva
- Whose sons were casting out demons in the name of Jesus and Paul?
- Barnabas
- By what name was Joseph the Levite called by the apostles?
- Cornelius
- Who did Peter go to meet after seeing the vision?
- Abraham to the Temple
- How much of Israel's history did Stephen recount in his discourse against his captors?
- Timothy
- What disciple has a mother who was jewish and a father who was greek?
- Corinth
- Where did Paul go after leaving Athens?
- Jerusalem
- Where did Saul go after escaping the city which he first went to after he was struck down by God?
- Jerusalem
- Where was Paul arrested when he claimed his birthright as a Roman citizen?
- Ephesus
- A riot erupt from the followers of Artemis in esponse to Paul's preaching in what cirty?
- Peter
- Dorcas or Tabitha is raised back to life by which apostle?
- Barnabas
- Who did the disciples first send to Antioch?
- Corinth
- Where did Paul first meet Aquila and Priscilla?
- the son of Paul's sister
- Who thwarted the secret plan of the priests to kill Paul?
- Areopagus
- Where was Paul standing in Athens when he preached to them?
- Lowered through a hole in the wall
- How did Saul escape from Damascus?
- Distribute food to the widows, the Hellenists and the Hebrews
- What were Stephen and the other 6 men chosen to do in chapter 6? And who was the original dispute between?
- Paul cast a demon out of a slave girl who was a fortune teller
- Why were Paul and Silas thrown in prison?
- Exodus to Jesus
- How much of Israel's history does Paul recount in chapter 13?
- Lystra
- In what town did the crowd want to sacrfice oxen to Paul an Barnabas
- Gamaliel
- What is the name of the high priest who said "keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail"
- Saul's persecution of the church
- What pushed the disciples to go to Samaria?
- James the brother of John
- Who was killed by a sword in Acts 12
- Freedmen
- What was the name of the synagogue which the men who captured Stephen from?
- The Saduccees
- Who had the disciples arrested and brought before the council the first time?
- James the brother of Jesus
- Who quoted from the prophet at the Jerusalem council?
- Joel
- What prophet does Peter quote at Pentecost? "And in the last days it shall be, God declares,\n\nthat I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,\n\nand your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,"
- Lame Beggar
- What was the first healing in Acts?
- Rome
- Where was Paul going when he was shipwrecked?
- Joppa, the house of Simon the Tanner
- Where was Peter staying when he received a vision from God which said "What God has made clean, do not call common"
- Philip the evangelist
- Who did Paul stay with who had four unmarried prophesying daughters?
- Macedonia
- What city was calling for Paul in a vision he had?
- Akeldama "Field of Blood"
- What did they name the field which Judas fell headlong in?
- Beautiful Gate
- Where did the first healing in Acts take place?
- Malta
- Where was Paul bitten by the snake?
- "he did not give God the glory"
- Why was Herod the king struck down by an angel of the Lord?
- Eutychus
- What was the name of the young man who Paul raised from the dead?
- Aeneas
- Who did Peter heal at Lydda?
- Isaiah 53
- What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading when Philip met him?
- Thessalonica
- In what city was the house of Jason attacked?