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Energy Resources Vocabulary

Vocabulary for Energy Resources


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Geothermal Energy
the energy produced by heat within Earth
the process of recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap; the process of reusing some items
Nuclear Fusion
the process by which nuclei of small atoms combine to form new, more massive nuclei; the process releases energy
Hydroelectric Energy
electrical energy produced by the flow of water
Nonrenewable Energy
energy using nonrenewable resources
the ability to do work.
Renewable Energy
energy using renewable resources
a mineral deposit within a rock formation
the preservation and wise use of natural resources
Solar Energy
the energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation
Fossil Fuel
a nonrenewable energy resource formed from the remains of organisms that lived long ago; examples include oil, coal, and natural gas
a mineral, rock, or organic material that can be used as jewelry or an ornament when it is cut and polished
plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source
Nuclear Fission
the process by which the nucleus of a heavy atom splits into two or more fragments; the process releases neutrons and energy
Placer deposit
a deposit that contains a valuable mineral that has been concentrated by mechanical action
natural materials used for human purposes
Nonrenewable resource
a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate at which it is consumed
Wind Energy
energy created from the movement of air over Earth's surface when air pressure differences are caused by the sun's uneven heating of Earth's surface
returning land to its original condition after using for mining, forestry, or for other uses
a natural material whose concentration of economically valuable minerals is high enough for the material to be mined profitably
Renewable Resource
a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed

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