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Noble people of Egypt
What are nomes?
The Epic of Gilgamesh
What is the 1st epic recorded?
One god
What does monotheism mean?
Who created the most powerful empire?
What was the 1st dynasty in China?
One family ruling for a long period of time
What is a dynasty?
Weneg; The son of Re (Re = the sun god)
When one became pharaoh, he was considered what god?
Re's daughter
What is Ma'at?
The Napoleon of Egypt
What was Thutmose III's nickname?
Seth Binzer. Mmm mmm MMM.
Who is the hottest dude alive?
-?Hi. I have no clue.?-
Okay, we're talking the 17th or 16th century. Who were the nomads that moved into India/Asia Minor.
When church & state are one.
What is a theocracy?
Cyrus the Great
Who was the first great Persian emperor?
Rigid class system
What's a caste system?
The book of the dead
What's the name of the egyptian religion book?
between the rivers (Tigris & Euphrates)
What does Mesopotamia mean?
Who had the trading civilization on Crete?
A+++ Uhhhh huh.
What grade are we gonna get on this test?
-The phoenicians, I think?-
Who had the trading civilization on what is now Lebanon?
What was the religion of the Persian empire?
Zionism, Hinduism, Buddhism
Name two of the three religions.
What is Sumer's writing?
When one city dominates an area
What's a city-state?
Who created the world's 1st empire?
In Chaldean empires, who was the leader that made the hanging gardens?
No rules.
What does anarchy mean?
any person who uses power or authority to oppress others
Define pharaoh.
Ramses II
Who was the leader of Egypt at the battle of the Cadish?
David & Salomon's kingdom in Israel?
Political divisions of the Persian empire
What are satrapies?
Central government/Land is divided to nobles/Nobles provide to king
What is feudalism?
Re (the sun god)
Who is the supreme god in Egyptian religion?
an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached
Define civilization
Egyptian writing was called...?
Many cultures under one government
What is an empire?
Ka lived in the body of the person until death, and then they lived in the tomb with the body
What does Ka mean?
Who founded the 1st Egyptian dynasty?
It was where the first pyramid was built.
What is significant about Saqqara?
Egyptian Goddess of Magic and Life
Who is Isis?
Who built the first pyramid?
What were Ninovah's people?
1st civilization in Mesopotamia?
Who was the ruler of Babylon?
The Hyksos -i think-
Who were the first people to rule Egypt?
Who made the 1st civilization on the Indus river?
What is a cataract?
a stepped temple
Define ziggurat
Osiris; God of the underworld
Upon death, the pharaoh is considered what god?

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